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"cause its funny and you arent supposed to be funny but its also insufferable you have more brain rot than my gen alpha nephew" thanks fledermaus. i'm going to alter the trajectory of your life.
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she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Konohagakure no Sato | Chunin-going-on-Jonin | Edgelord Supreme

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Exam Stadium | INTERACTION: @Syn @Seraphicide @GlitchyBugger (Sano, Yui) @Pirouette @Savato (Partners)

As the situation unfolded, Sakana's eyes shifted from left to right trying to understand the situation. The speed with which Rumia was moving around was phenomenal, and the power of this shark-figure was incredible too. Was this destiny? He thought back to the seal on his body, and momentarily considered charging the shark to die, so that he could take the figure down with him. But then Rumia made a move that Sakana could only move to support. He prepared to seal the shark in with whatever chemical she'd prepared to throw at him, to maximize his exposure to it and ensure he couldn't escape it, so he formed his seals until they were rudely interrupted by a secondary figure entering the playing field. Not that Sakana could detect much of that, since the figure appeared so quickly and immediately shot out what seemed to be senbon. He was forced to abort his attempt to seal the shark inside of earth, and instead was put on the defensive.

He would've helped Kyoka or Rumia by having his shelter be around them, but the distance was simply too great. Instead, all he could do was alert them. “Senbon,” he rather calmly stated while mid-handseals. When it was completed, he planted his hand onto the floor. “Earth Release: Rock Shelter!” Instantaneously a stone dome formed around him, with the back of it open to allow mobility if needed. Not a second later the tk-tk-tk-tk-tk of the hair-senbon was audible from behind the shelter.

Once Sakana was positive the attack was over, he jumped up and over the shelter, landing on top of it preparing to fire off another jutsu in the direction of these two enemies, but it was seemingly too late as the two of the had vanished into nowhere. “I see,” he proclaimed, lowering his guard and standing completely upright, his black eyes scanning the environment for traces of the direction they'd ran off in.

“It seems our fate doesn't end here.”

TIME: Hokage's funeral | LOCATION: Konohagakure, funeral site | INTERACTION: None yet, feel free to interact

“A fitting day,” Sakana's dad mumbled during the funeral, watching as the casket was placed into the tomb. He was right - it was rainy, and the tone was sombre. Little else could be said, really. Sakana was standing with the rest of the clan, who all looked like him - black eyes, black hair, overall a sombre looking clan all together and that was only enhanced by the context in this case.

“Maybe. He was a good kage. We'll never gone one like him again.” His mother made sure to fill in what everyone else was thinking - except perhaps Sakana, who wasn't sure how to feel. To him, Ginsho was just a kage. He was a good one, but then, most kage's were good in some way or form. He nodded none the less. “Yare yare.. I wonder who will take his spot. Plenty of good candidates that will be looking to capitalize on the loss of our Hokage.” That too was true. Sakana could only hope someone with adequate skill was elected.

There were the jonin exam results too. Although none of the prospects dared to ask what the results would be - postponed, voided, or given out later - it was a question that Sakana felt was present in every prospect jonins' mind.

From the corner of his eye he could see the leader of Amegakure, Yogensha. On the other side there was the Mizukage. Angry whispers had said that Kirigakure was responsible for this attack, and although Sakana wasn't there to see it for himself, his family told him that shinobi of Kirigakure were spotted attacking the civilians. Surely the presence of the Mizukage was strange because of that.
Hi there. Welcome to RPG! I'm sure you'll find yourself at home in this place if you want to RP. Otherwise, there's still a community here and a lot of people who don't RP also hang around. Be sure to check out the Discord if that's your kinda thing.

Best of luck! If you have questions don't hesitate to ask!

I just want to alert you that the expedition pamphlets are slightly ahead of the timeline. That's done on purpose, but keep it in mind. The pamphlets are sent like 2-3 weeks after the funeral. There's still going to be one event that I know of taking place before then.

Again, keep that in mind.

Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Hokage mountain | INTERACTION: Koma Hitsugi, @GlitchyBugger; Black Dragon @BladeX

Koma insisted she stay there and, although Yogensha considered it momentarily, she decided not to order the girl away again. She was not a part of Amegakure - any longer - and was responsible for her own choices. Adding to that, this person in front of them seemed to possess power enough to make this fight a true fight - unlike fighting the clones, like she had been before, this would result death either for her or for him. Having Koma here as a back-up seemed good even if it placed a lot of risk on the girl. As Chis, the Black Dragon, spoke to her and Koma, however, she felt her blood boil. Momentarily the pain in her bones was gone, as she focused on his words. Do not underestimate me, she thought - a thought contrary to how she acted. It was good that he underestimated her. That way she could catch him by surprise.

She did her best to control herself, to maintain that perfect composure she was renowned for, but the pain in her bones combined with his dismissive words - and the fever she was running by now - meant that she could do little to control herself. The rage of the Kaguya clan came up in her and unfurled itself quickly. She formed numerous handseals, pushed a foot forwards to gain a grip, and cried out. “Fūton: Kazekiri no Jutsu!” She slung her hand forward, where a good amount of wind chakra had gathered, and let go of the chakra, sending a slicing wave of wind forwards towards the Black Dragon.

It was too late. By the time the wind hit him, he was gone, leaving only some smoke behind where he had once been. Yogensha bit her lip, drawing blood, before turning to Koma. Finally, she pulled up her arm and wiped the blood from her mouth with her sleeve. “We should return to the village. It seems most of the danger has passed. Now we should aid those we can find.” Before she could step forward, her body went numb, and her attempt to step forwards ended in a vague stumble, causing her to fall to her knees. What is this, she wondered, the pain returning to her bones, seemingly burning the insides of them up. She could feel them moving - surely that was a mistake, just a result of the fever that was setting in, it was making her delusional. But if Koma paid exceptional attention to Yogensha, she could see bulges under her skin moving, as if there was something under there trying to get out.

After a second or two of rest, Yogensha finally pushed off and managed to get upright. Without addressing her seeming tumbling health, she continued. “Let's go,” she ordered.

By the time they'd reached the village, news of the Hokage's passing would've reached them. Ironic, Yogensha thought. She'd been prepared to die but was spared by someone looking down on her. The Hokage was looked up to, and ended up dead. The Sage had a funny way of choosing who would pass to the afterlife.

TIME: A few days later | LOCATION: Hokage funeral site | INTERACTION: Sayuri Nisshoku, @Write and anyone else at the funeral

Yogensha and Sayuri had stayed in Konohagakure to attend the funeral - something that was becoming increasingly troublesome as Yogensha's condition had worsened, and she was restrained to using a wooden support to stand upright. Despite every moment being burning agony for her, she somehow maintained her composure as well as she could on the wooden support. She was still dressed in her Amegakure garb, the blood still on her sleeves. Not from fighting. From illness. The Konohagakure medics had offered to look at her and 'take care' of her illness but she had insisted she was fine. There was no way that the Konohagakure medics were going to be allowed to gather intelligence on her. She'd have to wait until they were back in Amegakure. A moment that could not arrive too soon at this moment.

As the casket was brought forwards, Yogensha could only lean towards Sayuri slightly. “Kaito has been missing,” she whispered to her, before leaning back as well as she could. Looking at the casket, Yogensha felt nothing. Ginsho had always been a beacon of stability for her as a political leader - he was not an ally of her, far from it, but he was not a warmonger and she knew she could rely on Ginsho and Konohagakure to offer her assistance if it were needed. She had supposed that was part of the Will of Fire.

But with the flame extinguished and the Hokage dead in a box, perhaps it had just been something else entirely.

But as a person, emotionally, she could not bring herself to feel much. Ginsho had been just that. A political leader, like her, but of far greater importance. It made him a target. It made all of these people a target. It reduced him, as a person, as a being, as a human. It made him an object. Yogensha knew she could see past that - that was the Sage's will - but could others? Could they see past his status as a barrier between them and their goals?

He was supposedly in a casket now. So evidently not. A raindrop hit her on her nose. It reminded her of home.

TIME: Weeks after the funeral of the hokage | LOCATION: Amegakure, Yogensha's residence | INTERACTION: Sayuri Nisshoku, @Write

Several weeks had passed since the Hokage's funeral, and Yogensha's situation had only worsened. The civilians of Amegakure were getting restless - what if their leader fell ill and died, would they be subject to another civil war? Would they pay the price of her death? The shinobi were also getting restless. Rumors of planned coups were taking over and soon enough there was not a clan left in Amegakure that was free of the accusation of being a traitors den. These rumors were kept from Yogensha by her staff - either to not burden her already frail health with the thoughts of unrest, or because she'd insist on going out and stopping it.

Not that it would stop her.

She had gotten up and walked through the corridors of her residence, inspecting the left over artworks and the many many industrial pipes, that echoed the sound of rain hitting her building permanently. Although she was frail, she had enough chakra left to sustain Ukojizai no Jutsu, meaning it now permanently rained and she was permanently aware of new visitors entering her village. A sad compromise between her health and duties as the leader of Amegakure.

As she wandered, she found herself at the bottom of the gigantic tower that was her residence. She slowly pushed open the large, heavy cast-iron doors and walked onto the raised plateau that lead up to her house. She heard yelling below her, and slowly approached the railing at the edge of the raised platform. In front of her were two men, wearing Amegakure forehead protectors on their arms. They were evidently shinobi - and they had brought their clans too, who were standing behind them seemingly ready to enter a riot and fight the other clan.

She watched as the two went back and forth.

“Your clan is nothing more than good-for-nothing rain-dancers that pick up the left overs of other clans! And now that our great leader has fallen ill, you want to pick up her left overs? You should be executed for treason!”

“Tsk, all lies! You are guilty of what you accuse others of! Everyone knows that your son and the heir to your clan is a bastard anyway, so if anyone should be executed it is you, for adultery?”

“What, say that again, I dare you! I will rip your throat out with my kunai so fast that you couldn't even ask for forgiveness!”

“Yeah? I'll fucking burn your whole clan to a crisp!”

They went back and forth some more until they noticed Yogensha was watching over them, leaning on her crutch, her face saying nothing, not even disappointment. “O-oh,” the two men mumbled in unison, quickly bowing down and kneeling before their leader. Yogensha watched them and the entire two clans kneel before her, but it made her feel no better about the situation. She stared at them a moment longer before turning around and silently, and slowly, walking away towards her home again. “Disgusting,” she whispered to herself, before the heavy clunk of the doors indicated that she'd entered the building again.

Two hours later, Sayuri would be summoned. It'd be the first time in two weeks that she had been summoned, and when she entered, she'd find that the room had changed a lot. It was dark, lit only by candles in the corners. The door to the balcony was open, letting in the sound of the wind that tried desperately to pull down the tall structure, and the rain that had not stopped since their arrival. At the center of the room was Yogensha, laid in a bed.

Where she would normally stand so tall and proud, like a true leader, confident but with a humble streak, she was now reduced to a woman that had lost a lot of weight, so much that her bones were visible through her skin. The bulges under her body still moved, more violently than before, as if something was trying to get out of her body. But she couldn't feel it. She was on so much pain medication that she would be lucky to feel anything at all. The only reason she hadn't been assassinated yet was because she had shut down the village temporarily. Nobody was allowed to enter or leave. The border-guard units were on high alert and any trespassers were attacked and incapacitated or killed on sight.

The village had been tense, needless to say.

Sayuri would surely be off-put by the situation in front of her. It was well known that Yogensha was sick, but many people thought she was just bedridden with a common illness. Nobody knew it was this serious - not even Sayuri. A cough would alert her as a weak hand beckoned her to come closer. “Sayuri,” Yogensha whispered, even her voice weaker than the leading voice she'd possessed before. As Sayuri came closer, she'd note that a single bone on Yogensha's neck was protruding through the skin - it'd made a holy and was now visibly protruding from the body, shaped like a spike. Yogensha didn't know - didn't feel it. It was largely hidden, but now that she was laying down, it was clearly visible.

“You must mount an expedition. The lands that I come from are not Amegakure - I come from somewhere else. You must go there and find a remedy for my disposition..” she slowly said, stopping to gurgle and cough heavily. Her fever was running so high, you could literally feel the heat coming off of her. “The village is turning into a chaotic mess without my leadership, and people are at each others' throats. We don't have much time left. It's not just me you will save with this remedy, it's the entire-” Again she coughed, turning over on her side and spitting out blood as she did. She didn't mention it at all, only wiped her mouth slowly with the edge of the blanket she was under. “.. it's the entire village.”

Merely an hour later, crows flew out from the grand tower of the Amegakure leader. They carried pamphlets and posters for the recruitment of a 'great expedition' to the east, to uncharted lands and hidden treasure. Nothing was mentioned about the true purpose of Yogensha's expedition, to treat her illness. All interested parties were told to convene in Amegakure - showing the pamphlet to the border guard would allow you to pass into Amegakure with a squad of border guards to escort you. Any interested party were to report to the Amegakure command hall, to meet a certain quartermaster called Geiji Akimura.
In Hey! 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@ArenaSnow obviously
In Hey! 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hi, everyone!

After years of being gone, I decided to rejoin my "home" site and start anew. I'm looking forward to being back with the forum that got me started on my rping journey and to meeting new people! ^^

Some quick facts about me are:
- got into rping back in 2011, joined the RP Guild back before the forum change late that year.
- love to chat
- some interests of mine are: cats, coffee, sleep, art, BBC, anime/manga........

Hope to be chatting and rping soon!



we ouchea doing work and working a lot and working 8-5 like a normal human

did i mention i work now and i wanna die?

Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Hokage mountain | INTERACTION: Koma Hitsugi, @GlitchyBugger; Sayuri Nisshoku, @Write; Black Dragon @BladeX

Before anyone could even react to her sudden bout of pain, a figure made his presence know - not by speaking, but by an intense wave of heat suddenly washing over them as if the sun had just risen onto them. Yogensha did not turn around, instead moving her hands to her back first, clamping them together there. She straightened her back, regaining her composure - not because she could, quite the contrary. She was in intense pain and, if she had been alone, would've preferred to creep back into her bed and rest for the pain to subside. No, she forced herself through the pain and stood up straight, her face becoming porcelain, devoid of anything other than a simple polite smile. Only then did she gently turn around, presenting herself to the new enemy.

“Sayuri,” she solemnly began, addressing her student rather than this new opponent. Perhaps it was disrespectful to him, a man of his stature to be acknowledged secondarily to a student, but Yogensha's priorities were not with him but her own village. She imagined the man would understand. “Please vacate the area. Rescue as many civilians as you can on the way, and find reinforcements.” She swallowed, the two lines of blood still on the edges of her mouth as she looked forwards again. Still, she did not address Koma. “I still do not know your name, recruit. A pity. You have served Amegakure well today, but I fear your time with me is up. Find the Tsuchikage and join your people. I fear today is the day I might meet my match and see the Sage in his full glory.”

A statement that was meaningless to anyone that wasn't spiritually or historically inclined, but for those who knew a thing or two about the sage, it was clear she had subtly alerted those around her to the fact that she was preparing to die. Whether she would or not was unknown to her - she was not gifted with the gift of future sight - but the combination of her sudden pain, finishing a fight with another S-rank criminal, and the arrival of a new, fresh opponent made her take pause and prepare for the event that she might just breathe her final breath today.

Once her two companions had left the area, Yogensha finally addressed the man, who was still radiating heat. “I presume you know my name. I've already fought one of your friends. There is no sense in drawing this out - nothing will be gained from exchanging pleasantries in a situation like this. Simply state your intentions,” she told him, her hands still behind her. She did not move to attack or defend - she simply stood, analyzing the figure in front of her. He wore a mask and a vest with a coat. Leather? Could've been. Irrelevant. She did not recognize him and any further analyzing of his features would not bear much fruits since everything about him was covered up. Fittingly. The sheer amount of S-rank criminals in the area made the entire attack seem like him - covered up.

“If you wish to fight, then fight. If you wish to talk, then talk.” Her body was completely calm - yet at the same time she was tense, ready to move. A contradiction that was invisible to those that were looking at her from the outside. Yet she felt it inside of her. For now, the urge to stay calm outweighed the tense nature of her body in anticipation of this man's attack.

Konohagakure no Sato | Chunin-going-on-Jonin | Edgelord Supreme

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Exam Stadium/Fire Challenge Room | INTERACTION: @Spanner (Abductor), @Syn @Seraphicide (Sano, new target) @Pirouette @Savato (Partners)

Sakana noticed when he had opened the dome - no fish inside. Not entirely unexpected, because it was too easy. But it was worth a shot. He turned back to Rumia to alert her when he noticed that the earth was rising up where someone was traveling - and then, bam, the earth cracked and revealed the invading party, as he prepared to chomp down on Kyoka. Smart - she was further away and somewhat unprotected. It didn't help that Rumia had bothered to bad-mouth Sakana back, distracting him momentarily before he would take action. “Pig? Tsk. The more common one I hear is fish,” he replied, in reference to his family having some sort of sick fish-theme. Although he would admit that'd get confusing rather quickly with this giant shark king running around.

Sakana noticed immediately that Rumia was already preparing to defend her companion. Although he wasn't quite sure how to react - he felt outclassed, since Rumia was evidently very strong, and Kyoka was too close to Sano for Sakana to throw an extra jutsu into the mix - he quickly adapted and began augmenting chakra at his feet. When Rumia launched the laser - or whatever it was - Sakana jumped up and formed handseals while he soared high, preparing a fire jutsu. “Katon: Gōka Messhitsu!”

He waited briefly to see what would happen before exhaling - if Kyoka managed to dodge Sano, he'd exhale and breathe fire in a steady jet stream of pure heat towards the location where Sano would un-earth himself, and simply adjust when he dodged Rumia's laser or was sent flying because of it. If Kyoka didn't dodge it, well, then he'd simply wait to see where Sano would go, and follow him with the stream of fire but in that case the attack would obviously last less long before Sakana would be forced to land again.

Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Outside of the hospital -> Hokage mountain | INTERACTION: Koma Hitsugi, @GlitchyBugger; Sayuri Nisshoku, @Write; Jaakuna Aka @Reflection

With her protege and newly acquired Amegakure recruit both running lower and lower on chakra and stamina, Yogensha was already preparing to take over and unleash her hiden. But, just when she assumed things would get worse and another ten clones would show up, the clones instead disappeared leaving only one of them. The real one? No.. Sayuri would've seen. The information the clone then revealed was ... strange. Not convincing but not far from something that could be truth. “Sayuri, check the area. All of it. As far as you can - I want to see if all of these attackers are clones.”

Although she was not bound to believe the clone, she had to make sure. If they were all clones, then there would be no reason to believe it - of course, it would still be wise to be careful of Ocha, but a poisoner? It was always smart to be careful of those. But if these were just a handful of clones amid more and more Kirigakure nin that were real then perhaps it was true.

When Sayuri had confirmed or denied it, Yogensha would nod and continue on the way to the hokage mountain. Something felt off - not because she was hurt or the situation just gave her bad vibes. She just felt... strange. After about five minutes of high speed travel with Sayuri and Koma, they'd finally arrive, standing atop the hokage mountain, overlooking the destruction of Konohagakure. “Make a mental note that we should send some aid if we can spare the shinobi,” she said to Sayuri. The wind swept her hair up momentarily as they looked over the spectacle. “Recruit,” she said to Koma, turning her head slightly. “You fought well. What is your name?” When Koma would've replied, she took a moment to think, then solemnly gave one single nod. “I release you from your duty to Amegakure. Please seek me out in a few years. I want to see how far you'd have grown. For now, I am afraid me and my protege will await to see what happens next. This is not our fight, saddening as it may be. Sayuri, please point her to nearby Iwagakure nin. She should fight side by side with her village friends.”

Before Sayuri could answer her, and point Koma away however, Yogensha suddenly clasped her stomach. “A-aghk,” she suddenly rang out with a slight gurgle. Her other hand moved to her mouth to cover it as she almost doubled over, and after a few seconds of steadying herself she stood up straight again, still clutching her stomach. When she moved the hand on her mouth, two lines of blood ran down from each corner of her mouth with a splatter of it on her hand.

... strange, she thought to herself. She looked in awe for a moment before slowly turning to her protege. Despite the pain in her body - which was all over at this point - she managed to smile perfectly, holding her composure as well as she could. “Ignore that,” she ordered her, glancing at Koma. It was better not to discuss it around outsiders. She wasn't sure what it was at this point yet, she just knew that her bones were... burning.

Konohagakure no Sato | Chunin-going-on-Jonin | Edgelord Supreme

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Exam Stadium/Fire Challenge Room | INTERACTION: @Spanner (Abductor), @Syn @Seraphicide (Sano, new target) @Pirouette @Savato (Partners)

Sakana was floating in the air preparing to land close to Rumia when, suddenly, the shark was almost entirely in his face, preparing to trap Sakana in water. Sakana's face did not tremble, nor did his expression change as he stared at the Shark. Before the Shark could trap him, it seemed fate had other plans, as Rumia's intervention caught Sano slightly off guard, disrupting the process of trapping Sakana - or so it would've seemed for he still ended up caught in a defensive water bubble.

For a moment he thought that Sano had managed to cast the jutsu and fulfill it before the girl came and utterly pulverized him - though he knew the man would get back up - but then he realized what was around him wasn't really.. as thick as one would expect from a water jutsu. He looked around, trying to see the source, and spotted Kyoka in the distance. Perhaps...

Sure enough, the girl soon produced a stream of water - water that didn't quite look clean, but still - and Sakana could only assume the technique was hers. It didn't stop him from moving either, so he simply did what anyone expected him to. “Hey, trash girl,” he said to Rumia, while forming handseals quite rapidly. “Although it goes against the principles of my family, I'll help you cook this fish for once. Teriyaki.” Hm, being cheesy or witty wasn't really in his blood - but cooking his enemies alive certainly was. “Sūpu-jutsu: Bōru!” he proclaimed, slamming his open palm into the ground. He timed it quite well - allowing Kyoka's attack to hit Sano, before the ground started shaking underneath of Sano, in an attempt to capture him inside a strong earthen dome raised on four earth pillars.

Immediately Sakana would continue, unless he could easily tell Sano wasn't caught, and prepared handseals for the next technique. He jumped up on the earthen bowl and momentarily it opened, just the slightest bit, allowing Sakana to start spewing water into the earthen dome. Once it was full, the earthen dome sealed up again, and if Sano had been caught, he'd be trapped inside in the water. For anyone that would be a risk, but for Sano, that would just be childs-play assuming he could breathe while underwater.

Then he glanced at Rumia. “Not sure if teriyaki belongs in noodles, but we can make shark soup.” He sounded much too serious for the joke to translate whatsoever at all. But he tried.
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