Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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And to start off the new year, a post :)
@cloudystar Miraculous, the thief managed to pull himself and Eclisse out of the conflict back to their group, but things were going bad for their allies as well. "Told you to have some faith in m~...oh wow hehe...out of the flames and into a blizzard, aren't we? Well archers against our main company and a hero against our new spear gal. You want to go for one group and I get the other? To be honest, I'd rather focus on the hero to be honest...one target for me would be nice. I could provide you some covering fire for a moment if you want to charge into either or of the group. Hehe...one person providing covering fire. Your choice, just tell me the orders and I'll follow."

Eclisse nodded at Taka's suggestions. "I'll see what I can do about those archers. Let's hope we make it through this." Eclisse ready her blade and rushed at the archers bringing her blade down on the closest one. "Hey you arrow shooting pansies! Try focusing on someone your level!" She shouted to the group of enemies.
Ivan, alongside Kaite and Tiberius, each struck a blow against the creature and the damage was clearly visible despite the being's dark aura. The electricity of Ivan's blade even made the creature's muscles jolt in pain, but something was incredibly off. Without a second to react, the creature made a swift move that sent Ivan back a bit and when he looked down at his sword, it was broken clean in two. "Damn, that was my only good sword!" Though he didn't have time to worry about it as the creature was still standing. In fact, it was laughing, almost as if it enjoyed the pain. The creature then took the half of the sword that was stuck in it and pulled it out, grinning menacingly as it did so, what was this abomination!?!

With a few parting words the creature vanished in black smoke, the forest was back to its eerily quiet state. Ivan threw down the hilt of his now broken blade, he had more things to worry about, like the well being of his allies. He walked up to Zenovia in a calm but urgent manner. "Are you ok? Is everyone alright?" He spoke the last question loudly so he could get a response from everyone.
@Oliver Meanwhile, Lin kinda scared Lunaria off
@Oliver @Joshua Tamashii @AimeChambers

This turning into a nice little group introduction what with Amelia, who seemed to be communicating with water, Lin, who was more than likely not from here judging by his accent, and Pierre, a rather kind second year student, all introducing themselves. Lin explained that he came all the way from Shanghai, he must be having a difficult time adjusting, it also seemed like Lunaria had ticked him off in some way because he seemed to be glaring at her, what did she do? Was she rude in some way to him? Though, they were all sitting at the same table, and Lunaria just decided to acknowledge the first person she saw. Great, first day back and she's already made a bad impression.

"W-well... As I said.. You can just call me Luna... Sorry if I... Came off on the wrong way... I'm just... Ooohh..." Now she was just making things more awkward, she didn't know what to do, all except... "U-uhhh... Please excuse me..." Walk away. She proceeded to get up and leave the table, guess this year wasn't it.
@Joshua Tamashii
After a bit of reading up on her spells, Lunaria realized just how many students were gathering together. Some looked a little familiar as she has seen them here and there over the past few years, but she never really knew any of them. She put her grimoire under her arm and stood up from her seat. "Well... I said I would... Here goes nothing..." Lunaria approached a blonde girl who seemed to be controlling some water from a water bottle. "uhhhh.... H-hello... Its uh... Kinda crowded isn't it? M-my name is... Lunaria... B-but you can just call me Luna..." She put up a bit of a nervous smile as she spoke.
@Darkwatck01 I'm honestly waiting on a post from you
Ummm... Its Thursday for me
Another day, another nerve wracking year at the academy. This was marked as Lunaria's 4th year here at the academy, despite her abilities as a time elementalist, she never really had an easy time here. Though that may be due to her not exactly being a very social person. "This year... This year... I have to branch out... At least a little bit..." Of course she's said that for the past three years, but this time it'll be different for sure. Classes had yet to start, so Lunaria took the time to relax a bit, maybe memorize a few spells from her grimoire.
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