@MangraleHelena now looked up at Cecilia.
"You think I don't want to be your friend after this?" she asked, shocked and yet relieved. So that meant Cecilia still wanted to be friends, right?
"Look, my powers aren't what define me. I like transforming and all when it makes sense, but other than that it's not who I truly am. Kind of like playing a sport, you enjoy it, but it's not always what defines you." Again, she paused to think about what she wanted to say.
"Maybe when I get my transformations down they won't be so creepy, but until then I'll give you a heads up, alright?" Helena didn't mind holding back transformations for a bit, she usually didn't do a full body morph unless really needed. Heck, Cecilia didn't get scared when she only transformed her hand, right? Maybe she needed to introduce Cecilia to morphing slower.
"I accept your apology, so we're still friends, right?"