Avatar of 4323O2


Recent Statuses

14 days ago
Current Pretend this is actually something cool that I have to say.
14 days ago
Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
29 days ago
Building a guide to engaging roleplay! Need people to interview. If you want to, PM me! Input would be a great help! :)
1 yr ago


⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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Banned because
"She said not to contact her. She'd contact us, now let me read," Chase sighed. He was more interested in his book than any sort of conversation. The cover read A Young Boy's Guide to Trouble, which he seemed to be rather invested come to think of it.
"Impressive. You're clear for flight," The droid confirmed after a few moments of suspenseful silence. Relief flew across the pilot's face. He manuvered to a point where he could watch the droid ships before standing and not glancing at Bane as he went to try and fix the shields. "Jackson! Keep your Republic friend entertained, will you?" The pilot called.

Chase Jackson

"Sure," Chase called back, though he didn't sound very sure; he sounded more distracted than interested in "entertaining his Republic friend," which he was sure meant Bane. He was laying on his bed, reading a book.
Banned for banning two people. Post sniping is my job. Like Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater. (anybody?)
Double banning you.

1. Banned for adding a new part but it's so- yeah, read it and see XD
2. Banned for not having a cheesecake pfp and being obsessed with cheesecake.
You're good.

I mean, if you want to. I can think of something but it might take me longer.
Banned for answering my question.
The pilot held up a hand for silence as a droid-like voice spoke over the ship's comms. "Republic ship. Identify yourself or be destroyed." The pilot frowned. Well, how am I supposed to do that when we're clearly Republic. They'll destroy us anyway. He thought for a moment then find a response to use. "We're just passing through. Sorry about the Republic codes, uh, we stole this from a Jedi," He lied, shaking his head when there was only silence for a long moment.
The pilot nodded. "Where are we headed?" He asked, guiding the ship through the already-closing bay doors and into the air. The port's turrets fired, but the pilot wasn't half bad and easily avoided getting shot down, even though the shields took a hit. "Great. Of course, I got the ship with crappy shields," He muttered.
Chase Jackson

Chase gave Bane a rather impolite look that will not be translated, then turned and called for the pilot to get them out of there, getting rather angry when the pilot first refused. The pilot gave in pretty quickly after that, not wanting to get in too much trouble with the child though his angry muttering could be heard over the engines as they took off.
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