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The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
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40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
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A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
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No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
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Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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Discord Hall of Fame™ episode 3.

The Foxy Collection™.

Dice rolls are in.

The possible numbers can be anything from 1 to 10. 1 to 3 represent a poor outcome for your character, 4-7 is a mixed outcome and 8-10 nets a good outcome. Characters with strong relevant skills, attributes and equipment receive 1 bonus point.

  • Good: Alim, Dax, Dael, Marcel, Sagax, Sevine, Leif, Do'Karth, Wylendriel, Sadri, Adeze
  • Mixed: Maj, Ariane, Niernen, Keegan, Tsleeixth, Ashna
  • Poor: Piper, Narzul, Dar'Jzo

  • Adaeze receives an upgrade (7 to 8) versus the undead werewolf due to her silver sword and her proficiency with it.
  • Sadri gains a bonus point (7 to 8) while climbing from his adept acrobatics and minor agility.
  • Ashna's speech, shield and willpower helps her as a tank (3 to 4)
  • Tsleeixth's minor speed and athletics makes him climb faster (3 to 4).

  • Jellyfish: Maj and Ariane can't catch their jellyfish, but they also don't blow themselves up. The only one caught is by Sevine.
  • Dreughs: Marcel and Dael is able to defeat their dreughs. Keegan can't kill any, but he isn't seriously injured. Both Dar'Jzo and Narzul are getting overwhelmed by more dreughs than they can handle; they will be incapacitated without aid.
  • Werewolf: Piper is ineffective as the main tank; she gets hurt and the werewolf moves on. Ashna has better luck tanking in Piper's place, however, she has to choose between keeping herself safe or taking some hits for Piper (Piper will be incapacitated without help). Adaeze and Dax get a couple of good hits in, but they can barely keep the werewolf at bay. Niernen has the choice between fleeing to safe location, changing her attack to the dreughs or focus on the werewolf (the latter two options mean injuries for her).
  • Climbers: Everyone except for Tsleeixth makes it up without any problem. Tsleeixth has a series of close calls, but is able to scramble his way up without getting hurt.
  • Support: Wylendriel and Leif can each prevent one ally from serious injury.

You are welcome to propose your own interpretation if the above do not satisfy you.
Actions are locked in.

Catching jellyfish: Ariane, Maj, Sevine
Fighting dreugh: Keegan, Narzul, Dar'Jzo, Marcel, Dael
Fighting werewolf: Piper, Niernen, Ashna, Dax, Adaeze
Climbing chains: Sagax, Tsleeixth, Do'Karth, Sadri, Alim
Backup/support: Wylendriel, Leif

Standby for dice rolls.
Prepare for dice results tomorrow.

@Chicken, respond today or you'll miss out on the first round of this encounter.
Dax and Alim will go after the Dreugh or Werwolf, whichever needs help, though one of them (both are capable) can go up the chains to destroy the airship.

Please specify your choices.
Marcel can distract the werewolf or keep back the Dreughs from someone less tanky.

Pick one.
I'll start.
  • Keegan will be battling dreughs on Kyne's Tear.
  • Ariane will enlist Maj's help in order to grab jellyfishes.
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