Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Vestibulum iaculis urna vel risus rhoncus, et aliquam leo sagittis.
Sed at odio sapien.
Curabitur sed mi id risus consequat aliquam.
Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
Quisque et quam sed justo interdum efficitur nec non magna.
Donec tristique mi nisi, commodo pulvinar elit sollicitudin et.

Most Recent Posts

RIP no Medival McDonald's
Sure, anyways I posted.

@Crusader Lord

A gentle breeze blew through the grass, blowing the smell of morning dew and quite possibly the smell of a dead animal or something. Whatever it was well it sure wasn't a pretty smell to meet one's nostrils, yet it passed as did their camp as it disappeared behind them just like the village before.

"No fancy automobiles in these parts I reckon," the farmer spoke to nobody in particular really whilst walking ahead of the group with Joji and a few of the other men "Hoo-wee what I wouldnโ€™t give for a nice breakfast, don't suppose they have none of them fancy McDonald's here neither?" though he didn't make a habit of going to the fast food chain Clive would sometimes have a burger with his old man as a kid from time to time, it was more the sentiment of missing things. Besides he wasn't no city boy getting fat on a daily Big Mac.

Clive snorted obviously understanding that there would obviously be no fast food chains in this weird world they dound themselves in "I reckon if ya can't build no stick house maybe you can magic up a breakfast eh Miss Lili?" she looked like a wizard out of them story books he read as a child. Clive was just trying to lighten the parties mood a bit, as something about the way the wind was changing unsettled him.
Ah boppity boopity welcome to my rp pizzeria
I miss most things if I'm not mentioned, and I guess the hider hid my mention whoops
I'll get a posting
@Alec the idk generally you can't do nsfw on the forum in public. In private yeah. But not public.
@SouffleGirl123 I hope not.
I dunno ifni find it funny
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