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I found this image, but no glasses, lol.

Surprisingly, the CS doesn’t have a personality section... Which I suppose makes things easier.

Sooo, anyone know any blonde haired blue eyed actors that wear glasses and can pass for 18? :P

Yeah, I figured it might be better to let personalities show through the writing, but feel free to add that part if you'd like. As for actor ideas, hmmm. You could try to find a young Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) wearing glasses, or a genderbent version of Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood), haha.
I have the blank char sheets up, I'm still working on filling mine out. You'll notice I decided to go with Mark Ruffalo for Banner instead, and just went with David instead of Bruce because I'm playing Batman currently on a different site and don't want to get mixed up when I'm writing, lol.

Okay all, here is the new thread. I'm working on the char sheet template and will have it up shortly.

I'm working on the char sheet template now, be up shortly.
UPDATE: My character sheets are done, I will post the story intro once everyone has their characters posted as well.
Any estimate on when the OOC will be up?

It will be up within a few hours. I'm on days off now, so I have more time to focus on getting everything going tonight (it's about 10:30PM my time right now). I'm a night shifter, so most of my creative stuff is done when it's dark out, lol.
Natasha was trained by the KGB at a very young age, less than 10. She was inducted into a "Red Room" program for young girls who would be trained killers. And yeah, I don't like superpowered characters. Some people can pull it off, while others not. There's usually a mix when it comes to superpowered people.

One thing to keep in mind, from Wiki: In 1991, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the KGB split into the Federal Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. After breaking away from Georgia in the early 1990s with Russian help, the self-proclaimed Republic of South Ossetia established its own KGB (keeping this unreformed name). In addition, the Republic of Belarus has also established its own national security agency, the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the name and acronym of which are identical to those of the former Soviet KGB.

Which incarnation of the KGB were you intending to have her trained if you decide to go with that? I would also consider the ideas @Raistlin Majere mentioned.
<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

With Kate, I'm thinking of enhanced vision definitely, like that of the Ultimate version of Clint Barton. I might like to give her the ability to make small hand-held objects into projectiles much like 1610 Clint and/or Bullseye. Also, I may give her enhanced speed, agility, reflexes, and stamina comparable to that of Daredevil.

I'm not sure what I want to do with her biography and personality yet, though I do want to keep the sexual assault as part of Kate's history. Keeping that in should justice her having some self-defense training and perhaps a little boxing. Of course, she'll be a trained archer.

And, yes, I'm open to having Lucas and Kate be family.

Okay, that all sounds good.

It's cliché but what do you (does everyone) think of a Sue Richards metamorphosis for Black Widow.

Natasha would remain a crack assassin but be able to turn invisible and either skate around on invisible waves or shoot invisible rays or both. The invisible rays are my choice to stay. The rays would be absorbable and not cause too much damage. Then, there's the force field. It won't be on Invisible Woman's scale, but it can stop a bullet or a medium energy bolt. Input?

She will be who she's always been. I'm going to look up several histories to use as source material for her history. And, as far as her personality goes I think I'd define her as optimistic, realistic, fast, and stable and well enough to cover her own ass.

That all sounds fine, so long as she is not too overpowered. Though I would like to remind everyone to keep in mind that the RP is supposed to focus on them when they are teenagers and thus largely untrained besides what they would have normally studied in school or martial arts classes or archery classes or whatever. In the case of Black Widow, if you wanted her to be an assassin from the start, you could say she is still in training and her class is on an extended field trip from Russia to spy on politicians in the UN while they are visiting New York as sort of their first field test. Though ultimately it's up to you. Initially she could be spying on the Young Avengers and reporting back to her superior, and then either betray her master or betray the Avengers at some pivotal moment.
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