Avatar of baraquiel


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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"What does it mean to live?"

Haruko found himself standing inside an old rundown home like the ones in his region, Osuun. Haruko grunted; it seemed that his need to sleep got the best of him yet again. Since it was his dream, he could do whatever he wanted in it and summoned a blue-violet fire on his palm. It illuminated the house's interior a bit, basking everything in an eerie bluish purple light. It looked to him that the house was deserted and forgotten for a long time. Cobwebs covered the ceiling, and the furniture was caked in dust. He could've willed the rotten wooden windows to open to let some light in the house, but his gut told him to not do that for the meantime.

He walked down the hallway, the wooden floor creaking and groaning with every step. The walls were adorned by dusty portraits of the family that used to live here, but for some reason their faces were all blank. Upon seeing them, Haruko already knew that he was having a nightmare.

He walked up the stairs. There were three rooms with their doors shut, but he went to the farthest one at the end of the hall. He opened it, and saw a shadowy figure seating at the bed with its back facing towards Haruko. It turned its head to look back at Haruto, revealing the face of an old woman with black hollow eye-sockets. "I remember... living. Am I alive?", it asked him with a raspy voice. "I don't know. You're speaking to me, so I guess you're living", Haruto told it. "Though there are some who are not living, even if they're alive". Then suddenly, everything dispersed and turned into butterflies. The walls, the curtains, the furniture, the bed, everything. Butterflies of all shapes and sizes, of all shades and colors fluttered around Haruko and the figure. It continued staring at Haruto with a curious expression before it's body dispersed into butterflies as well.

Haruto awoke and found himself leaning his back on one of the rails. He relaxed before catching his breath. He rubbed his face with his hands and exhaled. Well, that was... weird. A nightmare that turned into a sweet dream was a first to him. Ominous, even.

Before he could let his mind wander anymore, Haruko now only noticed the sunlight bathing him and the sound of birds chirping and excited talking at a distance. He noticed that the airship already landed on their destination, and Haruko was the only one left behind inside the flying contraption. He got his stuff, patted his yukata, before following the rest of the students outside, where they seemed to follow more people that Haruko doesn't know about. He walked briskly to catch up to them, admiring the view of the beautiful surroundings and other infrastructures and things at the distance.

Haruko was laying down on a wet grassland. He can feel the water seeping through his clothes as he floated on the wet soil, the grass swaying in the breeze blown by the cool morning air. He looked up at the sky, covered by blankets of thick, white clouds. He wondered what it would be like to become a cloud, just letting himself be carried away by the winds of the earth, soaring through the open sky without a care in the world.

He stretched his arm upwards, opening his hands as if to get a handful of the clouds. Then he suddenly did. He was confused at first until he realized he found himself floating high in the sky, the puffy clouds rolling in front of him as he still laid up facing them. That's when he remembered he was sleeping, and he grunted. He almost forgot he was actually on an airship on its way to an academy for magic, to teach students like him how to practice and develop their skills in sorcery and other arcane arts.

Haruko paused for a second then sighed. He always believed dreams were better than reality, a safe and serene place to escape from all the noise and chaos of the real world. Alas, he couldn't just spend all of his living days in his dreams. Besides, if he focused enough, he could hear the distinct noises of his soon-to-be classmates, all seemingly excited yet nervous of what's to come. The airship he was in was just about to leave when he fell asleep, so he might as well take a look around and see if they're there yet.

He woke up from his slumber, sitting at a far corner of the room, stretching a bit and rubbing his eyes. He saw several people chatting around, all with their own distinct clothing, mannerisms, and personalities. He looked outside the window and saw the academy at a distance. He was very impressed by what he saw, but he was more interested on the clouds parting before the airship as it flew in the sky. Haruko stood up and leaned on the railing, listlessly watching the flying puffy cottons go by with the sounds of chatting at his back.
Approved via PM

hey y'all! thinking for a theme for a character XD
Hey y'all! Have room for one more? :D
Heya! I'm interested! Count me in ^u^
Yay! I'll play too! ^u^
Hiroaki Akiyama

"... and what does Mr. Nagato think about our presentation?"

"He said it needed a bit more tuning but otherwise he thought it was splendid! He's sure the investors will love it."

"That's good to know, hon! And hey, don't forget that meeting we're going to have with the board members."

"Of course I won't, honey. Everything's already been set for later but..."

Mr. and Mrs. Akiyama continued to talk about their work, the first driving the car while the latter sat passenger, exchanging ideas and reminders for their next meeting. And the next, and the next, and the next, and for the one coming up in two months. Meanwhile, their son Hiroaki was sitting quietly backseat with his bags beside him, watching the droplets of rain fall down on their car windows as they made their way to his new school. The music he's listening from his earphones was not enough to drown out the feeling of butterflies in his stomach. Though for him, they're not actually gentle butterflies. It's more like violent wasps.

Realizing the music does not help in his queasiness, he locked his phone and put his earphones in his bag. "I'm scared," Hiroaki meekly said as he looked down on his knees.

His parents immediately stopped talking as even if they were busy chatting about work, they were keenly listening for any sign of distress from their son. Mom turned to look at him with concern, smiling gently at him. "I know it feels that way, sweetie. Why even us adults were scared of their very first day at school when we were younger. Right hon?"

"Oh yes," Dad earnestly replied, occasionally glancing at the rear-view mirror to see Hiroaki. "I believe I cried my eyes out and even pooped in my pants in so much fear that your grandparents had to take me home immediately!" He said dramatically.

"Dad, T.M.I." Hiroaki looked at his dad through the rear-view mirror with his dead fish eyes kind of look which never fails to make both of his parents laugh. Just hearing them like this was enough to destroy a wasp or two in his stomach.

Once she calmed down, Mom's expression gradually changed into a more serious but gentle one. "Sweetie, we're not talking about school because you said it yourself that you don't want to make a big deal out of it."

"I know," Hiroaki said as he looked outside at the passing infrastructures. At the corner of his eye, he saw his parents looked at each other with concern, and he sighed. "Mom. Dad. Regardless of what you... what I think... I'm going to do fine. Going to be fine. I promise you that."

Mom smiled earnestly and reach out to hold her son's hand. "Of course you will be, sweetie. You're the strongest person we have ever met, stronger than even the two of your parents combined." Mom added jokingly.

"Your Quirk is nothing to sneeze at either! The world's already a good place, but it's going to be even greater with you in. Believe in that." Dad added as he flashed a thumbs up as their car stopped at the entrance of Jigokuraku Academy.

For the first time that day, Hiroaki smiled serenely at them, and seeing him like this filled his parents' hearts with warmth. For the first time that day too, the wasps in his stomach had fully disappeared.

Hiroaki waved at his parents as they drive away, probably going to work for today or back to their home. He grasped the handle of his bag, deeply breathed in and out, then turned to face the academy.

It was very impressive for him. It's been a while since he has seen an actual school up close and personal like this. This sight, along with the tons of students milling and talking around, almost made the wasps return. He deeply breathed in and out again. No, he refused to let the wasps win over him as least for today. He walked towards the mass of students, his eyes wandering around at the sight of the variety of teens joining together that day.

There were a lot of people talking at once, but the more prominent one was the one closest to him. It came from a boy with messy, curly black hair and a very hostile look on his face. He was talking so strongly about something that clearly upset him. From what he's saying, he clearly doesn't like being here.

Okay, so I've read in an internet article that in order to survive in the wild, you have to side with the lion, the leader of the pack and the king of the food chain, Hiroaki thought to himself. From the looks of it, he does seem to be the lion around here. Oh well.

Before he could think any further, Hiroaki tugged at the guy's sleeve. "Um, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about? Why are we considered undesirables, and what's so bad about Jigokuraku?" He asked as he looked curiously at him. He couldn't believe what he was doing but it was too late to back down. Oh well, at least he got to see his parents for the last time before he gets mauled by this guy. Life was good until it lasted.
sorry about that double post lolz
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