>People who constantly flaunt their sexuality in the streets. Who whine and complain until they are given free reign to corrupt every facet of our society, whether it be our moral values, our religion, our children, etc.
Sexuality is a part of our culture, it's everywhere: gay, straight, bi, however you come. I'd say youre memeing but you kind of seem to just hate LGBTQ people as a rule anyways.
>furrydom, femboys, pedophilia, zoophilia
one of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same
>That is how monsters are born, by people being allowed to think the same thing, unchallenged by facts, or rhetoric, or discussion, or debate.
>BTW, I have enough tendies, thank you very much. Plus, since my parents actually practiced good moral values, I wasn't raised by a single mother
And this is just being smug
>I guess I'm lucky that my parents were able to raise me properly, cuz at least I'm not gay. Plus, I have an actual argument.
Ive declared heterosexuality is immoral so what now