Avatar of ArenaSnow
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  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

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Can neither confirm or deny the existence of such a room >.>

But it would have to be pretty magical given there's a wall to outside on the other side...
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

Makes sense. Guess punching/slashing/shooting the mud may be even less effective then I thought in that case...

There are certain weaknesses to the group, but it'll take exploiting any and every advantage, and possibly some wrong guesses :p. The cultist is the only human there, and so removing the weak link is a good start.

It's a witch/sorceress's house, so a small degree of exploration - just in general to folks - could be beneficial. To what degree... depends on when ya get there, I've got the locations of various things previously defined that can come into play if discovered.
Sorry for keeping you guys waiting, I live on the other side of the earth and it was bedtime for me. Seems like things are getting interesting, I'll whip up a post asap.

I've been known to drop for 24 hours, I just artificially slowed things down so you wouldn't get blown away like I've been in the past :p
That poor witch just got owned. Soon following her to the afterlife will be Ivan if Raven's stealthy attack doesn't work (for whatever reason.) and the fight goes on for longer giving the mud time to catch up to him before becoming just regular mud again. That's of course assuming that Big Cultist is what's controlling them. Odds are everyone's gonna die from mud monsters if it's some kind of deity or demon lord doing all this.

Well, she isn't quite dead, but it would take some maneuvering to have her actually survive the RP. Of course, life and death is not quite all that is at stake.

As for the rest, well, there is the real possibility of "losing" (one doesn't really lose in this, but that's a more philosophical question) the RP - and OOC tip, the mud monsters are in fact a single demon.
Banned for your avatar violating 13 Illuminati censorship standards.
Banned for spending an unhealthy amount of time responding to this thread.
Banned for encouraging power abuse.

Banned because I wanna RP as a moderator who can ban people.

November MiniRP concept?
Reference environment image (full left, other side)
Upstairs was a dark (literally and figuratively), dismal sight indeed.
Regina was pinned to the center wall with a sword buried to the hilt in her chest, slumped onto the stone table with dangling limbs and with every appearance of death save for a slight rasping from behind a curtain of messy brown hair. Sitting atop the bed was the man from earlier with the other sword in his lap and the same dark clothes from before, watching as Baldur came up.

"A mess down there, I hear." He said with a hint of amusement in his tone. "I must say, my colleges do like to have their fun. I'm hoping they take out the brute and the human before going down. I like the minor demon, though, and I'm sure you've met Quisel by now. I'm not sure what Cav is waiting for, but he has his own ideas on how to run things. Doesn't particularly matter." He stretched. "It'll all be settled soon enough. I thought I had her-" he pointed to Regina - "Properly managed the last visit, but as you might have heard, she still isn't cooperating. She'll live, as long as I keep her that way. It'll take more than death to get her to cooperate, unfortunately. It's good that they haven't found the bell, that would certainly complicate things..."

"But what about you? What's your next move? You seem to have tired of the commotion downstairs." He spoke as though the two were old friends.

Ivan's trick was a success, giving him some extra escape time - sorely needed as the mud moved at an ever more steady pace and seemed to pursue him with vigor. It also began to make its way up the new tree for good measure. The fog growing ever denser, almost all that was visible was tree branches, leaves and suspiciously moving mud, the latter almost certainly to no good end.
Right, that'll leave Chrome. I do have the next step's concept together, but I'll wait to hear from him. Nothing quite like being dropped into the dust.

Edit: I'll continue upstairs as that's the most open to expansion, and the interaction with Ivan. It'll be downstairs I'll keep frozen until Chrome has his say.
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