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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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@Arthanus So, I hate to ask this...but is this RP done?
@Murdek For Macklyn's sake, that better have been a damned good counter offer. Gerad really dislikes having his own pay threatened :D

With the Brute finally dead, he took a quick survey of the area as Cyne gave voice to his idea. Chem’ ‘splosives!? He scoffed to himself. Touch’n… The Militia Fleets had stopped using anything that primitive about the same time they made contact with the greater galaxy. No need t’ fog matters by talk’n tho…c’n wait ‘til we get there.
Once the trio set out, they made good time through the ship, cutting down Hive packs quickly before they could get bogged down in combat. Pushing into a mostly intact ship’s mess, Gerad let out an amused chuff at Cyne comment. ”Naa, ‘uman food tastes like t’ bottom end o’ a tharnx.” He replied, referring to a common herd animal, and source of protein, on Eshan. Tha’ said… He added, eyeing one of the food machines; he got no further in his thought however as a band of mercs busted in, their leader ordering his men to open fire.

Threat analysis programs in Gerad’s armour triggered as soon as the new hostiles had come into sight, and he was unimpressed, but not surprised. None of the new mercs had anything heavier than non-garundin small arms, which meant they only posed a threat to Gerad if they’d all concentrated their fire on him…and he did nothing to fight back; instead, he responded to the platoon leader’s order by snapping a single shot right through the leader’s helmet, the VLA flashing a 10 cm hole through his head before he’d even realized Gerad had raised his weapon.

Ignoring the other mercs fire as it spent itself, mostly, harmlessly across his armour, he made his way to the closest fabricator. Using his armature mounted cutter, he sliced open the machine and began digging into the inner workings with his secondary arms, extracting a series of small components, while at the same time a swarm of bots from his nano-factory swarmed down the same arms as began stripped what he wasn’t taking for needed base elements.

He was nearly finished when his threat alarm sounded as his armour registered a genuine challenge to his safety, another set of Militia armour. The merc platoon’s garundin must have been at the back, probably covering them against Hive attacks from the rear as they moved and as such was a bit of a late arrival; which, unfortunately for them, meant Gerad got them on the bounce.

Gerad’s PRP came online, swivelling on its mount towards the new threat, and firing, before the other garundin realized he was there. The plasma bolt covered the intervening distance faster than thought could process, and it struck its intended target square in the chest. The blast killed three other mercs outright as well as throwing the survivors into even more chaos.
@ShiningSector He should be able to do it all on site, plus a few odds and ends he'll snag along the way. (I assumed we were heading for the armoury regardless)
@ShiningSector Well salvaged bits of missile drives, a couple of pre made components built via his nano-factory, and a few odds and ends. It would tie into the Balrog's power and while a successful FTL drive needs a lot of power, this dosen't (comparatively)
@ShiningSector Eh, here is fine. My idea was for Gerad to jury-rig together what is essentially a small and unstable FTL drive with 0 safety measures. Once activated (via QEC remote), it tries to 'jump' but instead just tears a chunk of Balrog into subspace before collapsing back into n-space with a hell of a bang. Between the 'jump' damage and said 'bang', the Balrog's already damaged systems then fail adding a reactor over load to the mix, the end result reducing the Balrog to very small pieces, shattering any nearby rocks and thoroughly ruining the day of the 3 Merc ships that are nearby.

(The QEC remote would be so that we could be sure we've gotten enough of a headstart)
@ShiningSector Will get to a post in the morning; though in my head Gerad has an idea to take out the Balrog without having to rely on anything as unsophisticated and unreliable as mere explosives...
@ShiningSector Your post is fine, I just misread it. I'll make a little edit.

While he was grateful that Silas was being practical about things and opted to blow the ship, Gerad was still a bit annoyed that he’d decided to have them trek all the way to the Armoury to do it. Soddin’ git, ‘e knows I c’n pop the ‘Rogs cork jus’ dandy with the flitters in ‘er hanger… He huffed in annoyance; but the decision had been made, now he just had to deal with it. As the blast door finally gave under its assault, there was a soft tone in his ear, and that made Gerad slime slightly; his armour had just finished ripping as much data as it could from the wrecked cruiser’s computers.

As Cyne peppered the Brute with slugs, Gerad tore into it as well with his VLA, the powerful laser burning through several large muscles. He considered hitting it with a plasma shot, but they needed to go out the way it had come in, and several meters of vaporized decking would complicate that. Before he could pour more fire into the Brute to finish it however, there was a slight complication in the form of a Slasher charging towards him.

Bringing his collapsible Barrier up, he also charged his armour’s energy shield just as the Slasher let fly with an acid volley. Unfortunately he was just a moment slow on the activation and the first acid shot did make contact with the Barrier mounted on his left main arm, while the rest of the shots crackled and sizzled harmlessly off. Damage alerts flashed across his HUD as the acid began to corrode the Barrier, though the armour was designed to handle extremely hostile environments so the process was slow going. Automated systems went to work and the built in nano-factory began disgorging nanobots that swarmed over Gerad’s armour and set to work trying to neutralize the acid and repair the damage.

While the automatic systems did their thing, Gerad closed the distance, firing as he did. One shot destroyed the Slasher’s acid shooter and another burned a long furrow down the length of the creature’s body, before the range closed enough to make shooting impractical. Still twisted in pain, it swung at him, intent on eviscerating the little beast that had caused it so much pain; but things did not go as intended. Gerad had holstered his VLA and collapsed the Barrier, so when the Slasher swung it massive claws at him, his main hands were free.

New damage alerts sprang to life as he actually caught the claws, but the damage was easily reparable, and thanks to a Garundin’s native strength, augmented by his armour, he stopped the claws cold. Activating the mag-locks in his boots for greater footing, he tightened his grip and began to twist as he advanced.

In a brief span of moments the Slasher went from bearing down on what it thought would be an easy kill, to desperately trying to break free of this tiny creature that had now captured it. Injured as it was from the earlier laser blast, it was unable to move backwards much, so as Gerad advanced and twisted, the strain on its arms grew more and more, until with a crack and some great shrieking, Gerad broke both its arms. Using the shattered limps to throw the creature to the deck, he then released it and drew his hammer in its full length, delivering a couple of extremely powerful two-handed blows to its head. Between the Swarmer open fire and Gerad killing it, took less than 30 second.

With the Swarmer’s skull smashed like an overripe fruit, he turned his attention to the wounded Brute and rest of the horde. Switching back to his VLA, Gerad began lashing the hole in the door with continuous fire. Although he couldn't see beyond where he was firing, the squeals and grunts his armour's audio receptors were picking up indicated he was having some effect on whatever reinforcements were out there.
@SyncAw, that suck :(
@ArthanusI'm still game
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