"Maybe" Aura said, giving him a kiss. "I don't want us to get too competitive with our own family. Not just yet. However, if we have a girl, she'll almost certainly 'out-cute' any boy."
Larek took the washed fruit and crushed it using a mortar and bowl. Then he got some water and sugar, and put them into the bowl with the fruit. "Nyx, could you get some water boiling? I've got a few more things to mix."
"We're not done yet" Kos said, giving her a little bite on the neck. "It feels good to indulge those ancient instincts. You're my dragoness, and I'll keep you safe in my territory. We'll have, love, mate, thrive, grow. We're strong, well-fed, safe, and we have each other" he told Sasha, hugging her.
"Some tea" Orna replied, getting some tea bags out.