Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Sorry for the absence, school is kicking my tail x_x
Color me intrigued
Laina appeared to of brought back tonight's meal, a nice deer, and asked for some help skinning it. A big commotion was starting up when an elven woman came running through the trees yelling about an orc trying to steal from her. This orc, moments later, came bounding through the trees yelling "thief" or something to that effect. Members of the group seemed to know this orc, whether that was for bad or for worse Ivan didn't know.

He allowed the others to handle the situation and went over to help Laina. "I'll help... Give me a sec..." Ivan pulled a small hunting knife out of his pack and began to help Laina skin the rest of the deer.
Ill post after im done with school
@Rekaigan @Thinslayer
Ivan made a quick movement and caught Zenovia before she could hit the ground. Panic began to set in his mind; Did that thing poison her? Was she ok? Was she gonna die? Ivan didn't have any clue as to what to do. However, after a quick look over, it seemed that Zenovia was just extremely exhausted. Ivan let out a relieved sigh and gently picked her up.

Xen called out to the group that they were setting up camp, let's just hope they don't have another out of nowhere warg attack. Ivan walked over to what was the group's campfire and leaned Zenovia on a nearby rock before sitting beside her. This journey... It would break most people, the group had barely made it through that encounter, but it seemed that their scout was lost for better or for worst. God bless that poor elf's soul.

The best that Ivan could do, is fight on in her memory, fight on to stop this darkness from taking anymore innocent lives. Ivan snapped back to reality of the campfire being started again, now was the time to rest. Ivan looked at Zenovia, to his ring, and back to Zenovia again. "Eru.... I asked you for aid in that battle... And I'm eternally grateful... But now I ask that Zenovia... Has a comfortable and restful night." As he quietly asked this, Ivan looked around at his exhausted and wounded allies, he wouldn't have made it without them too. "And... If its not too much trouble... I wish that for everyone else here... Vert, Xen, Tiberius... Everyone..."
Yes, I still want to be in this rp

Yes, I'm still having fun

Participation is not difficult, I've just been really busy lately.
@Joshua Tamashii @AimeChambers @Oliver

Lunaria was just about to leave to sit somewhere else when a combination Pierre and Amelia's words told her to come back. This just made her even more nervous, though if they actually were interested in what she had to say then it shouldn't be that bad. Turning back around everyone seemed to have said a bit on where they originally came from, so in turn Lunaria decided to give her story. "Well... I came overseas... All the way from the United States... Its my 4th year here but... I don't know I just feel... Awkward... When I talk to others..." She didn't want to give too much on herself, that would just make things harder for herself, the least she could do is help the matter with Lin.

"L-listen... Lin was it? I don't know if I... Offended you in some way... But If I did... I'm sorry for it..." she bowed her head at the end, she really didn't want her first interactions with people to go bad for her. She had to at least make some acquaintances this year.
@KimmiNinja Nah, we're hanging out. Class hasn't started to my knowledge.
Happy new years everybody, heres to a good 2017 :)
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