Avatar of A Lowly Wretch


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Walter Ozwyrd

Day 1 Time: Dusk/Evening Weather: Light Rain Location: Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom Participants: Basically anybody at the ballroom.

"Roooight, where'd I leave it?

Walter dug through the chest containing his belongings along with other stuff he held onto. Old pipes, nails, sand, all sorts of things were in this disheveled grab-bag of a chest. "Aha!" He exclaimed, producing one of his school books which was a compendium of chemical formulas. Being new to this place he needed to make the most of his time if he was going to get any good deals struck. With the power to turn any liquid into any other liquid he's seen before it made sense to try and find every liquid that's been made. Like a magnetism manipulator carrying metal things it just made plain sense to do.

Top it off with other classes demanding his time and attention as well as his many side projects and this kid was spread thinner than a somatic that can turn into paper. Shuffling the books into his capacious backpack he hooked a spray bottle on his belt and went up to a dorm mirror that was laying around. They were told to dress up for the occasion but truth be told outside of his school uniform his good clothes were but one of the few sets of clothes he actually had. Anytime he wasn't in his school regalia he was in what was ostensibly his finest garments. As such it was hardly surprising that this set was a bit worn. He'd even had to reinforce a seam one month back.

"Hmm, let's see: books? Check. Spray bottle? Check. Ink Pen? Check. Spare cups? Check. Folding table? Check. Tips jar? Check. Water refills..." He looked over to a couple large sealed jugs of water, tethered together with fabric that's been fashioned with a makeshift handle as they sat next to his feet. "Check. What else I'm I missing? Hmm." He pondered before remembering a specific quality of this particular ball.

"Right! A mask. Probably ought to get m'self one lest I fail to meet the dress code 'gain." He snapped his fingers in a eureka moment of realization before looking once more through his box of stuff. He had some old rags he could fashion into something. Taking one just long enough to wrap around his head he cut out a couple holes using the sharp edge of his metal ink pen before dipping the cloth into a cup of water he had sat upon a nightstand. Changing the water into ink he dyed the cloth black. All that was left was to let it dry a bit before he threw it on, checking out his handiwork in the mirror.

"Hm, rather roguish, Heheheh." He chuckled, looking out at the manic-haired young gremlin staring back at him with those dark greyish blue eyes of his. The look reminded him more of a raccoon's color patterning than that of a rogue's mask. Perhaps there was some room for overlap in that field but given his overall apparel his look was more the former than the latter.

"Eh, people ain't gonna be shopping for my looks. Drinks sell, don't matter how upscale the venue. I'll just end up selling more champaign and less whiskey is all."

With enough self monologuing he picked up his spare jugs of water and set forth, floating out from the windows despite warnings from the staff not to do it. He knew he wasn't supposed to but any rule without a sufficiently discouraging punishment was essentially a suggestion and when it came to suggestions like those Walter would kindly suggest that folks not stick their noses too far in each other's business. Money waited for no-one, especially not busy-bodies.

As he left the dorms he checked out the gutters he had rigged to send the rain water down into his rain barrels he had set up. From the looks of the weather it was going to be a fairly hearty crop. The way he saw it it was like free money raining from the clouds above. Everybody would just let it go to waste on the floor but himself? All that sweet sweet water was all there for the taking. He checked the setup, giving the rain barrel a hearty pat on the wooden rim before continuing on his busy way.

Of course he walked most of the way, flying was just about as sluggish given his equipment weight and took perhaps even more effort than it took to just walk. Using vitesse was exhausting, at least for most things non-liquid related. It was funny, he could change an entire swimming pool into mustard and it'd be not only easier but way faster than moving a barrel of water twenty feet off the ground using his flight.

'Course it seemed everybody and anybody was already there ahead of him, or so it seemed.

"Hello 'erybody! Special occasion so for this evening only drinks are free!" He announced with chipper charm as he squirreled past the many students standing around chatting so he could find a corner of the ballroom to set up in, at least when they were allowed to enter that is.

"I'm happy to take special requests and if you got a sample of a drink you want I can certainly duplicate it for 'ya. Don't forget to tip your friendly serving staff and yours truly."

For others? A time to enjoy the luxuries. For Walter? The grind never quits.
Made up a relation list for Walter, based largely on about a week's worth of impressions or so. More of a surface impression than anything too deep.

If there was a tournament I genuinely don't know what Lhoren's offensive options would be against anyone lol

Maybe she could buy a magitech pneumatic bean-bag cannon and use telepathy to figure out which way they're going to dodge.
Walter Ozwyrd

Despite his pinchable cheeks and boyish charms, this first year from the House of Harold has a knack for shady business; he won't hesitate to turn your Ale into liquid gold, so keep a close eye on him — you've been warned.

<Snipped quote by McKennaJ71>

I asked Aeolian about how she makes these very difficult decisions on who to choose. She kindly showed me the selection process.

If it really were RNG based I'd never make the cut. My luck stat was a dump stat.
Looking forward to the 'morrow to see who else makes the roster in this exciting new story.
I've edited Walter's weaknesses in line with Ti's suggestions to help further balance his overwhelmingly massive power so he doesn't completely overshadow the other students.


I jest of course. It's just an alteration to help flesh out the gift further.
I have returned with a cs! Hopefully he meets the muster of an approvable character.

Ah, in that case I shall make it known that I am working on a CS currently. I shall attempt to have it posted by the earliest.

What words they had traded she shared not with the others, not yet at least. Wu Long had a plan and it seemed it was now set in motion. For now however she needed to keep those in her charge alive for the time being.


When the cold crept over them it didn't take a genius to put two and two together.

"It seems the hidden are being followed and the followers are also followed." Her eyes glanced conspiratorially over to the rest of the students still together.

"Those of us who are knowledgeable in moving unnoticed should follow the one who follows the followers, with stealth of course. The rest of us will follow you few, distantly but not so much so that we are unable to help should the ones we follow catch you following."

She glanced back and forth across the rest of the crew to see what they made of this plan. It wasn't a safe choice but she gathered it was extremely unlikely for these ones to opt for the safer choice here.

Even still, this far along into the brewing dispute of global powers over this territory the time for proactivity was nigh. If they didn't act now they would be acted upon instead.

Caution favors the strong and they were anything but.

Involved - @dragonpiece,@Force and Fury,@YummyYummy,@pantothenic,@McKennaJ71,@Ti.
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