Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
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2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Wordage: 284 words (+1 points)
Experience: 10/30 EXP
Location: Sector 5 (Seiren)
Midna's @DracoLunaris, Blazermate's @Archmage MC and Goldlewis's @Lugubrious

"Asparas," soot covered, the Saltiron veterans voice was somewhat ragged as he summoned the spectral visage of the frost maiden "Fire Wall." if the incendiary Other hadn't done them in, it would be anything else, the rest of the Seekers found themselves surrounded by a fiery bubble that diminished the flames that linked them, he struggled to his feet.

Winded from fighting to not die in a blast of fire. His shield was charred but still intact. The fighting mostly over, the others seemed to be mopping up the stragglers, or gathering whatever spirit the Other left behind. As it stood they hadn't the luxury to lag behind to catch their breath, as quickly as they had arrived so too they all rushed ahead towards a darkened corridor.

Benedict took the time to keep a sharp eye on their surroundings while also making use of a quick Media from Asparas once her cooldown had ended. It seemed the Seekers would have no peace down here, as the security camera as well as the room changed drastically.

The room or rather the lift lurched forward and the air quickly filled with some strange music "There is not a moment to lose," he would be dead on his feet if he had to leap between the platforms he lacked the vigour but not the agility thanks to Bird's Prey "Miss. Blazermate, a lift-" Benedict had to duck as a sign nearly struck him "Would be appreciated." he couldn't keep up, if this continued he would soon be a red stain on the swiftly accelerating lift.

Benedict was going to have to settle for less taxing work when this was all said and done, that is if he survived the days excursion.
I couldn't see it in the first place. Just the one that was posted here.

"Difficult dec-Master Grindan, she is a child!" blustering Ingo, who had visions of grandeur just moments ago now was flustered over how this good for nothing brute considered his neice to be an able candidate, it was preposterous.

Malon was not as concerned with the current situation as she was where her father was but at the back of her mind she had doubts she could run the farm by herself. Ingo was a harder worker than his brother and although he felt like he deserved more his brother was content to run the ranch at his own pace.

"As it stands we are struggling what with there being no meaningful commerce with the castle-" he had to restrain himself as he remembered that this man was indeed an executioner, who could break his scrawny little neck if he wanted so with a shallow gulp and a shaking breath he continued "I-I am just saying that times are hard right n-now. A child cannot balance the books." Ingo pat his young neice on the head before continuing saying "You see, as her relative I should be responsible for everything. As the only responsible adult around here anhyhow." he put a bit of emphasis on responsible, grumbling something about his lazy oaf of a brother.

* * *

He wasn’t built like he was in his youth, so as a pair of skeletal monsters marched towards him he could only try to inch backwards and fall on his butt, letting out a panicked yelp fully expecting the monsters to attack him only to take him by the arms and up off the wet morning grass "H-huh?" the rancher confused looked at the two ghastly looking creatures only to quickly look away, shaking fearfully at the appearance of the Stalphos. They wore and carried the armor and weapons of hylian knights.

They were strong, their skeletal hands gripping his arms behind his back as they lead him forward towards the gate to the ranch "Let me go!" he began to cry out, only to be cut short by one of the monsters pulling out a dull blade then he shut his mouth "Pl-please don't kill me.." it didn't understand his pleas only understood that the fat big nosed man had stopped struggling and continued leading him up towards the ranch.
@aia2022 just joshin
<Snipped quote by rocketrobie2>

Dude, you're off your freaking rocker. Who cares if there isn't any Taco Bells near you, KFC is just as good (see, better) and like everyone said, that faux-mexiCANT food isn't worth the price. Grow up man.

Shit dog, eat some chilly dogs

And go into a blind panic he did, fearing greatly for his life "Y-yes Master Grindan!" his voice warbled, before he collected some semblance of himself as he dashed towards the stables just a short jog away from the house "GET UP, GET UP THIS ONCE MALON!" the Burnette little girl rubbed the sleep from her eyes groggily mumbling, before bolting upright as the stable doors clashed open "What is it Uncle Ingo-" her questions fell flat as her uncle stopped her "Now is not th-Malon, why is this woman here?" he'd turned this stranger away earlier, they had no room to offer accommodations for wastrels or wanderers especially not at a time like this!

"Never mind, get up this once child. You must leave at once, same as you woman." Ingo huffed, Malon was too kindhearted and naive to be around here though she didn't ask for anything in return she helped out best she can. However she would know where Talon was, maybe..Yes maybe she could tell Ganondorf's lackey where his no-good lazy brother was! "On second thought, come with me my neice." Malon has gotten up by now, still in the cotton gown she slept in. A present her long departed mother wove her when she was young.

Ingo, before leaving the barn turned to glare at the woman in the stables "Leave at once, or I will inform my guest of a trespasser on the property! Now leave!" in a huff he returned leading Malon by the hand, not roughly but urgently. She shrunk at the sight of the giant that stood flanked by what looked like monsters made of bone. She shook in fear of the man, she wanted him and his weird minions to go away.

"Uncle Ingo, w-who is this man? He scares m-me." While Ingo wasn't a cruel man, nor did he not care for his neice but in the moment he cared only about himself, he was craven but still he felt a twinge of sympathy for her as he too felt a same fear except it was overwhelming to a man like him. A fear that would make him sail his own family up the Zora River "Hush now you, he is here to see the farm...Now where is Talon?" why would this scary man come to look at the farm in the middle of the night? If he wanted to he could have come in the morning, without the scary bone men or his big scary weapons "He w-went to go deliver Milk to th-the village Uncle..He hasn't come back yet?" her father? Where was her father?

* * *

Just over the hill, the light of dawn was muted grey by the clouds. The sky was still dark with the black night sky yet a sliver of light came from the horizon. From over that hill a portly man sauntered, whistling a jovial tune having delivered all the milk to the bar in Kakariko he was on his way home unaware of the situation unfolding in his Ranch. Little did he know that tonight things were going to change.

"Huh?" he squinted as he made his way over the hill leading to Lon Lon Ranch noticing the shapes of what looked like people standing outside the gate to his Ranch. It was not even daybreak? Who could be visiting at a time like no-then he saw the eerie glow in the eyes of the monsters outside his home. And gulped hard, finding himself surrounded by them.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

<Snipped quote by rush99999>

I mean, he had shown himself to be quite fast. Would it even be possible to outrun them? XP

So whose turn is it? Or shall we all make new characters? 🀣
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