Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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As implied, I'm gonna not respond to @Eviledd1984 just yet, since his character doesn't appear to have been accepted as part of the game at this point in time. I'd actually like @Major Ursa to confirm or deny whether Bow the Spider is a thing or not, maybe Edd's talked it over with him privately and not put the character in his Characters post yet or something? As far as I'm concerned,

...oh hey, we don't have any ghost characters yet, do we? I should totally make one who's just that exact meme. And by "I", I mean "anybody who wants to do it before I decide to do it".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Oh sorry i will deleted my post and wait until he is accepted....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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@Eviledd1984Your character was accepted, but it was much after the editing of the CS to make the character suitable to the setting. That being said, I thought I saw the post a bit earlier, and it seemed a bit out of place at the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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...oh hey, we don't have any ghost characters yet, do we? I should totally make one who's just that exact meme. And by "I", I mean "anybody who wants to do it before I decide to do it".

I have something as close to a ghost character as i dared to get. Shadow!!!! *cackles* He does similar 'ghosting' what with the being able to turn himself into shadows and whatnot. So if you do make a ghost character, Shadow would totally want to be buds. Knowing this little demon spawn, he would totally smooch a ghost.. with his tongue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Draconequis Well now I have to make a ghost character, don't I? Alright, let's go.

And his fight status is...
-Mini Boss Battle/Genocide Mini Boss/Hard Mode Mini Boss
-Mini Plot

EDIT: Oh, you know what we've forgotten for all of our characters? Theme music. And appropriate battle music, of course. Let me just...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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now i am going back to all of my monsters and adding in some theme music XD. thanks a lot jerk, now i'm going to be on youtube forever

Putting theme music on my human too, because i said so :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Major Ursa

Right sorry i thought i was accepted and wanted to make my intro post so i would not be left behind...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Draconequis "actually its eeeeeeeeeeee theres twelve es not fifteen es and a flail my name has nothing to do with flailing blah blah blah ghost blah blah blah blah prince of all blah blah spooky blah this is my swamp blah blah blah skeleton forehead also i am looking forward to your theme music"

By the by, folks, I hope you don't mind me plugging a friend's game here, but I feel that A Small Adventure is not getting anything like as much attention as it deserves. The concept is basically "fantasy world, but you're insects instead of being a normal fantasy race"; the guy running it is very creative, and so far as I'm concerned pretty good at GMing stuff. If you'd rather I not have this game plug here, I'll get rid of it, but I just wanted to bring attention to it before it gets completely abandoned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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@Eviledd1984Well, Uh, you can edit your intropost back in now.

I mean, essepeteded. Edit post for that character into a previous post, please.

Also, how many people have yet to intropost...Ogobrogo dropped this, so...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Major Ursa Donezo. By the by, do you have any plans to implement theme songs and battle themes into the character sheets as suggested? For reference, I'm assuming a human's battle theme is basically the "music their player hears" when they're fighting normal mooks, whilst a monster's theme is the music that plays in their presence, and their battle theme their (mini) boss battle music. Don't know about a human's normal theme, but let's say that's their uh... game, menu, music, or whatever. It plays in whatever situations Frisk's leitmotif would, is what I'm saying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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@Major Ursa

@Vesuvius00 and @Lolita Complex have yet to make their intro posts...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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@BCTheEntityI approve! Just note that the monster's theme music stops playing when they are truly frightened or other such feelings, which is usually in a genocide route.

@Guardian Angel HarukiThank you for letting me know! I'll wait a day longer before moving this thing forward!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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i feel like Shrub can just change his theme music whenever he feels like it, and would probably make mistakes and keep using the wrong music, so he is free game for pretty much anything. XD Let me know if you think of something better.

As for the others? Everyone except for Xaria has a theme and battle theme. (and multiple ones depending on how they are encountered :D)

this was waaay too much fun and wasted waay too much time XD

I may have used video game soundtracks for their themes. So let me know what you think ^.^

oh and i am a firm believer Megalovania is Chara's theme :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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@Major Ursa if Ogobrogo dropped this, Xaria is essentially talking to someone who cannot respond. XD

may i.. pretend like he's dead? Xaria would essentially loot his body, take his stuff and go (essentially all she would grab is his multi tool)

only if that's okay with you though. Otherwize, i am going to edit my post and make it seem like Xaria woke up all alone, pr still pretend he's dead and not have her loot the body. ^.^
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Draconequis Seems legit. Maybe Shrubmarine uses the themes of random other monsters in his fast travel sequences. Battle music... well, that's not exactly important, is it, ahaha... ahem. I will say, though, that if Amarante and Shadow always appear together in a fight, they could just share their theme music. If not, then I'd presume Amarante's takes precedence when they are fighting together.

@Ogobrogo Hey, uh... did you disappear? We need y'all to post as your character, bruh. Come on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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If they do appear together in a fight i was thinking a sort of mashup of both of their basic/normal fight themes. If one of them is killed, it will immediately reset the fight as a 1 v 1 boss battle. Unless you think that sounds like too much T.T hardmode shadow is scary.

Honestly, it depends on what happens/how a character acts if i will have both of them attack at once or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Ogobrogo's characters are now adoptable.
*waggles eyebrows*
Or otherwise will be NPCed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Draconequis I mean, if Amarante and/or Shadow can be encountered on their own, then whatever works for you. I'd just recommend that they nominally be encountered together under Amarante's theme, since she's the master figure in that relationship.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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eeh, you know what, yeah. Amarante's theme will take over if they are together. Its a lot simpler than finding a mash up of those two songs anyways XD.

i will put this in their bios ^>^
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Draconequis Alrighty, that makes things much easier to account for. And for the record, I would recommend giving your human character a leitmotif and battle theme, just for the sake of completeness or what have you.

EDIT: Okay, so I updated Eeeeeeeeeeee's character sheet to account for how his Genocide fight is relatively tougher than his normal fight. The Hard Mode fight probably doesn't have the super cereal music unless it's also Genocidal in nature, though it will be proportionately harder due to him being even more of a chatterbox. Please confirm that this is alright, @Major Ursa.
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