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~⌡ Departure ⌠~

Kat stared off at nothing in particular, casually running her fingers over the smooth black handle of her knife. It felt right, carrying weapons. Naturally they gave her a sense of security, but they also provided an almost overwhelming feeling of pride. All their hard work, all their training, had not gone to waste. They were finally real soldiers.

Kat loved being in her combat gear almost as much as a skimpy dress. She wore light, flexible gear that granted her the freedom of movement she need to keep up with her spirits. They, and she in turn, preferred a more fluid style of combat. Clunky gear would just get in the way of that. She didn't carry much on her person, not wanting anything to hinder her. Just the necessities. Her sword, sheathed across her back and accessible from her right shoulder, her dagger, which was held horizontally on her lower back. She also carried two canteens, slightly larger than the normal size, which carried her third weapon. Given the nature of her spirits she found it best to carry a bit of water with her. It was not always going to be available. Though with this storm coming on, she imagined she wouldn't have too much trouble.

Kat stood off from everyone at the gate, lost in her own mind. She very much preferred to ignore the fact that no one was here for her. To say goodbye to her. Not that she felt sorry for herself or anything, but it was just easier if she didn't think of her parents at all. Avoiding the problem was pretty much Kat's life philosophy.

A cursory glance over the group, a subconscious check to see if everyone was there, landed Kat's eyes on Puck. He was off on his own as well. Likely doing the same thing as her. She took a step towards him, but the group was called to attention before she could say anything.

Sawyer, great soldier or not, was a twat. But he was a commanding twat, and one whose type Kat had gotten used to. She went through the motions again, salute, straight face, sir yes sir. If anything would push her to rise through the ranks, it would be having the ability to skip over these dumb formalities. Sure they promoted discipline and order or whatever but to her they were a nuisance. A waste of time. Not that what mattered to her really... mattered anyway.

~⌡ Break ⌠~

The trek was an arduous one. Very boring, very uneventful, very taxing on Kat's patience. If this was what the military was going to be like for real, just a bunch of walking, she was ready to go AWOL. Why couldn't she get like a car spirit or something.

As they walked, Kat made sure to air her opinions. Most got no response, and were mostly just for her anyway. Sometimes complaining made things easier.

"What a twat." She said as they left the Field Marshall.

"Not even one truck was available? Sounds like bull to me."

"Maybe if the academy spent less money on hot dogs..."

"WARG: Walking Around is Really... Great?"

When Olivia decided they should take a break, Kat was all for it. Was it the best idea? Probably not, as voiced by a few others. But she didn't mind too much. A break was always good to Kat. She moved and sat down against a tree by Emily, who was particularly vocal about moving on.

Kat nodded in agreement, not really sure whether she was really ready to continue the journey. Once the two began talking about more sensitive matters, Olivia being in the position of leadership in particular, Kat got up and moved away. If she had stayed, she would have joined in. And if she joined in, she would have voiced her opinions on who should really be leading. It wasn't Olivia, in her mind, and she didn't think Olivia needed to hear that. Obviously the thought had already occurred to Olivia, but hearing it from others wasn't exactly what she needed right now. Kat still felt like she was lying as she walked away.

Kat found a spot to sit under another tree, this time next to Puck.

"Don't look so grumpy." She said as she slid down against the rough bark.

"Not enjoying our first mission?"

She followed Roy's gaze to Olivia, and then looked back at him. "She's not absolutely terrible at this."

"Definitely a better choice than the either of us." Kat continued, laughing a bit. "D'ya think she'll be up to it?"

~⌡ Battle ⌠~

Kat's conversation with Roy was cut short by the approach of the pack. Kat hopped up with Roy and followed him into the formation the group naturally formed. She was grinning. Finally some excitement. Finally something that would make this feel like an actual mission.

"This is more like it. It's about time." She said calmly as she grabbed her first canteen.

Kat listened as Olivia gave out orders. She did quite well, and her plan sounded pretty solid. It was only a few moments after Olivia had finished talking that Aaron was already out of position. Kat knew there was nothing stopping him now, but shouted out after him anyway. "Get back here you idiot!"

She looked back as Aaron threw himself into the heat of the battle, and made eye contact with Roy.

"I got your back, Kitty Kat, you just do what you gotta do."

She nodded and smiled. "Glad at least one of my knights in shining armor decided to stick around."

Kat unscrewed the cap of the canteen and turned it over, allowing the cool liquid to gush out. It fell about a foot before it stopped and pooled up in front of her. The water floated there, its form still flowing despite being suspended. She emptied her second jug, allowing the contents to join the existing water. The water then stretched out, encircling Kat and Roy as one thin stream. She wanted to wait until more of the raptors were engaged before revealing her ice. A quick count came up with somewhere around ten of the things, and it would be best if some where otherwise occupied before the majority came upon them. In the meantime, Kat drew her sword and knife in preparation.

The feeling of everyone's spirits flaring was quite intense, and it brought a smile to Kat's face. Maybe she wouldn't have to go AWOL after all.
@Prisk: I understand entirely. I was beyond hyped for GW2 before it came out, and then it came out.

My post will definitely be up tomorrow!~
Fan of Guild Wars, eh Prisk? Haha.

I'm working on my response now, should have it up tomorrowish.
Forgive my absence, busy times. I'm gonna auto pilot and then catch up upon their arrival, if that isn't too much of an issue.
I always have trouble discerning between rambling and good description. I'm not a fan of flowery language myself, so I tend to keep my stuff short and to the point. I could try to embellish things a bit, if that'd make it more enjoyable to read. :)
Kat spent the rest of the time they had remaining before the meeting stared finishing off her hot dog. They were every bit as good as everyone said, despite being a little cold. She wondered for a moment how they got them to taste so good, but then decided it wasn't worth knowing. Hot dogs always kind of skeeved her out anyway. She wasn't even truly sure what kind of meat they were supposed to be. Her mind wandered, pondering just how messed up the ingredients could be before the taste was no longer worth it. She decided somewhere around dog meat was where she drew the line.

She walked in with the rest of her friends as they were called to the meeting. It ended up being just what she imagined for the most part. A boring, short speech and some badges with the weird Academy Council overseeing the whole thing. Kat's mind was elsewhere for most of the meeting. Her eyes fixed forward, all she had to do was salute when everyone else did and she'd be golden. It was pretty much second nature anyway.

She checked back in around the time they were given their first assignment. This was the important part anyway. It was surprising to hear that they'd be heading out right away. She thought they'd have a bit more time here, at least a day. It was slightly irritating, as she had planned on spending the night with Tyler again, but it was no use being upset about it.

Kat left the meeting feeling, most likely, less conflicted about the whole thing than anyone else. She had already accepted their new positions and was ready to get started. She wasn't worried about fighting, dying, or anything really. This was what they had spent the majority of their lives preparing for. She'd be damned if that time went to waste not being nearly killed.

One thing that did stick in her mind for awhile though, was the appointment of Olivia as team leader. She was a fine choice, but wouldn't have been Kat's first. She'd probably put Thael or Remi above her, if only just a little. She thought about mentioning it as they all left, but then realized Olivia probably had enough going through her head. The last thing she needed was any more doubt.

Her thoughts were broken as she walked out by some moderate yelling. Moderate by Freddy's standards at least. He was yelling at Puck about... did it really matter? He was always yelling at someone for something. He then turned his attention to Thael for a moment to apologize and his demeanor changed. It was a slight change, but Kat had been listening. His tone was softer, again by Freddy standards. Kat smiled to herself. Freddy's crush was cute, and a great way for her to mess with him.

Kat walked past the three. She turned her head towards Freddy as she walked by, running her fingers delicately under his chin as she did so.

"If things don't work out with him, give me a call," She said with a slight giggle and a smirk.

She continued on towards her room to gather her gear. In a rush again. The military really liked deadlines. She reached her room and gathered up her gear. Her new uniform made her feel more official, at least. She noticed she had a sheath on her back for her sword and another on her hip for her knife.

Her spirits gently faded in and out of visibility as she walked down the halls of the Academy for what would probably be the last time.
I've decided to get rid of Kat's Thael crush. The Thael love train seems a bit crowded so I'm gonna let you guys have that. :P

I expect Kat's bitch mode to be active in my next post.
So I found a song I feel fits the group as a whole. Some of the lines are creepily accurate when it comes to Samuel.

"We are the reckless,
We are the wild youth
Chasing visions of our futures
One day we'll reveal the truth
That one will die before he gets there."
An intense buzzing cut through the stillness of the morning, jolting the girl from her uncomfortable slumber. Weary eyelids parted, revealing a pair of deep brown eyes staring blankly towards the ceiling. Kat parted her still painted lips and exhaled a breath of both disappointment and frustration. Her head pounded, her eyes ached. Somehow she managed to swing her arm down to the floor and slapped her phone until it shut off. The ringing stayed in her ears for a few moments, until it was replaced once again by the light breathing of Kat and the guy whose bed she was currently sharing. She took a moment to enjoy the silence and watch as a few of her spirits tentatively emerged from their veil. They floated effortlessly above her, resembling a small stream. They varied in shades of blue, most deep in hue, with a few clear ones mingled in. The blues were vibrant and magical, but the clear ones had a certain beauty that was unmatched. Their subtley required a more attentive eye.

The night had been a wild one. While Kat was no stranger to alcohol, it was graduation. It was almost a requirement to get wasted. And, for Kat, it was a welcome one. She remembered the beginning of the night. Getting ready, drinking a bit in her room, meeting up with everyone. But as the night progressed her memories became more and more strained. A lot of it was just a blur of lights, smiles, and drinks. It was crazy, but it was fun. She enjoyed herself, ignoring the fact that her time at Oakridge was coming to an end.

Eventually she had split away from her friends as the night died down. She met up with Tyler, a guy she knew from a few of her classes, and they talked for a bit before heading back to his room. This was not all that uncommon for her as of recent. She had a lot on her mind and at some point realized meaningless sex was just another method that helped her to avoid her problems. This had gained her a bit of a reputation, but she didn't care.

The body next to her stirred, and with his movement her spirits retreated back into their shy world. His awakening signaled her to get out of bed, as little as she desired to. She grabbed her phone from the floor as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. It was as she pulled her dark jeans on that he spoke.

"Leaving already?"

"Yes. I'm hungry and need a shower," Kat responded, scanning the ground for her blouse.

"Alright. It's a little past ten, you wanna get lunch? They've got hot dogs!"

"No. Not at all."

"You sure? C'mon I thought we had a good time last night?"

"Last night is over."

She checked over her belongings, making sure she had everything, and then move to the door.

"See ya," She said as the door closed.

Kat drudged slowly back to her room, her head and stomach giving her a hard time each step of the way. As she unlocked her door, the PA system buzzed to life. She turned her head towards the direction the sound was coming from and pushed the door open at the same time. The voice spoke name after name, quickly listing all of the people in the world she was closest to. A smile formed on her lips. So they had all made it after all. Her smile vanished as she heard they were to report in ten minutes. She cursed under her breath as she entered her room. She wouldn't have enough time to get ready and eat. After a few moments of deliberation, she decided on the shower and got to it.

The hot water soothed her aches as it flowed over her, washing off the bad decisions of the night prior. The constant stream of relief almost convinced her to skip the meeting. She already knew what it was about, why even bother? Besides she was probably already late. It only took a few moments of deliberation to realize this was a dumb idea. She begrudgingly turned the water off and stepped out.

Kat got ready in record time and was out the door with two minutes to spare. Her hair was still wet, but that was unavoidable at the moment. She pulled it into a loose bun as she walked down the hall. She'd get herself sorted after the meeting, she just had to look moderately presentable.

As she strode towards where she had been called to, Kat checked her phone. One missed call. From her mother. Kat stared at the screen for a bit. She was somewhat surprised that her mother even remembered her graduation date, as they hadn't talked in several years. Kat had been living at the school longer than she had with her mom, and they had gradually drifted apart over time. Several fights sealed the deal, and Kat and her mother just stopped talking altogether. While she didn't wish to separate from her parents, it was out of her control. They were both too far to visit and talking on the phone got tiresome after some time. Perhaps it was better this way.

Kat arrived just on time, strolling in confidently as if she had planned it. A cursory glance of the room revealed that most, if not all, of her friends were here. She gave a slight wave and smiled. Then her eyes landed on the plate of hot dogs Puck had pointed out. Kat practically jumped on the platter of food, shoving half of one into her mouth and biting down. Her stomach growled in appreciation as she finished one and grabbed another.

"Thanks Puck, I thought I was gonna die."
Ugh these posts are breaking my heart. :P

Mine'll be up tomorrow most likely.
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