This is the closest I've ever felt to living an actual zombie apocalypse. The entire game feels really tense because of just how average your character is.
I use this map whenever I'm planning on leaving my home to do some looting.
The map, amusingly enough, seems to zoom right up on the house I'm living in atm, which I found odd.
My home is almost smack-dab in the center of that long stretch of blue dots in the center of the map. I'm located in a house across a field from a church, and across the street between a Big Urban Warehouse and Small Warehouse and a long wooden fence, in a brown brick two story home with dark blue roof tiles. If you zoom in close enough you'll see a set of pink drapes in one of the second story windows. There's a Convenience Store slightly up and to the right of the house across the street. You can try to find it if you want.
If you zoom out and look quite a way up to the North West of my house, you'll see a Cabin in the Western Woods with a Well.
That's where I'm eventually going to have to reach.
That's at least two full days of walking.