Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum iaculis urna vel risus rhoncus, et aliquam leo sagittis.
Sed at odio sapien.
Curabitur sed mi id risus consequat aliquam.
Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
Quisque et quam sed justo interdum efficitur nec non magna.
Donec tristique mi nisi, commodo pulvinar elit sollicitudin et.

Most Recent Posts

@Lithfangel it's too bad consoles don't have all those cool mods. But there is a community of modders for us console players.

I just wish I could use the lighting and texture mods without having trophies disabled on my Ps4.
@Crusader Lord I'm here to kick ass and consume calcium and I'm all out of calcium.
No no @DX3214 nobody is listening to logic. Shadow God is not having it!
@Lucius Cypher that sounds fine by me πŸ‘
And annoyed shadow is annoyed
Fuck it, Krin is gonna just accept this til he either gets in trouble or ran out of the tavern for giving out the all the bars alcohol.
[ K R I N ]


Frustration reaching its fever peak, the grizzled old warrior rubbed the sides of his head with both his calloused hands when the woman asked him for a drink, a vein in his neck was throbbing as he looked up at the lady but stopped short of giving the lass any guff, instead he did something uncharacteristic.

He bellowed a hearty laugh, the anger and frustration leaving him in that moment. As a man who had years of drinking experience he knew the look of someone who just drank the stuff what went down rough " Bourbon and whisky too much for you lady?" snorted the warrior as he stood, he had nothing better to do might as well do what the gods seemed to be pushing him towards.

So, he climbed over the counter like he climbed over the corpses of those felled by his hand and rummaged around neath the counter til he found an apron and a bottle of what looked like cheap wine. "You know kid, in my time wandering the world I've gotten pretty good at spotting a shifty character. Not that I care where your gold is from, I've done my fair share of heists back in my day." Krin tied the apron to his front and settled his greatsword against the counter, leaning over and handing Ophelia the bottle and a glass with a sly smile.

"I don't even work here kid, seems though that maybe this old warrior is destined to be a barkeep though. And whose to fight destiny eh?" honestly he was just giving in to the charade at this point, it could be fun so he'd keep up with it before anyone noticed.
Well anyway I just had a errant thought for my character. A geek of sorts, a gamer who has anger issues so his persona is a fire genasi or something.

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

LOL, Nah.
The Keytar doesn't exactly fit with what I have in mind for this Warforged Bard. ^_^

@Lucius Cypher I see...

Thank you! Both of your answers really helped! ^_^

I am thinking of going with a Warforged Bard for my character's persona.

Warfprged Bard, do you play a keytar? Mayhaps? XD
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