Name: Lillianna Ratcliff

Alias: Lily

Age: 26


Personality: Bubbly and upbeat and rather overconfident. Lily has a habit of getting herself into things she can’t handle. Her big mouth tends to get her into trouble and despite her small size, she can hold her own in a physical fight… however she doesn’t quite have a grip on her emotions. She wears everything on her sleeve and you can always tell what mood she’s in. Despite her emotions, she can talk herself down from almost any situation when she starts to feel negative, and negativity doesn’t last long with her. Though… she does have a habit of falling into “I got this… I got this---oh shit I don’t got this!” traps.

Bio: Lily grew up in the city, her mother was a model and her father was a high powered lawyer. Everything was handed to her and she never had to work a day in her life. This caused Lily to feel more comfortable than anything else with walking around the streets of Los Angeles and wasn’t afraid to show an arrogant ‘know it all’ side of herself because… well she knew a good amount of it. That was until her father called her and said “Pa Ratcliff wants you to come visit the farm.” And from there she was shipped out to Louisville Alabama. Pa’s land stretched over three hundred acres with a mix of forestry, farm land and a large pond area and he greeted his granddaughter with excited open arms and a bombshell of news. He’s dying and he wants to leave the farm to her.

Now it’s Lily’s job to learn how to manage a farm, raise and sell the goodies and create a new life her in this small town of 8,000 where almost everyone knows everyone else. Or should we say 8,001.

Pa’s House