Avatar of CaptainManbeard


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Also, just to give everyone some more ideas of the depth of stories I usually write, here are a couple of my posts from the introduction section explaining some of my RP history:

Hello, everyone! I'm new to this site, but have been writing and roleplaying in some fashion for well over twenty years. I started out on a few old D&D forums back when I was a teenager, then moved on to other stories in my early twenties. In 2005 I came upon a large RP forum that I still post in to this day, fifteen years later. But I'm always on the look out for new writers to roleplay with, and so I am here.

I view writing as a work of art, and thus I prefer RPing with people who are passionate about attention to detail and presenting a cohesive narrative that is easy to follow. I try to approach my posts with the same integrity that I would when writing a novel. I thread a fairly thick plot into all my RPs and provide extensive world-building, depending on the setting. I have been known to experience creative explosions in which I can take a few small details and rapidly expand them into a full-blown narrative. It's like lighting a match near a leaking gas pipe -- it starts out as just a tiny flicker, and then erupts into a massive inferno.

As for preferred genres, I tend to lean towards science fiction and fantasy. I almost always create characters who have some sort of superhuman ability, whether through magic, technology, or genetic mutation. Most of my stories fall into the realm of "mature," though I am flexible with that aspect. To give you an example:

I once had an RP based around Teen Titans/ Young Justice. The "player-characters" were the sidekicks attending the Justice League's Tenth Anniversary Ball at the Hall of Justice. A group of villains attacked, and unbeknownst to the other writers, I secretly inserted Deathstroke into the story disguised as a waiter. The only other writer who knew something was up was the girl who played Terra, but even she wasn't completely in the loop. So anyway, while the attacking villains created a distraction, Deathstoke commandeered Terra and the two of them slipped deeper into the Hall in search of the Blue Beetle scarab, which was stored in the Armory after the previous host had died. They were confronted on their way out, however, and the scarab fell out of it's containment pod, jumped to life, and scurried off into the chaos. It found the young Jaime Reyes and latched on, marking him as the new host. Jaime then lost control and started attacking anything and everything. He was then confronted by Hal Jordan, and an intense fight ensued. I then surprised and delighted the other writers by severely rising the stakes with Hal Jordan getting impaled by Blue Beetle's arm saber. I described his death in excruciating detail, and then the Green Lantern ring shot off through a broken window, eventually finding John Stewart.

If it wasn't already apparent, all my RPs exist in separate universes from their mainstream counterparts, sometimes affectionately referred to as "Jeffyverses" by my long-time writing partners (my real name is Jeff). I will seldom use an existing setting without first ripping it apart and reassembling it to better suit a specific RP idea.

Anyway, hi everyone!

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! Totally adore that avatar :D. I actually had an RP once called Firefly: The Next Generation. It starred the children of the original crew, and I played a character named Kylar Washburne, who Zoë had become pregnant with just before Wash died. The story takes place about thirty years after show and film, and the original Serenity had long been destroyed in the Second Unification War. Kylar had served as a Browncoat in that conflict just as his mother had in the first, and then when he returned home from the war, he discovered an old junked firefly-class ship and restored it together with Zoë.

The event that brings all the characters back together is Zoë's death, and the trip to Mr. Universe's Moon to bury her next to Wash. However, along the way, a young blond girl shows up asking for Kylar. Turns out she is Niska's granddaughter seeking freedom, remembering Kylar being kind to her when he was held prisoner during the war. I made some tweaks to the canon for this aspect to say that Niska had multiple children and grandchildren, some of whom were born after his death. They played the primary antagonists in the story, coming to collect the girl and then marking them all for death when Kylar refused to abandon her.
<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

Thank you! I'm going to do a Spider-Girl/Spider-Woman character with @Crimson Flame

I may create an another character later.

Okay, sounds good!

I'm thinking of going with either Kate Bishop (Hawkeye).

If you do end up going with Kate Bishop, since I am playing Lucas Bishop, it might be cool to have them be adopted siblings or something. What power were you considering for her? I suppose you could have her dexterity and hand-eye coordination increase, as well as her sight distance. Like a sniper without a scope. That would make her excellent at gathering intel ahead of a mission or spying on potential enemies.

Although I want to emphasize the fact they are young and new to being superheroes in the beginning, eventually they could come under the supervision of Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. As stated, the first big event they would lead up to would be the Terrigen Bomb in Times Square, and then after that I was thinking of delving into HYDRA and our characters' first exposure to space and aliens. I've given some thought to how I want Loki to develop, and I think at some point after the Terrigen Bomb he's going to get thrown into an alternate future, where he spends decades trying to come back to our world, and then shows back up similar in appearance to the Loki from the Avengers film, and then from there we can adapt our own version of the Battle of New York.

I also have ideas tying in Ultron and the Sentinels from Loki's future that come back as well and tying it all together into an epic sprawling narrative.

EDIT: I actually might have both Thor and Loki thrown into the future, and the former shows up a while after the latter has, similar to the Avengers film as well. Though for our other characters, only a few months will have passed. So while we are still teenagers, Thor and Loki will have grown decades older, but the Terrigen has severely delayed their physical aging.
I'm interested as well. Just not sure who I'll be yet.

Love the Nightwing avatar! Let me know when you think of who you might want to play :D.

I'll express my interest in this, yet not promising commitment.

I have to admit I'm anxious about trying to hang in the Advanced section. I could probably write two paragraphs per post, but I'm not sure how often I could do more than maybe three.

Dragonlance avatar, nice! After Raistlin gave up the red robes for the black :D. I understand how it may seem intimidating to RP here in the Advanced section. I can't speak for other GMs, but for me, I put much more value in the quality of writing than the length of it. Some people can write a dozen paragraphs and it's complete shit and full of errors, while others can take a solid two paragraphs and produce something that rivals professionally published work. I'll give an example below of one of my past writings for RPs:

The skies above were a cloudy grey as the wind lightly rustled the green treetops. The forest stretched out in every direction, the moisture in the air hinting at a coming rainstorm. An average afternoon in the Pacific Northwest during February; gloom was the norm.

In a clearing amongst the wooded hills sat a small lake, where a mountain of a man knelt over the shore, washing his face. He wore dark jeans and black leather boots, but was naked from the waist up, his other clothing draped over a nearby tree branch. His skin flowed taut over his rippling muscles, dark brown hair cascaded in flowing locks over his firm shoulders, and a short beard masked his face. His body was covered in tribal tattoos and his eyes shone a bizarre golden brown.

The man had been hunting for the source of a strange power reading in the area, but thus far he had come up empty-handed. But that was about to change, as he suddenly felt a strong Mana aura burst to life.

"There it is!" he yelled out, jumping to his feet. His nostrils flared as he called upon his superhuman senses to pick up a scent, followed by his eyes lighting up from golden brown to a metallic yellow. He then smiled and took off running through the trees towards the source, displaying speed and dexterity far beyond any mortal man.

A few minutes later, he came upon a hunting cabin in the woods, where he was sure this monster must be hiding. That was his job, after all -- hunting down nightmarish beasts around the world and exterminating them. He snuck around the side of the cabin, slipped in through a back window, and then stepped into the main room prepared for a fight. Instead, he found a young woman curled up in the corner. The Mana aura was clearly hers. Dumbfounded, the man just stood there, staring at her.
So far, it looks like we have potentially seven interested writers total, including myself. I'll give it a few more days to see if there is any further interest and then I'll post the main thread and the character sheet layout.
So, how exactly will characters like Loki, Thor, and Hela work? That’s a minor issue I have with the story being that they all got their powers at the same time, in the same place. Will characters like that, whose backstories form the basis for their powers and concept and whatnot, just take the name and powers and otherwise be a normal person?

Since this world is initially very similar to our real world, gods like the Asgardians don't exist in the same way they do in other Marvel universes. My idea for Donny and Owen was for them to take the names Thor and Loki from Norse mythology, so yes, they would be normal humans who were then mutated by the Terrigen, but their powers and personalities would develop to be similar to their MCU counterparts. I will also likely use younger versions of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleson as the faces for Donny and Owen. Once Owen gets a little older and goes full-on supervillain, he will be virtually indistinguishable from Loki in the first Avengers film in personality and appearance. I will also probably use Khary Payton for Bishop and Matt Damon for David Bruce Banner.
I would love to throw my hat into this. I’d love to take on Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

Sure! Welcome!

Intrested for sure. Thinking about rping as Marcus Milton (Hyperion).

Okay, sounds good!

I'm sorta interested, but more importantly, I wanted to give kudos to the awesome screen name! I love it!

Haha, thanks! Usually I go by "Captain Manbeard" or "The Magnificent Manbeard" on various sites. It's a nickname based around my ability to grow a kickass beard:

This sounds so cool! I would love to join if you'd have me. I'm assuming we would be able to turn to the dark side eventually in the story right?

Sure! What characters did you have in mind?
I thought I would keep it simple. Marvel.com says she is only human like you said but I figured make her superhuman traits with precision aim and for a boss power either invisibility or telepathy. I don't know what she uses but after some research I would update her weapons and gadgets.

Invisibility would probably suit her better than telepathy. You could deck her out similar to a Rogue in D&D.
So if I wanted to be Spider Man, would I have to be Peter Parker, or could it be an OC?

Yeah, that's fine. You could say the Terrigen gives him spider-like powers. There could be a spider in the tree above him in Central Park that drops down and bites him just before the fog rolls in or something.

I am interested. And I have never played a woman character but I want to rp Black Widow.

Since she is usually portrayed as a normal human, you have a blank canvas to create her powerset. I would recommend a dexterity-based mutation similar to Spider-Man, and in fact you could have her be near Crimson Flame's character and so they both get spider-like abilities and take spider-like names.
My idea for this is to rework the Avengers as a group of teenage superheroes who get in over their heads and have to grow into their new heroic roles. To start, this version of the Marvel Universe is largely identical to our real world, with the exception of some old media of Captain America and other heroes in the 1940s. Notions of magic, aliens, and superpowers are largely considered fictional by the public, and all our starter characters are normal humans at the beginning of the RP.

For the sake of simplicity, I'm taking mutants, mutates, inhumans, and other types of powered beings and uniting them under the banner trigger of Terrigenesis. So our starter characters are just normal teenagers living their lives in New York City, and they're among those ready to celebrate on July 4th, 2023. However, when the fireworks start to go off that night, a sudden blue fog envelopes the crowd in a wave. People begin to panic, thinking they have been poisoned as they hack their lungs out. Unbeknownst to them at the time, a renegade scientist placed several Terrigen Crystals in with the explosives, hoping to see what would happen since his superiors refused to authorize human testing. And that's how our starter characters get their powers. Feel free to rework any Marvel character to fit within this joint origin story.

The goal for our heroes in the short-term would be to learn about their powers and try to uncover what happened, but the long-term objective will be to stop the scientists and their team of villains from detonating a Terrigen Bomb in Times Square during the Ball Drop on New Year's Eve. After that we can roll into heavily modified sagas centering around mainstay enemies like HYDRA, Ultron, and Thanos. I'd love to hear your character ideas.

For me, I'm going to be playing four guys to start: Donald and Owen Blake, two brothers from London spending the Summer in America; Bruce Banner, a young genius years ahead of his time; and Lucas Bishop, a skilled athlete who aspires to one day become a Navy SEAL.

After their first Terrigen encounter, Donald is able to channel lightning and becomes Thor; Owen can cast illusions as Loki; Bruce morphs into various forms of the Hulk; and Lucas absorbs and redirects energy in the form of red plasma. Over the course of the first saga, Owen gradually becomes a villain and ends up a major antagonist. Feel free to create multiple characters yourselves to have some as heroes and some as villains. PM me if you have any questions.
The year 2020 was wrought with chaos and catastrophe. The populace thrust from one tragedy to the next; a global pandemic, a rapidly deteriorating economy, injustice and organized oppression at the hands of corrupt governments, to name a few. It was also the year humanity went extinct...

Earth prospered under it's new human-free existence. Cities and structures were reclaimed by nature, pollution finally began to fade, and a new global eco-system prevailed in the coming millennia. Removing sentient beings from the planet allowed it to thrive once more, but wouldn't it be a shame if something... brought them back? ...

This roleplay would tell the story of a group of passengers aboard a flight in August 2020, who had just been released from quarantine after the tropical island they were on was put under lockdown. This was after many people thought the danger of viral infection had passed and thousands had swarmed the island. So, our characters are on a plane, heading back home to America after their vacation didn't turn out like they expected. At first it's smooth flying, but then they find themselves in rough wind as a massive electrical storm rolls in seemingly out of nowhere and begins thrashing the plane around. The vessel begins getting struck repeatedly by a strange red lightning, blasting open windows and hatches, and electrocuting most of the passengers. Just as they are losing consciousness, they witness the plane starting to crack as it dives toward the ground, a bright light envelops them all, they hear a distant sound of a loud explosion, and then darkness.

Out of the approximately three-hundred passengers onboard, less than a dozen suddenly find themselves on the shores of a jungle island that is likely near the one they left. But what's strange is that they are all naked, any belongings they had are gone, and the plane itself is nowhere in sight. The stars seem off a bit as well, and everything feels strange -- and that is before the mutant bugs come out of the jungle to attack them.

Somehow, they find a way to survive in the coming weeks, and then are shocked when suddenly there are bright flashes in the sky above them, followed by the plane reappearing and crashing down on the beach. They discover more passengers on the plane, but still not all of them. However, there seems to be a time discrepancy because for the second group, it's only been moments since the first group vanished. Then they begin to remember the passengers seemed to get hit by the red lightning in waves. For our main characters, they were technically part of the second wave, having seen those at the very front of the plane get hit first. They conclude that they must have been flung into the far future, with timeskips between each wave. But if our main characters were part of the second wave, and the third wave threw people farther ahead, shouldn't the people from the first wave have arrived first? Where are they? Did they show up somewhere else?
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