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Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
15 days ago
Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
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Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
1 yr ago


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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She shook her head, moving toward the door. "Nothing. Can we just get out of this place?"

She was worried about the kids. The alarm from the wolves had been too strong for a normal droid attack or something of the like. Something was very wrong to the animals, and Kissimi didn't like it one bit.

Pira and Chase Jackson

"She's out getting supplies. She'll be back later," Chase replied.

Kissimi rolled her eyes. Jedi are so attached to their weapons. Such a shame. She thought. And as if I would rat you out. I need you.

"I won't," was all she said.

She had to admit to herself, she was impressed with the fight that was left in the Jedi. But another spark of alarm from both her wolves sent her collapsing to the floor. STOP THAT! She didn't know if the wolves would get her message. She picked herself up, dusting herself off.

"Stupid wolves," She muttered.

Pira and Chase Jackson

Chase shook his head, though he recognized the name from his lessons. "No. Sorry."

Kissimi stood quickly, her hand going to her lightsaber. She glanced at Megara. But said nothing for a moment, feeling a spark of alarm from her wolf. She shook her head to dismiss it.

"Forget your lightsaber. We'd both rather your life," She responded.

Chase and Pira Jackson

The white wolf snarled, and Chase approached the wolf. He stayed behind the wolf. By now, Pira and the brown wolf came up beside Chase. Pira knew enough to let Chase do the talking. He was older, so he knew a bit more than she did. He scowled.

"Who are you?" Chase asked, his voice shaking.

After a few moments of silence, Kissimi approached the Jedi, kneeling at her side. She didn't speak for another couple moments as she studied the other.

"My name is Kissimi. I was sent to help you," She replied, glancing at the door.

If that door opens, I'll have to fight. I don't want to, but I might have to. Worst comes to worst, She told herself, knowing how bad it would be if she accidentally got her lightsabers switched up. She still had the dual purple lightsaber from Master Windu, but didn't want to risk using her red instead. It was a matter of deception, that would be the issues.

Chase and Pira Jackson

Chase was startled as the white wolf suddenly walked away from him and began sniffing around. The wolf knew something was off, but either didn't or couldn't share with the boy. He glanced at Pira, who hadn't noticed anything was wrong. It was up to him and the white wolf to figure out what was wrong; the brown wolf was distracting Pira still.

Kissimi slipped inside, smirking at how lazy the hunters were. She followed the Force, letting it lead her to where the Jedi was being held. She studied the room, checked how guarded it was, then slid inside, keeping quiet. Hunters are getting lazy, She thought to herself, smiling as she studied the Jedi. Interesting. Looks like she's been here for a while. She noted silently, moving into the shadows and using the force to unchain the Jedi, careful not to let the other fall too hard. Her only problem now was escape. That would be difficult, but she might get to fight.

Chase and Pira Jackson

Chase stroked the head of the white wolf, while his sister engaged in a staring contest with the brown wolf. He found the wolves odd but did not share this belief with Pira. Pira, however, found the wolves to be wonderful. She was too young to understand how dangerous the creatures were, and Chase envied that. He watched as repair droids went about the ship, fixing and sprucing it up from the inside out. The wait felt like hours, and it perhaps had been hours. He had no real sense of time.

Kissimi paused, having heard the hunter's words. She checked on her lightsaber- still where it was- then turned and followed them. If she got caught, she'd make up an excuse, but if she wasn't caught, well, she'd get in, rack up a few kills, and get some rapport with a Jedi. Not bad, K. Not bad, She smiled to herself. She hoped the Jedi would survive, and that she could keep from needing the help of her wolves. But they'll come the moment they think I'm in trouble. That's bad. Unless the kids keep them entertained.
Kissimi, Chase and Pira Jackson

Kissimi knew her wolves were getting the messages too, but she would be forced to delay a rescue attempt. Survive, was her only response before reaching the young Jedis' ship. She waited quietly, then was met with the two children. Few words far from a brief introduction were shared before Kissimi got straight to the point.

"Listen, young ones. My friend was captured by bounty hunters. You two are going to stay here with my wolves. Get something to eat, rest. I'll be a few hours. You will always be safe with my friends," She told them.

Both children nodded, understanding Kissimi's reasoning for keeping her words brief and to the point. Kissimi left the wolves with the two young and began her search. She'd seen the building described before but knew very little of the schematics. Her only advantage was being an unknown player in the game, known only to the Jedi Knight. The kids must be here for whoever the Jedi is. They think I'm who they were sent to meet. I need to play into that. The Jedi cannot know, She thought to herself as she wove through the crowded streets. Since the early morning crowd had died down, she was much more exposed than she would have liked, and her purple lightsaber was visible if anybody passed too close. She wanted to get caught. Getting caught often meant getting in. Just like the wolves taught you, K. Just like the wolves taught you.
Chase and Pira Jackson

As their ship neared the planet, both of the children knew something was off. Chase glanced at Pira, knowing that the Jedi Master they were sent to meet might not take too kindly to ending up with two Padawans. Pira caught her brother's eye and grabbed his hand, her nerves displayed in her expression of fear and excitement. This was new for both of them, and they both shared each other's feeling that something was wrong.


Kissimi frowned as her wolves appeared to hear something. She knew they had some sense in the Force, and then she noticed it too. A third presence, very clearly Jedi. Weakened Jedi. Could be useful. Probably caught by hunters. I could collect the kids and help the Jedi. Maybe I'd get some favor from the Temple too, She thought, glancing around before moving towards where the young Jedi ship was heading, wolves at her heels. We're coming.
Welcome! If you're looking for Star Wars, I have a few characters in that fandom. ;)
Hmm... that would make things rather interesting... sure!
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