So... getting a post up is not as likely as I thought it would be. I honestly have no idea when I will be able to post again, apparently finishing school doesn't free you up, if just gives you a bunch of other shit to take care of. I don't even have a steady job yet so...
I am not dropping out, but I honestly have no idea when I can post again. In basics, if possible please don't let me hold things up. If I can I can do odds and ends to help things along, I just don't have time for full posts or decent ones. Or time to catch up. SOrry about that.
I am not dropping out, but I honestly have no idea when I can post again. In basics, if possible please don't let me hold things up. If I can I can do odds and ends to help things along, I just don't have time for full posts or decent ones. Or time to catch up. SOrry about that.