Avatar of Akayaofthemoon


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@The Goblin King

Sorry this took so long! Here are the two profiles.

@The Goblin King@AjaxNightshade

I think you guys are posting in the wrong section. Just as a heads up.
Well, with the possibility of other tribes, elemental dangers, survival, and exploration of new areas. It should keep us on our toes but that is just how I view it. It should be pretty safe bet that it will be far from dull.
@The Goblin King

Awesome! Can’t wait to see it! :)

Perfect! I guess I will get to work on a profile. I have no clue what role I will go for yet but we shall see lol

Thanks for a heads up on the role you might take. Looking forward to seeing him!
@The Goblin King

Oh a map would be interesting! Maybe we could add in nearby tribes but maybe that will come later? Either way, it would be nice to have a reference of the area. That way Seekers could agree upon spots and locations of certain items?
@The Goblin King

Sounds good ^-^

I know some GMs have a set of rules like how many paragraphs or posting speed. I am completely game with winging it but I try my best to work with my GM and try to stick to their rules or leave before I get in too deep if there are rules that I don’t agree with and all.

Profile looks great to me! Any type of images you prefer if we do one? Or is it feel range?
@The Goblin King

Sounds great! I would love to see a character sheet and maybe even some guidelines that you as a GM expect of us.
Seems interesting! I’ll keep an eye on this one :)
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