Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
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@TheWindel Well... If you guys want them... I'm personally thinking against them
Calm down, those were the ones I just happened to look over and I'm kinda thinking against omni evolution
Name: Khristina

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Kitsune

Element: Light

Personality: Khristina is a free spirited, kind hearted, fox tailed traveler. Her love for knowledge and her innate curiosity is both a blessing and a curse as she is very knowledgeable, yet is prone to getting into matters that don't concern her. Despite her love for all knowledge on magic, Khristina is very cautious towards any at all dark magic, not because she hates or distrusts it, but because of dark magic's ability to do more harm than good in the wrong hands. She's always willing to chat, no matter the topic, just be prepared for a long talk as she is very talkative.

Biography: Khristina was born into magic nobility in the kingdom of La Veda. As she grew up, Khristina began to grow tired of her boring noble lifestyle. Learn this, learn that, well how about learning something she wanted to learn? When she turned 18, Khristina gathered her things and left behind her nobility to travel beyond the boundaries of La Veda. Her journey has taken her through the kingdoms of Vriksha, Agni, Sama, and even Bariura, where she learned the many types of magic that are taught in the kingdoms. Her knowledge grew to the point where she would attract the attention of the God of Light, Lucius. Calling for her aid against the threat of the Fallen Gods, Lucius named Khristina his Oracle, the person who would gather together others who Lucius has called, and guide them in their fight against the Fallen Gods. Khristina now holds her head up high, knowing that it wasn't a mistake to leave La Veda, as she now has a greater destiny ahead of her.

Evolution: As her power grows, Khristina begins to pulse with magic from all of the six elements. She also grows five additional tails, with each tail wearing a colored ring to represent each of the elements
Sert, Malkai, Lotte, and Ryuuga are accepted
Much better, I can actually imagine him having dragon like features as he evolves

It is completely up to you, I'm not forcing you too change your character's as they evolve, just be a bit creative is all I'm asking
I mean, it doesn't have to be too drastic a change. Plus its not like our characters are going to change at the snap of a finger, its going to be a long process of them changing and evolving so it should give you enough time to come up with how they evolve
I like what I'm seeing in the characters, though for a few of you I may have to clarify what evolution is in the grand scheme of things. Evolution isn't simply your character learning new techniques and thats it, for most if not all units in brave frontier it could have an impact to the armor and weapons they're carrying or could change a character's physical form.

Just a little heads up i want there to be a balance of elements so only two characters can be of the same element ok?
Yes we will be using stars to indicate our levels, as it stands I'm thinking of starting us as 2 stars, just so we're not too strong but not too weak.

Honestly you don't need to know much about the lore. Your character is who you make them out to be. Whether their an apprentice mage, an bounty hunter, rogue knight, a ravenous beast, anything. Not much is known about the kingdoms anyway except for a few little hints to how they were like in some of the character entries.
@Mangrale Honestly i don't care. Brave Frontier has such a variety of characters that it doesn't really matter what they are, I just wanna see some good characters :)
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