Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
  • VMs: 13
  • Username history
    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

You didn't ask the person for their soul. You're changing.

If you know the reference, there is little difference in my system. :)
The Caravan

A Halloween Mini-RP

The House

Craxis stepped aside as Tarizel stepped out on the small porch. "Minus one objective?" Craxis asked, leaning on the wall of the house.

Tarizel nodded. "It appears to be the case. And without the cultist we can't finish the first one. We'll need to make do with the second and third. I know you wanted to be the one to do the summoning... but who knows, maybe we'll find another one of the daughters."

Craxis scoffed. "That'll never happen. We were lucky to find this one."

Sighing, Tarizel stared at the fog, watching as it began to quickly recede. "Grab a cultist and hunt. Second plan."

Craxis nodded. "Second plan." He turned to the mud and spoke to it. "Quisel, desist, clean everything up, and please, find a real body. This isn't a dead forest, you know, have some variety. You're getting as bad as Cav."

Listening to the scratching and scraping inside the house, Craxis shrugged. "Well, Cav is going to be happy. I must admit even I don't want to see what he'll do up there. Lets have a drink, some human things are rather enjoyable." He turned back to the door and began stepping in.

Tarizel nodded. "What about the scrolls? And the book?"

"We'll manage. Let them have their... victory." Craxis stepped in just as a scaled foot vanished through the upstairs trapdoor. "We did plenty. North or South, it doesn't matter. In a year they'll all be the same. No way they could come out anything less than they are supposed to."


Raven & Ivan
The stream carried Raven and Ivan a considerable distance in a short amount of time as the fog began to clear and the sky brightened, revealing freshly wet trees. It was a rather nice scene as they went along.

A few minutes later the sounds of camp rose in the air. Though there was a ledge obscuring view of the surrounding area, the sound of human voices was audible through the trees.


The Main Group
The caravan master said nothing as he walked up the path to the North, trudging slowly through wet mud and muttering in a low tone. The fog had cleared up considerably, and the sky had brightened some as well - by all indication, the worst of the storm had passed, with not a single drop of rain and the frequent sound of drops coming down from the trees.
So I am to assume the amulet was never recovered?
Relevant to users who link images from search engines without checking the provider (in which case, do so for any images you use) or otherwise like using Postimage for uploads.

On October 27, 2016, CloudFlare abruptly cut us off from most of their services except DNS for abusing their system. This came as a bit of a surprise, since although we've been using one of their cheapest plans for a long time, we had reached an agreement earlier this month that we would be upgrading our account when the next billing cycle started. A couple of Skype calls later we learned the following:

CloudFlare was very unhappy that the total traffic usage of our project had surpassed a staggering figure of 1.8 petabytes in the last 30 days.
The amount of money we had to pay monthly to make them happy again grew after each Skype call as more people in CF got involved in examining our case: $200 became $1000, which in turn became $12k.
The sales team was adamant that although CloudFlare did not officially have bandwidth limits, our violation of Section 10 of their terms of service could not be remedied by serving less image traffic and more HTML traffic (although, being an image hosting company, we have no idea how we would pull this one off anyway without blatantly gaming the system), and that at the level of petabytes of data, they would never allow that on a $200/month Business plan.
We were officially screwed.

Let us make this absolutely clear: we do not hold a grudge against CloudFlare for refusing to foot our traffic bill any further. We do realize that we are costing them a ton of money, and it is solely our own fault that our current business model is not sustainable. We also recognize that the deal they offered is probably as good as anything we could reasonably expect from other CDN providers. The only thing we disagree with is that instead of publishing estimates of how much traffic customers are actually allowed to consume at each service plan, CloudFlare insists that their bandwidth is unlimited and declines to comment on the actual terms of service.

More on site

Long story short, anyone who uses Postimage should immediately back up what they have and change image hosts in the quite possible event that the site will shut down.

I am an Imgur user, and so this generally does not affect me, but I know there are some here who may like to use Postimage or otherwise link character sheet images from this site.
Is this RP going to happen? I'd love to join :)

Given the Gm's lack of activity for 15 days and the thread sitting for nearly that amount of time, it is rather unlikely.
Banned for your selective activity.
The amulet, secret weapon as it was, proved uniquely successful. It was successful at the task it was thrown for, yes, and it was also successful at pissing the entity off - immediately after Raven jumped off the tree, the material keeping it in place was sucked out, causing it to fall in Raven's direction. Though an impact would not be fatal given the angle that the tree fell (the main trunk off half a foot from Raven's head), it would certainly make the process of escaping more difficult if he failed to dislodge himself from the mud in time.


Craxis watched as Baldur took his leave, looking idly at Regina. "A good end in this case, well, I see not." He stated with a chuckle. "No need for the Hidden, nor Cav, nor much at all. Indeed... not much at all to pull an abyssal into this world. Why you kept that particular book is beyond me, but I thank you for it." He stood up, regarding her one last time. "I did hope it wouldn't come to this, and for his personal flaws, the cultist was a professional. But realize there is no setback, as I can do the job just as easily. It just won't be as quick."

Moving towards the ladder, he stopped as he quickly pulled a mirror off the nearest shelf. "Quisel... I feel two less presences. Have you dealt with them?"

They have gone into the forest. Complications arising. Definate conclusion impossible due to split attention.

"Very well, I'll have Cav and if necessary some Hidden clean matters up. Do what you're doing."

He went back down the ladder with a dismissive glance at the wall of magic. "So they're out?"

Tarizel nodded. "Grabbed their things and are just leaving."

"Good, good." Craxis walked over to the bookshelf. "I'll have this set in- where's the book?"

Tarizel blinked. "What book? The group just grabbed their stuff and left."

Craxis went over to the table. "I had those books laid out, they were there when I went in. Where are they? Where are the materials? You realize I can't summon shit without the materials, right?"

Tarizel frowned, a slight look of weariness coming over his eyes. "You didn't specify anything-"

"And didn't I tell you that all witnesses are to be eliminated? Removed, as I explicitly told Quisel?"

As the caravan master left the room last, Craxis glared at the bookshelf, the table, and the open doorway. "Almost a half dozen witnesses and the entire fucking ritual just picked up and left, along with the book to put it all together. What the fuck did I bring you for? Those scrolls had detailed instructions. The book had every key binding spell in it. If we still had the cultist we'd be able to advance, but you two idiots just let the entire bloody ritual walk away out the door. If Quisel hasn't killed them already, I'll kill them myself, and you fools will be lucky if I don't spoon-feed you to Cav!" He stormed out the door as the two remaining demons looked at each other with helpless shrugs.

The trapdoor to downstairs burst open as a rotted, clawed hand grabbed for traction on the floorboards.


Outside, Craxis stood on the porch, a half silhouette in the thick fog. "Just one moment. Who sent you lot? Who, exactly, told you it was a good idea to steal documentation that you have absolutely no right to?" He crossed his arms with his sword on his back. "A mixed group such as yours is no coincidence. None of you will last 'till nightfall, but return the items you stole and I will deal quick ends and leave your souls as they are."
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

hahaha, thank you!

i have a puny soul, you do not want it.

Every soul for the cause is precious...

It's bad that you even have enemies.

The soul business is a dark place indeed.
Greetings, new soul. Fear not, my title was given to me by jealous enemies...
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