Favorite Color: Carolina blue
Favorite Animal: Alligator snapping turtle
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Element: Earth
Favorite Time of Day: Morning
Favorite Show/Movie/Game/Books: Show: Supernatural
Movie: Lucky Number Slevin
Book: Ender's Shadow
Do you have pets? If yes, tell me about them: Carly currently, she is a very lazy cat but loveable
What is your job like?: First responder in nature, gotta think on your feet, deal with stress effectively, and be in decent shape
What kind of hobbies do you have? Working out, playing music, socializing, learning new stuff haha
Describe yourself. The more detailed the better:
I like to think of myself as an Subjective Optimist. Taking each situation that gets put in front of me as a unique encounter. However, when it comes to the optimist bit is where I am off. I am not the type to expect the worst so everything better than the worst surprises me. I plan for the best and help support the best for others. If that doesn't happen, however, I fall back to understanding that shit happens and we just have to bounce to the next plan so as to not let this shitty situation get worse.
Other Notable Traits/Quirks/Habits you want to share: When I can't exactly help a situation I love to make jokes. This is, in hopes, that I can at least make someone smile in the face of a terrible time.
Favorite Pokemon and Favorite Pokemon Move: Snorlax and Seismic toss