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Statuses are sometimes the most relatable things ever- until they talk about kneecaps
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 432302

My name is Bailey, Agent, Trip or 43. I am versatile in roleplay topics, though I prefer to do almost anything in the fantasy realm. I'd be willing to rp with anybody, as long as you have enough patience to deal with my awkward personality and sometimes poor grammar. My PMs are open to discussing rps.

Please note that I have not existed or roleplayed for almost half a year so I will be struggling for a little while until I pick my abilities back up! I will try my best, so feel free to PM me as said above!

I talk too much sometimes, sorry

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The droid remained silent as it sedated her, putting the needle in her shoulder.

Chase Jackson

"I wanted to show you something," He answered, his hand closing around the info drive. This better not just get me in trouble.
The droid nodded then went to do just that. It wouldn't be very long, but it was for the better. The droid's programming would not allow it to risk any living beings' life.

Chase Jackson

Chase took only a moment to find Bane. He wanted to share his findings with Bane, mostly because he wanted to get Bane's opinion before taking the recording to Megara or any higher in the Republic. Pira won't be happy with me, but she'll forgive me. This recording proves everything.
Banned for being a moron.
"She's in no condition to be in charge. It would be best to sedate her, or I worry she might not make it," The droid didn't sound very worried, but then again- it was a droid.

Kissimi Cresis

Kissimi sighed. "Both of you discuss this somewhere else," She ordered. She knew the droid would obey- it did-, but if Bane didn't, then she'd probably just have to Force him out. She needed silence, and she wasn't getting it.
Kissimi Cresis

Kissimi shot him a glare but didn't respond otherwise. She was more focused on making it out of the atmosphere. She needed silence at the moment.
"Her condition is highly unstable. It may be a better option to sedate her as well before her body destroys itself," The droid answered.
Kissimi Cresis

Kissimi nodded to the wolf then returned to her own ship, knowing the children were already there and the wolves would follow her direction. The brown wolf carried Megara into the ship and into the small infirmary the medical droid- which was by far surprising to the children, at least- had set up for the white wolf, and now Megara as well. Kissimi went to the cockpit and attempted to get into the air, but a voice over the ship's comm system made her freeze.

"Now, where do you think you're going, Jedi?"

She flicked the comms on, a response already in her mind. "Where do you think? You know the droids planned to inspect the yard." She didn't deny the accusation of being a Jedi, considering that doing so would probably trip up the scrapper and at least buy her a little time. Of course, that meant getting turned in, but that was a fight for later.

"I swear to the lord if you're lying to me- fine! Just go before I get in trouble!"

"As always, my friend, as always. Now disable the sentries so I can get out of here alive."

"Right, right."

With that, Kissimi sighed and switched to the frequency that matched the one currently on her wrist transmitter. She got the ship into the air, not bothering to do a quick role-call since she knew everybody would be there. If she forgot somebody, they'd just have to deal with it.

"Medical transport, this is Kissimi Cresis from the Andromeda. We're headed your way now," She switched off comms so she could keep power to the shields; the Andromeda was an older model but a good ship, even if the ship couldn't handle having too many systems running at the same time.

She debated calling back to check on the medical droid, but the droid meandered its way into the cockpit. It reported to her that White was in stable condition but sedated so the wolf didn't overexert herself.

Chase and Pira Jackson

Meanwhile on the ship... the two siblings explored the Andromeda. Well, Chase explored and Pira tried to get him to stop snooping around. But Pira quickly lost track of her brother and sighed, going to the med bay to try to help. She was unaware that Chase was going back through Kissimi's previous transmissions from the ship to try to find something incriminating. The boy didn't trust Kissimi one bit, not since he'd felt the presence of the red lightsaber.

This distrust led him to a strange recording, that Kissimi probably wasn't aware had even been saved. He turned the volume down and listened to the conversation, but he could only see the person who Kissimi had been speaking to and hear both of them. He quickly turned it off and copied the recording onto a spare info drive he kept handy for his private files- not that he had many, mind you.
Banned because why?
Kissimi Cresis and Pira Jackson

"It's a fair trade, Shade," She sighed and flicked her wrist. The brown wolf appeared beside her and padded over to Bane and Megara. "Brown can carry her, much simpler for all of us. Pira, get your brother and we need to go. Now," She spoke with a commanding but not harsh tone.

Pira obeyed, not too surprisingly, and ran off to find Chase.
Kissimi, Pira Jackson

"You know there are two ships landed here right now, right? Can't we just use the Andromeda?" Pira finally spoke up.

Kissimi fiddled with her transmitter, trying to find an unjammed channel. She found one, and it just so happened to be the same frequency the medical transport was using. "Master Shade, do you copy? Bane, do you copy? Please respond." Kissimi smiled and responded for them, "This is Padawan," she said the word Padawan with an obvious annoyance at being forced to act as if her master was still her master. To her, Window was dead, and she was just a Jedi, not a knight, just a Jedi, "Kissimi Cresis for Master Shade. I take it you found us alright?"

There was a lighthearted chuckle from the other side that faded quickly. "We did. But the sentry guns are keeping us in the air. Do you have means of access to a ship?"

"Yeah. Get a dock ready."

"Will do."
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