This has alot of aggressive individual people hehe I think Keith might be the weakest guy in the room lol
keith is definatly not the weakest one, I can tell you that. ( im back work ended early tonight) i'll wait until there are a few more post up before Ceres comes in action
Working on a post now- was thinking of hosting a dinner party after Leval goes out exploring a little. Leval's gonna teach cooking to Red and Shela! Any interest for others in the event?
Also @Fenfeir Leval is actually probably the best person to talk to regarding pain during regen- he wouldn't be able to quite yet but it shouldn't be a very long wait for him to be able to numb the pain of regen
@EurmalEye Oh, about that maze, I'll tell you the possible directions and you pick and walk down one then I'll give you the results. Be very careful, the maze is EXTREMELY dangerous. Good luck.
@Fenfeir I dont't really have enough to post at the moment but Leval would keep walk forward, he is currently unaware of the danger, and say "yeah sure" Feel free to add that to your post and keep going