Nothing much. Just figure I'd look back into this, see how things were going.
@ZAVAZggg Weaknesses?
The hail of machine gun rounds continued to the Valeyard after the laser tore a hole in the terminator. It was damaged, but not out for the count, and struggled to continue fighting.
Ash was stuck, and a psycho was coming in for the attack. While the woman deadite was dainty, Jesse knew how certain levels of crazy could trump physical strength.
He aimed his gun to shoot the deadite in the head, but the deadite was gunned down by something else. A machine gun. Jesse turned to see the shooter, to find a box-like robot with two rotating machine guns. It turned to Valeyard and its guns started spinning, to be cut off by gunshots from Jesse’s glock which had little effect, but drew its attention. Jesse dove again into the alley as a hail of machine gun fire came at him.
" Damn why do I keep putting my foot in mouth."
Ash drew his boomstick, "it's about to get real ugly."
"Yo mama, daddy has a little sumptin for ya, suck on this!" Ash yelled as he squeezed both barrels off at the encroaching deadite *KABOOM*
The deadite's head exploded ,sending blood and brains all over them.
For the second deadite, Ash kicked in the O' chainsaw, and shoved it deep into it's chest, ripping and cutting the deadite's flesh.
Blood and guts, and whatever it had eaten , was now raining down upon Ash and anyone neat him.
A crazed bizarre look of enjoyment spread across Ash's face.
Seeing the third deadite coming, he tried to remove the chainsaw but it was stuck.
"Uh oh, shit...shit..a little help here, somebody!"