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    1. DemonPrinceDraiton 10 yrs ago


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What are you looking for?
Well, I think I would be interested in this idea you have. Count me in.
I already said interested, but I just want to say I would want to be Gambit.
In 2050 the world came to the point of third World War. It led to the point that we could no longer stand the violence and gathered the greatest minds and a collection of military leaders and planed an exploration to a planet that had been studied for years since the second world war. Through the studies they have used many devices to study this new world to be able to see if this world would be safe for habitation. After many years of research they found the perfect planet, or so they thought. While on earth the tension was to the point of the war starting and those who were gathering and planing their exploration to this new world to get away from the war. They finally escaped on the ship to Nuva Orbis, the new world planned for their colonization of those who only wanted to find a place of peace, but they were not prepared for what they could find on this new planet.
Once on the planet they were able to notice that everything that people feared in stories back on Gaia (what they referred to earth as). They did not expect to find creatures like demons (human like creatures with grey skin and dark powers), necrosanguins (creatures that drink blood of other living creatures to keep perfect health and extend their lives, with the innate ability for inhuman speed and strength, yet unlike vampires they can die from war and other actions of violence), lycanthropes (werewolves that can change to human form at any time, but their strength increases on the full moon which in this new world comes more often seeing as they have two moons. They also do not lose their minds when they change). There are other creatures as well the living in this world from nightmarish places, but worst of all, they could never had suspected that the planet's core gave off a radiation that effected only those of the humans who were born on the planet who while they were developing and growing to the age of 7 or 8 would have their brains effected by the radiation so that they would grow to have mental capabilities such as telekinesis and telepathy. Few made it through this alive. Many would die in what was called the Death Sleep, a form of a coma that they wen through as the body adjusted to the transformation.
I would be interested
Character: Draiton (chooses to not accept his step-father's name).
Race- Human/Demon
Abilities: Pyrokenisis - creates fire and controls it in any form that his mind can imagine.
Necromancy - ability to sense bones and the dead and be able to control them like puppets with his dark magic that he received due to his demon heritage. He is also able to bind souls of the dead to skeletons as well as communicate with the dead.
Some minor dark powers using his dark energy for shielding and minor attacks.
Story: His mother was raped by the demon lord soon after the humans made it to Nuva Orbis. She months later gave birth to Draiton but never told others including her husband about what happened, so nobody knows of Draiton's heritage and only suspect his odd coloring of eyes and skin to be caused by the radiation poisoning from the planet's core.

Characteristics: A young man of 23, with normal Caucasian skin color with a hint of gray in it. His eyes are gold with silver specks in the irises. He often wanders alone in the woods hunting down creatures that may be of a threat to the people of the town. He has become a strong fighter over the years ever since he came into his abilities. (will probebly add more later, but right now my mind is empty).
In the darkness of twilight the moon was the only light that broke through the clouds. The forest to the north of the colony was full of sounds of the wind rustling through the branches and sounds of different creatures that lived in it. One thing though stood out in stark contrast with all the other sounds of the night. A hissing sound so low that it was almost unnoticeable. There was something outside creeping through the town and it was not far away. A young man in his early twenties stirred in the shadows throwing on a cloak covering up a small assortment of knives and a long sword strapped at his waist. His eyes glowed gold in the darkness of his room. He reached for his window and opened it, slipping out. His you skin with a slight grayish tint to it mixed with the tan tint of a man who spent much time working out in the hot morning sun flashed against the moonlight as he sped off in the direction of the sound keeping mostly to the shadows. He crouched down hiding behind a boulder behind the bar in town and peeked around it spotting his prey. 
A creature tall as a full grown man with green and blue scales covering it's back and chest with bright yellow eyes peering in the night, its soft belly being the only part fully exposed with a light green fur. The locals called the beast a Lacer, it was a form of semi-intelligent life that lived on this planet that they now inhabited small parts of. Due to creatures like this the humans tended to stay mainly to the clearings and trying not to wander too far into the forest and the wilderness beyond. The Lacer was some form of humanoid lizard that had razor sharp claws and usually traveled in packs, but this one was traveling alone. Draiton knew that if it was around much longer it's pack may find it if they were still alive, and they may cause trouble for the sleeping inhabitants of his town. He peered around the corner and smiled to himself. He knew that the lacer was wandering around not far from the nearest graveyard. He reached out with his mind and could feel bones of beasts that they had killed years ago buried haphazardly long ago dried and clean from decomposition. He touched these bones with his mind collecting strength from the energy within him and combining them, pushing their way up through the soil and forming into a lycanthrope. The skeletal beast obeyed his thoughts and lunged at the unsuspecting beast digging it's claws into the beast pulling it towards its chest cavity. Draiton waved his hands and the ribs of the skeleton slid inwards spearing the helpless lacer. The ribs pulled out letting the creature fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Draiton walked up to the beast and raised his hand. 
"You never had a chance once I heard you my friend. I would rather make it a quick death so that you do not suffer." He raised his hand in front of him with a ball of fire formed in it and turned it towards the creature as it lit on fire and burned to dust in seconds.
This is open for anyone to join. The only rule I would set is that you do not kill eachothers characters. You can fight just don't kill.
In 2050 the world came to the point of third World War. It led to the point that we could no longer stand the violence and gathered the greatest minds and a collection of military leaders and planed an exploration to a planet that had been studied for years since the second world war. Through the studies they have used many devices to study this new world to be able to see if this world would be safe for habitation. After many years of research they found the perfect planet, or so they thought. While on earth the tension was to the point of the war starting and those who were gathering and planing their exploration to this new world to get away from the war. They finally escaped on the ship to Nuva Orbis, the new world planned for their colonization of those who only wanted to find a place of peace, but they were not prepared for what they could find on this new planet.
Once on the planet they were able to notice that everything that people feared in stories back on Gaia (what they referred to earth as). They did not expect to find creatures like demons (human like creatures with grey skin and dark powers), necrosanguins (creatures that drink blood of other living creatures to keep perfect health and extend their lives, with the innate ability for inhuman speed and strength, yet unlike vampires they can die from war and other actions of violence), lycanthropes (werewolves that can change to human form at any time, but their strength increases on the full moon which in this new world comes more often seeing as they have two moons. They also do not lose their minds when they change). There are other creatures as well the living in this world from nightmarish places, but worst of all, they could never had suspected that the planet's core gave off a radiation that effected only those of the humans who were born on the planet who while they were developing and growing to the age of 7 or 8 would have their brains effected by the radiation so that they would grow to have mental capabilities such as telekinesis and telepathy. Few made it through this alive. Many would die in what was called the Death Sleep, a form of a coma that they wen through as the body adjusted to the transformation.
I am a college student in the western US. I am currently trying to build my creative writing and that is my main reason for joinig. I have been part of 3 closed world RP forums in the past and love it, but that was all in high school. I am really just looking to improve my world creation and character building. I am working on writing my first novel which I hope to have ready for editing by spring of 2015.
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