@Arthanus I'd say, give them a poke and a day or two for Sully to get what needs to be sorted done; but if there isn't any response from the lurkers by mid-week, push on.
Name: Therak oz Mizol ost nil Gerad (Gerad son of family Mizol of tribe Therak)
Alias(es): ‘Gerry’ ‘Grumpy’
Gender: Male
Garundin’s are a fairly new player on the galactic stage, but even so they have already made their presence known as premier engineers, technicians and heavy assault troopers.
The Garundin home world of Eshan sits at the extreme outer edge of the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ created by their home star. Eshan itself is a high gravity world, with a surface gravity being just over three times standard, which produces very high atmospheric pressures as well as being largely made of carbon dioxide. This has led to an ecosystem that produces flora and fauna that are short, dense and in the case of the fauna, powerfully muscled.
Garundin culture, even know, it still tribal based; though now each tribal council sends a representative to the planetary Grand Council who then appoints representatives for Garundin affairs off-world. Within each tribe, life has always about working for the good of the tribe; work delegated, resources shared, the elderly and infirm tended to by all. While internal conflicts were rare, inter-tribal conflicts were almost constant. Tribes fighting over land, water, minerals, and stronger tribes conquering weaker ones; the centuries passed, the technology changed and improved, but the fighting went on.
One major difference between Garundin’s and other sentient species was their near total lack of development of ballistic weaponry or attempts at heavier than air flight; the dense atmosphere and high gravity made the energy expenditure for such things too great to be overly practical, so such ideas were of little use. All that changed during what became known as ‘The Fall’; 200 years ago, on the plains between three great tribes a starship crash landed, coming to rest near where all three territories met.
Garundin’s were never a people that looked ‘up’ much, but with this arrival they started to. Now they began to wonder what else may be out there; once they thought they were many tribes on one world, but now they realized they may be one tribe amongst many worlds. This realization rippled across Eshan and within only a few years many old tribal conflicts where cast aside for the good of the ‘Greater Tribe’.
All across Eshan, great thinkers and tinkerer flocked towards the newly founded, and rapidly growing, City of the Great Fall (Great Fall in common usage). Sadly the crew of the vessel didn’t survive the crash, something caused an inertial dampener failure and they most likely died before the ship even hit the atmosphere, but the automated systems did their best to bring it down relatively intact. With methodical care, the Garundin’s began to investigate, first the small parts they could safely remove, then as their knowledge grew, and they began to translate more of the off-world language, they began to dig into the ship proper.
By their nature, Garundin’s are a patient and practical people, so there was no rush to discover all there was to know in one lifetime; but they also took to the new technology and in a remarkable short amount of time, they went from an early industrial tech base, to launching their first heavier than air craft, which was also their first trans-atmospheric vessel in less than two generations. From there they expanded exponentially, moving into their home system, and exploring the celestial bodies they found there. By the time the Garundin’s made first contact with The Collective, ten years before Gerad’s birth, they had already successfully industrialized much of the system. - Physically, Garundin’s are a four armed, quadrupedal, mammalian species. They range in height from between 125 to 135 cm and generally weight in at between 160 and 200 kilograms. Though the high gravity of Eshan has led to a very thick atmosphere, the planets extreme range from the rather weak star means that even at the best of times, Eshan is a rather cool world. As a result Garundin’s still maintain a thick insulating layer of hair that covers everything but their faces, the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet.
They share a very similar facial appearance to Terran ‘gorillas’, with a heavy brow, flat nasal openings and a protruding jaw, though they lack the same elongated skull; as a result it’s not uncommon for humans to refer to them as ‘Spider-Gorillas’. Males and females are indistinguishable from each other unless one can actually see their reproductive organs; Garundin’s tell by pheromone traces that an individual produces.
Originating Planet: Eshan
Appearance: Gerad is pretty average for a Garundin; 130 cm tall and weighing in at 180 kilos, he’s covered in dark brown, almost black, hair and dark brown eyes. On Eshan, he’s the type of man you’d forget you saw almost while you were still looking at him.
Given that Garundin's have never lost the full body layer of insulating hair, clothing, in a conventional sense is another thing that they never really developed. One the rare occasions that Gerad is not in his armour he wears his old Militia-issue harness, which has pouches and attachment points for carry items. He has a few streaks of silvery hair across his body, which are the result of injuries that have caused scarring, but those are few and far between thanks to the incredible toughness of his armour.
Age: 52 [Average Lifespan 200 years]
TXZ-11/A Variable Laser Armament - To most species the TXZ series of weapons would most likely be classified as medium lascannons, suitable for vehicle or fixed emplacement use, to the Garundins it’s the standard issue primary infantry weapon for their ‘Militia of the Greater Tribe’.
A single handed weapon, which uses the Militia’s issue power armour to stabilize aiming, it has ‘beam’ and ‘pulse’ modes to swap between for its firing modes. ‘Beam’ mode fires a continuous 4 terawatt beam at long range, with a maximum sustained rate of 10 seconds, with a 15 second cool down between each firing. ‘Pulse’ mode fires 2 terawatt pulses at short to medium range, with a maximum sustained rate of 30 seconds with the same cool down time. -- VVD 45-30/R Plasma Rail Projector (flexible mount on left shoulder) - Standard Militia issue anti-bunker/vehicle weapon. Can fire 3 10 terawatt pulses in 6 seconds before a 30 second cool down is required, and can fire a total of 9 times before the canister of ionizing medium is expended. -- Type 9/BS Collapsible Breaching Hammer - A 45 kilogram head, with a hammer face on one side and a spike on the other. Collapsed, it is compact enough to be used single-handedly, while extended the handle doubles in length allowing for two handed use and greater striking power.
G-11 Type 4 Mk.3 Militia Power Armour – Each armour is custom fitted to the user. If a citizen fulfills a 10 year term and retires in good standing with the Militia, they have the option to purchase their arms and armour if they intend to go off world; should they ever return to Eshan with the intent of staying they must surrender the arm and armour to the Militia.
The armour is a sealed and self-sustaining unit, allowing the user to operate in a variety of hostile environments, including hard vacuum for extended periods of time. The armour’s utility pack houses the power supply, atmosphere generator, nutrient processor and a whole host of other critical tools. So long as the armour has power it can maintain its user indefinitely.
Made of dense alloys and high tensile synthetics, which provide defence against both kinetic and thermal damage, Garundin armour is also coupled with a high cycle rate shield generator for an added layer of defence; all this combines to create a soldier, that when combined with even just a standard ‘trooper’ loadout, is as durable and lethal as most species armoured infantry support vehicles. -- PZX-45 Defensive Barrier – An extremely durable kinetic and energy resistant shield, made of the same high tensile synthetics that are part of the armour’s construction, it unfolds from a mounting on the armour’s left primary arm gauntlet. It is intended for use in confined spaces where the energy shield may cause issues. -- Type 90 Nano-assembler – Built into the back mounted utility pack of the armour, the assembler allows the user to feed in raw materials from their environment and use the resources to manufacture small to medium sized components for repairs and constructions while in the field. -- R873-3 Combo welder/cutter – Mounted on a folding, multi directional arm that comes up over the right shoulder. At highest output it is capable of cutting or welding even heavy vehicle armour. -- Multi-tool manipulator units – Both of the power armour’s secondary arm gauntlets are equipped with precision tools for working on smaller objects.
Personality: Like all Garundin’s, he’s a pragmatist; ‘Deal with the reality that is’, was something he was taught at an early age, and something that he has carried with him into adulthood. Sometimes the reality of Militia or mercenary work means you have to do some unpleasant things for the sake of the mission, it's best not to get too worked up about it. Inside this pragmatic soul though is still a curious child, one who is fascinated by the machines other species create, and wants to know all there is to know about them.
Bio: The fifth of twelve children, Gerad was lucky enough to be left to make his own choices in life; being part of an old and influential family inside Clan Therak, many of his older sibling were expected to become great leaders or warriors or other such things, and as a result were groomed and pushed and prodded to those ends.
Showing an aptitude for technology, even beyond Garundin norms, his schooling was tailored to those ends. Once he reached adulthood, like all Garundin he did his mandatory service in the Militia, helping to protect his people, and the Grand Clan in general; while only 2 years of service is mandatory, he found the Militia life appealing and being sent off world let him more easily interact with the technology of other species.
He would have probably spent the rest of his life in the Militia, after three consecutive volunteer contracts on top of the mandatory one, his superiors had been grooming him for greater things; but then, just as his fourth contract was coming to a close, the news of an incident in the city of Trylin, his home, rippled across the news nets. A massive failure in the city’s primary power plant caused an unprecedented cascade failure that wiped out the city of 4 million.
With anyone he’d even remotely called ‘family’ dead and his overall Clan devastated to the point where it was simply absorbed into one of the neighbouring Clans due to there being so few surviving members, Gerad decided to retire, buy out his gear, and get as far away from the gaping hole in his life as he could. Fortunately someone with his skills are always in demand amongst the soldier-for-hire crowd and he was quickly picked up by the Crimson Legion, where he’s been for the last two years.
Silas Cross - Bossman, 'nuff said/Seems a decent sort (Might not have t’ shoot this one)/Clear thinker Sventillus Septimus Hamkito - Need t’ get look at his rig/Thinks he’s a wit…is ‘alf right/Keep down if he’s shootin’ Cyne Zarubin - Soldier t’ his bones/One t’ watch, if he goes t’ tha ‘dark place’ ye see in his eye, he may no come back Macklyn Setzer - Stupe tried t' play th' Boss wi' no good plan. If th' Boss 'adn't done 'im I woulda. Ghazruk Krushklaw - Why hasn’t Boss spaced it?/Fungies can’t be trusted as far as they can be thrown/Built better tech before I could walk Wandered off af'er las' job. Good riddance. Ducaelia Voes'Corum - A fem Clank like Sven/Seem a might twichy inna scrap/Need a close watch 'case she goes hostile.
1. Listen to the GM(s), If you have a complaint tell me. I am not an evil dictator and if I am wrong I will admit it. 2. Romance and Gore allowed, But keep it in good taste and in site rules 3. Now not all characters will play nice with each other I understand that, but keep the disputes in the RP not in OOC 4. Be civilized and polite please 5. All basic RP rules apply to this roleplay: Power playing, Meta gaming, and others are not allowed. 6. The story isn't exactly set, If you have an idea for a mission feel free to pm me the details and I'll try to work it in. 7. Copy the rules into a Hider in the "other" of your cs so I know you read them. 8. Get into your character's skin become him or her as you are playing have fun and give us insight into their thoughts. 9. Try to keep active, in both the IC and OOC pages please. And even if you don't have anything to say, at least read the OOC
Name: Therak oz Mizol ost nil Gerad (Gerad son of family Mizol of tribe Therak)
Alias(es): ‘Gerry’ ‘Grumpy’
Gender: Male
Garundin’s are a fairly new player on the galactic stage, but even so they have already made their presence known as premier engineers, technicians and heavy assault troopers.
The Garundin home world of Eshan sits at the extreme outer edge of the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ created by their home star. Eshan itself is a high gravity world, with a surface gravity being just over three times standard, which produces very high atmospheric pressures as well as being largely made of carbon dioxide. This has led to an ecosystem that produces flora and fauna that are short, dense and in the case of the fauna, powerfully muscled.
Garundin culture, even know, it still tribal based; though now each tribal council sends a representative to the planetary Grand Council who then appoints representatives for Garundin affairs off-world. Within each tribe, life has always about working for the good of the tribe; work delegated, resources shared, the elderly and infirm tended to by all. While internal conflicts were rare, inter-tribal conflicts were almost constant. Tribes fighting over land, water, minerals, and stronger tribes conquering weaker ones; the centuries passed, the technology changed and improved, but the fighting went on.
One major difference between Garundin’s and other sentient species was their near total lack of development of ballistic weaponry or attempts at heavier than air flight; the dense atmosphere and high gravity made the energy expenditure for such things too great to be overly practical, so such ideas were of little use. All that changed during what became known as ‘The Fall’; 200 years ago, on the plains between three great tribes a starship crash landed, coming to rest near where all three territories met.
Garundin’s were never a people that looked ‘up’ much, but with this arrival they started to. Now they began to wonder what else may be out there; once they thought they were many tribes on one world, but now they realized they may be one tribe amongst many worlds. This realization rippled across Eshan and within only a few years many old tribal conflicts where cast aside for the good of the ‘Greater Tribe’.
All across Eshan, great thinkers and tinkerer flocked towards the newly founded, and rapidly growing, City of the Great Fall (Great Fall in common usage). Sadly the crew of the vessel didn’t survive the crash, something caused an inertial dampener failure and they most likely died before the ship even hit the atmosphere, but the automated systems did their best to bring it down relatively intact. With methodical care, the Garundin’s began to investigate, first the small parts they could safely remove, then as their knowledge grew, and they began to translate more of the off-world language, they began to dig into the ship proper.
By their nature, Garundin’s are a patient and practical people, so there was no rush to discover all there was to know in one lifetime; but they also took to the new technology and in a remarkable short amount of time, they went from an early industrial tech base, to launching their first heavier than air craft, which was also their first trans-atmospheric vessel in less than two generations. From there they expanded exponentially, moving into their home system, and exploring the celestial bodies they found there. By the time the Garundin’s made first contact with The Collective, ten years before Gerad’s birth, they had already successfully industrialized much of the system. - Physically, Garundin’s are a four armed, quadrupedal, mammalian species. They range in height from between 125 to 135 cm and generally weight in at between 160 and 200 kilograms. Though the high gravity of Eshan has led to a very thick atmosphere, the planets extreme range from the rather weak star means that even at the best of times, Eshan is a rather cool world. As a result Garundin’s still maintain a thick insulating layer of hair that covers everything but their faces, the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet.
They share a very similar facial appearance to Terran ‘gorillas’, with a heavy brow, flat nasal openings and a protruding jaw, though they lack the same elongated skull; as a result it’s not uncommon for humans to refer to them as ‘Spider-Gorillas’. Males and females are indistinguishable from each other unless one can actually see their reproductive organs; Garundin’s tell by pheromone traces that an individual produces.
Originating Planet: Eshan
Appearance: Gerad is pretty average for a Garundin; 130 cm tall and weighing in at 180 kilos, he’s covered in dark brown, almost black, hair and dark brown eyes. On Eshan, he’s the type of man you’d forget you saw almost while you were still looking at him.
Given that Garundin's have never lost the full body layer of insulating hair, clothing, in a conventional sense is another thing that they never really developed. One the rare occasions that Gerad is not in his armour he wears his old Militia-issue harness, which has pouches and attachment points for carry items. He has a few streaks of silvery hair across his body, which are the result of injuries that have caused scarring, but those are few and far between thanks to the incredible toughness of his armour. Age: 52 [Average Lifespan 200 years]
TXZ-11/A Variable Laser Armament - To most species the TXZ series of weapons would most likely be classified as medium lascannons, suitable for vehicle or fixed emplacement use, to the Garundins it’s the standard issue primary infantry weapon for their ‘Militia of the Greater Tribe’.
A single handed weapon, which uses the Militia’s issue power armour to stabilize aiming, it has ‘beam’ and ‘pulse’ modes to swap between for its firing modes. ‘Beam’ mode fires a continuous 4 terawatt beam at long range, with a maximum sustained rate of 10 seconds, with a 15 second cool down between each firing. ‘Pulse’ mode fires 2 terawatt pulses at short to medium range, with a maximum sustained rate of 30 seconds with the same cool down time. -- VVD 45-30/R Plasma Rail Projector (flexible mount on left shoulder) - Standard Militia issue anti-bunker/vehicle weapon. Can fire 3 10 terawatt pulses in 6 seconds before a 30 second cool down is required, and can fire a total of 9 times before the canister of ionizing medium is expended. -- Type 9/BS Collapsible Breaching Hammer - A 45 kilogram head, with a hammer face on one side and a spike on the other. Collapsed, it is compact enough to be used single-handedly, while extended the handle doubles in length allowing for two handed use and greater striking power.
G-11 Type 4 Mk.3 Militia Power Armour – Each armour is custom fitted to the user. If a citizen fulfills a 10 year term and retires in good standing with the Militia, they have the option to purchase their arms and armour if they intend to go off world; should they ever return to Eshan with the intent of staying they must surrender the arm and armour to the Militia.
The armour is a sealed and self-sustaining unit, allowing the user to operate in a variety of hostile environments, including hard vacuum for extended periods of time. The armour’s utility pack houses the power supply, atmosphere generator, nutrient processor and a whole host of other critical tools. So long as the armour has power it can maintain its user indefinitely.
Made of dense alloys and high tensile synthetics, which provide defence against both kinetic and thermal damage, Garundin armour is also coupled with a high cycle rate shield generator for an added layer of defence; all this combines to create a soldier, that when combined with even just a standard ‘trooper’ loadout, is as durable and lethal as most species armoured infantry support vehicles. -- PZX-45 Defensive Barrier – An extremely durable kinetic and energy resistant shield, made of the same high tensile synthetics that are part of the armour’s construction, it unfolds from a mounting on the armour’s left primary arm gauntlet. It is intended for use in confined spaces where the energy shield may cause issues. -- Type 90 Nano-assembler – Built into the back mounted utility pack of the armour, the assembler allows the user to feed in raw materials from their environment and use the resources to manufacture small to medium sized components for repairs and constructions while in the field. -- R873-3 Combo welder/cutter – Mounted on a folding, multi directional arm that comes up over the right shoulder. At highest output it is capable of cutting or welding even heavy vehicle armour. -- Multi-tool manipulator units – Both of the power armour’s secondary arm gauntlets are equipped with precision tools for working on smaller objects.
Bio: The fifth of twelve children, Gerad was lucky enough to be left to make his own choices in life; being part of an old and influential family inside Clan Therak, many of his older sibling were expected to become great leaders or warriors or other such things, and as a result were groomed and pushed and prodded to those ends.
Showing an aptitude for technology, even beyond Garundin norms, his schooling was tailored to those ends. Once he reached adulthood, like all Garundin he did his mandatory service in the Militia, helping to protect his people, and the Grand Clan in general; while only 2 years of service is mandatory, he found the Militia life appealing and being sent off world let him more easily interact with the technology of other species.
He would have probably spent the rest of his life in the Militia, after three consecutive volunteer contracts on top of the mandatory one, his superiors had been grooming him for greater things; but then, just as his fourth contract was coming to a close, the news of an incident in the city of Trylin, his home, rippled across the news nets. A massive failure in the city’s primary power plant caused an unprecedented cascade failure that wiped out the city of 4 million.
With anyone he’d even remotely called ‘family’ dead and his overall Clan devastated to the point where it was simply absorbed into one of the neighbouring Clans due to there being so few surviving members, Gerad decided to retire, buy out his gear, and get as far away from the gaping hole in his life as he could. Fortunately someone with his skills are always in demand amongst the soldier-for-hire crowd and he was quickly picked up by the Crimson Legion, where he’s been for the last two years.
1. Listen to the GM(s), If you have a complaint tell me. I am not an evil dictator and if I am wrong I will admit it. 2. Romance and Gore allowed, But keep it in good taste and in site rules 3. Now not all characters will play nice with each other I understand that, but keep the disputes in the RP not in OOC 4. Be civilized and polite please 5. All basic RP rules apply to this roleplay: Power playing, Meta gaming, and others are not allowed. 6. The story isn't exactly set, If you have an idea for a mission feel free to pm me the details and I'll try to work it in. 7. Copy the rules into a Hider in the "other" of your cs so I know you read them. 8. Get into your character's skin become him or her as you are playing have fun and give us insight into their thoughts. 9. Try to keep active, in both the IC and OOC pages please. And even if you don't have anything to say, at least read the OOC
@Arthanus I work doing landscaping/general maintenance type stuff, managed to tweak my back...the real kicker is I wasn't doing anything like heavy lifting or other such stuff. I was simply doing a little painting, twisted slightly, and BAM, back pain. I'm getting better though.
Nanami’s little blush was exactly the response Yui’d been hoping for. ”Your father is an honourable man, and one who is brave enough to let his daughter find her own place in the world; treasure that.” She spoke softly, her words tinged with a bit of old regret; but with a sigh and a small shake of her head, she pushed all that aside. That’s enough old memories for one day.
She’d works with those that used ‘bardic’ magics of various types before, but this, this was something different. As Nanami drew her dagger and began to run her finger along the blade, Yui could ‘feel’ the song as much, or possibly even more so, than she could hear it. Sitting forward once more, she stared at the blade in muted wonder as the song washed over her; on instinct she began to sing in harmony with the melody. Her eyes were transfixed on the blade as she sung, and as the music drew to a close she looked up at Nanami in quiet awe.
”That…wow…” Normally Yui not one to be at a loss for words, especially when it came to charming a pretty woman; but this, this threw her completely off her stride. It was so unlike anything she’d yet experienced, and her mind was having a time trying to process. ”Father and His Children…” She muttered, trying again to restart her thoughts. ”You have an amazing gift, thank you for sharing that with me.”
The more impulsive side of her wanted nothing more than to kiss Nanami, preferably extremely thoroughly; on instinct, she licked her lips in anticipation. Fortunately, probably for a whole host of reasons, Yui’s more rational side kept its iron grip on her self-control. You barely know this woman you idiot. Sure you’ve had a bit of a dry spell but COME ON!
Isbeil flinched slightly at Ehri’s expression, and bowed deeply to the Huntress. ”I apologise for my actions.” Casting her gaze to the barn floor. ”I’ve found that being direct greatly reduces the risk of having my wishes misconstrued, but I can understand your objection Miss Khan.”
Standing back upright, she listened as Ehri explained briefly what it meant to be a ‘skinchanger’, all the while watching the eagle and the wolf. As she spoke, both beast responded, both to the words themselves, but also to what they implied. I assumed the works that said a skinchangers beasts also took on more ‘human’ characteristics to be merely fantasy, but perhaps there is some truth to that as well.
After Ehri had finished, Isbeil made a point of acknowledging her companions more fully. ”I would also like to express an apology to your companions.” She said with a nod. ”As you spoke I watched them react to what you were saying, and how you were saying it. Before that, I had assumed, like others that have written on abilities like yours, they were simply beast that your powers had let you exert your will over; but I see that is far from true.”
Reaching into her robes, she pulled out her grimoire and small pen and ink set and began taking notes in a strange script. After making a few notes and inscribing one page with a complex array, marked by the same script, she tucked it all away. ”To hopefully allay some of your concerns Miss Khan, I will say, that I have no desire to try and duplicate your power. I seek knowledge simply for the sake of knowing and a power forgotten by the world at large is something eminently worth studying, if I can. As for the blood? I know the power blood can wield, and I accept your refusal and ask not more about it. I only asked because it makes the spell I use able to ‘read’ whom I am watching more clearly; but I can use the spell just as easily without it.”
Raising her left hand, she spoke so softly her words were drowned out by noises outside; her lips moved in a steady rhythm, repeating the same phrase several times before a soft light grew from her finger tips. Slowly stepping toward Ehri, Isbeil placed her index and middle finger between Ehri’s brow and then in the center of her chest. At each point, after Isbeil lifted her hand away, the glow remained for a moment before fading, as well as appearing in roughly the same spots on both Isa and Misha. ”Thank you.” She said, stepping back before once more bowing to all three. ”If you have any questions you wish to ask of me, I will answer.”