Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Sorry... Very busy lately. Plus been working on an rp of my own -_-
Still interested. I'll post something tomorrow, promise.
lol you fine fam, ...'s just triggered me to remember inescapable super long dialog.

I know the feeling -_-
@Eklispe@Lucius Cypher
Hey... Give me a break. Trying to make things dramatic. :(
You wake to an empty void, everything around you is nothing but a black space. It is eerily quiet and you can't make out any shapes in this dark void, you feel a heavy presence bearing down you. The void seems that it is consuming you, drowning you of any light that resides within you. Is this a dream? A nightmare? Or something else entirely? However much you struggle, you can't seem to escape the void, everything seems hopeless, you feel as if your about to be consumed, until... A bright green light, faintly glows above you... As it appeared, it quickly began to glow brighter, brighter, and brighter still, until the dark void was no more, replaced by a field of flowers.

The light above you remains where it appeared, soon a voice echoes through, as if it was going through your mind. "Oh chosen warrior... I... Am the God of Light, Lucius... I have seen your potential... A spark that has yet to alight... A spark that may rid this world of that which threatens it... I beseech you... Journey through the gates... Journey to Edivid Village, The Town Between Worlds... There you will meet my Oracle... She will explain the threat to this and all other worlds... A threat that you... And many others may yet stop... Follow the Light, great warrior... I will watch over you... Til you reach your journey's end..." The voice faded away and just as soon as it came the light that was above you... Vanished. Was that really a dream? Or a true vision from the God of Light? A new destiny awaits you... Should you choose to follow this voice's instructions. May the Light guide you.

The fresh morning sun was peaking over the mountains. Light shined upon the peaceful village of Edivid, merchants began to open their shops, the black smoke of a blacksmith's workshop billowed into the air, travelers of all shapes, sizes, and professions began to fill the streets. It seemed like just another day in the Town Between Worlds. A young kitsune watched the town through a window in the tavern, she seemed to be looking for someone... Or maybe even a few people. A light knock and the sound of an opening door echoed through her book filled room, a simple looking maid stood at the doorway holding a plate with a cup of freshly brewed tea sitting on it. She walked calmly over to the kitsune, setting the plate on the table in front of the kitsune.

"It is a lovely morning, isn't it Master Khristina?" The maid finally spoke in a quiet tone. Khristina nodded her head in agreement. "It is, Loralei..." she said taking the cup of tea. "And soon... Things will become a lot more interesting." She said looking back out the window.

When i get back home I'll start the IC, tonight is the night :)
Thats actually better, consider Claire accepted
If you want you can keep Claire as is, just be sure to put their element on the CS
Its not too much of a problem but if you want to that would be nice
Its ok, minor edit. Still no water elements though... Ah well...
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