Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

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Well well, I squeezed a (relatively short) post in. Have at it gents.
Tarizel, true to his habits, sighed again while looking at the group. "If you want to go north, you'll have to do so alone. It's not all that they make it out to be is all I can say, but whichever way you go, it is perfectly fine. I just don't think you will want to stay for what happens next here."

The caravan master again silently moved around the table towards the back door, to an angle on the other side of the human group.


"Oh, I don't believe I introduced myself. Call me Craxis. I don't usually walk around as a human, so human manners have escaped me." Apparently forgetting the traditional handshake, he leaned back, stroking the edge of his sword. "She" he pointed to Regina "Is unfortunately unable to go anywhere. Just keeping the blood in is a little annoying, she isn't particularly cooperative even now, so I can see her doing something dumb the moment she starts moving her limbs. It's a dilemma. But I could spare the caravan fellow, all I need are three of the gents down there to finish matters up. Take him with you if you like for good, he's always been odd around humans. Some form of unfortunate weakness. Regardless..." he lost attention for a moment, looking down to the floor after the noise of the gunshots. "If I understand correctly, I've lost the cultist. Ah well. Tarizel should be able to handle matters himself." He looked back at Baldur. "He's not much by demon standards, but he has a good sense of logic and he's a killer with obsidian shards."


The mud swirled, like a very slow whirlpool below. "Jump." the voice repeated as the mud began to crawl up other trees in the area. The original tree Ivan was on began to lean forwards, stripped of underlying material to support its roots.

Banned for giving credence to an outdated card.
Final post off me for now 'till the afternoon. Upstairs would take more writing than I can squeeze in at this second.
Raven's attack was successful, snapping the cultist's neck. As the cultist sagged, the two shots from the gun knocked him into the wall, and he slumped to the floor, though the bullets rolled off the glowing red runes of the cloak.

Tarizel looked with just a slight expression of amusement at the fallen cultist. "Sore bastard. Should have left him at the altar. Oh well." He began to pace, waving a hand at the big man, "Stay there a moment, would ya?" The big man gave him a very dark stare but stood still.

"So, lets get the facts down. We got you gents up against big man, the caravan what's-his-name" - he pointed to the caravan master - "and me. We're all not so easy to take out, and Quisel out here is a pure demon. That means he can probably take you all out by himself. But there's another course here. Go back South. The North isn't a good place for anyone, especially humans, and there's weird shit up there that even I feel like keeping a distance from. So lets call it a draw. You guys walk back home, right out the door, and nothing happens."

He sat on the chest once more, that seeming to be his favorite spot.

"Lets see... you're safe enough in these parts during the day, and you should get to the border wood before nightfall, nothing to worry about down there... week journey, tops. No fighting, no nothing, just leave the witch here and take your leave. She deserves the next part anyways."
He raised his left eyebrow. "Yes?"


The mud stopped as close as it could short of actually touching Ivan.

"Jump." A rasping noise arose from bubbles in the mud. "Jump now or lose all essence." The mud consumed a patch of leaves below and became a large gaping maw. "Jump..."

Or you could try to kite him across the river, but he might just decide to appear on the other side.

You could also just jump in the mud. It could be nice and just wants to have a cup of tea with you.
Interest checks can be slow; I put mine in both the general int checks and this section (It was a low casual basis and so I stuck one in free as well on a technicality). Free and general got more pokes than casual did. *shrug*

It is possible in addition to the above your experience here makes some apprehensive, as they don't know what to expect from you; you have no record to indicate how you operate.

Formatting to give the post some polish could be nice, and indicates a degree of professionalism - something that one wants as a new joiner here.
2 postsin 0 days

I have no idea where this came from, but it doesn't help your professional image.

Rules could give others a more clear idea on your expectations.

Otherwise, you're decent for an interest check, and interest waxes and wanes over the course of the year for various things, sometimes anticipated, sometimes not, so the big thing is to simply wait a couple days and see if you can nab someone. Took me a while just to get more than one or two people into mine, and now it's going rather well.
In Hey! 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Greetings, new soul. You shall be a welcome addition, for none who register tend to leave...
Banned for lacking membership status.
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