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1 day ago
Current i'm trynna see some TOES
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1 day ago
how u post
1 day ago
"cause its funny and you arent supposed to be funny but its also insufferable you have more brain rot than my gen alpha nephew" thanks fledermaus. i'm going to alter the trajectory of your life.
2 days ago
2 days ago
she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Mae I thought this was a given. I wouldn't even negotiate it if I were you.
@Mae Oh damn, are you still taking in requests? If so, I can PM you some details. Otherwise, let me know when you're taking commissions!
Does anyone have a thought about this? It's been on my mind for a while: I'm constantly seeing new people join the forum, but the number of people online at any given point always seems to be about the same.

Is the Guild losing people at the same rate it's gaining them? Am I just missing out on something here?

European numbers have (steadily) gone up meaning to say when I am online during European ''standard'' hours it's 130 nowadays which used to be 100. But yeah, people leave all the time. Or they just don't login when you do.

That seems like a cool idea and seems like fun for our charas to discover whenever. Hope it gets approved.

Thank you. It's out of my hands at this point. As I understood there was some commotion about it. I'll wait and see, but I want to show the players that we can contribute too by building our own plots etc.
A new village appears...


Somewhere, in the steppes, where the grassy plains roll ever on, there is a village hidden in plain sight. Not quite a shinobi village in truth, it is merely the village hidden in debauchery. Far removed from any civilized villages and feared by the local savages that roam the steppes, it is a den of sin and violence. The 'kage', if we can even call it that, is a man named Yopparai Ramu Koku (translation: Drunkard Rum-coke). Originally from the depths of god knows where, this man has gotten his hands on some artifacts from various countries and got away with it, escaping without so much as a single sighting. Even his current hideout is unknown. Out of all the hidden villages, his village might be the only one truly hidden.

Perhaps it's because his village is little more than a palisaded area with four houses in them. One is a tavern, the other is a brothel, and the third is a weaponsmith to service all the fighting men under Yopparai's payroll. The fourth house is a 'gigantic' manor. It's not really gigantic but out of all the four, it's the biggest. It's Yopparai's personal home and it combines all the three aforementioned houses by possession ludicrous amounts of alcohol, copious amounts of whores, and insane amounts of weaponry and armor.

The largest amount of people in the employ of Yopparai are actually not shinobi, but local savages - they ride horses and can shoot bows very well. Like the Samurai, they can use chakra, they just never bothered to adapt it into shinobi ninjutsu arts. Instead, they use chakra to augment their arrows while riding their horses. It'll be a new threat for the expedition to overcome.

The few shinobi that are in the village hidden in debauchery are experts at what they do - which is killing, raping, plundering and generally anything that isn't legal. Not that the concept of 'law' means anything in the steppes. Far from the discovered world, there is no such thing as right and wrong, not in the areas around the ''village'' hidden in debauchery.

These lands used to be owned by nobody, as the carefree nomads of the steppes just moved from one place to the other and did not care so much about earthly possessions. Among them were the Kaguya, who fled the known world after their close eradication during the time of the warring clans - the Sengoku Jidai. They represented the steppe best of all - their chaotic nature was allowed free reign here and they were no longer tempted to bloodshed by the masses of people around them. But something ended that and the Kaguya were forced to abandon whatever homes the had for greener pastures.

Yopparai Ramu Koku

Yopparai is a man originally, as said before, from whoever knows the fuck where. It has to be somewhere in Kirigakure, however, as he possesses something that can only originate from there - the Shibuki. How he got it is unknown, but it is known that it vanished from the protection of Kirigakure some 10 years ago and was never seen again.

Coincidentally, a man by the name of Yopparai started showing up in bingo books at that time. It was small at first - kidnapping of pets, harassment of women, and even a singular theft of a child. It got more gruesome as time went on with assault, theft, robbery and murder. It came to a climax when he assaulted a Daimyo while he was traveling and kidnapped his daughter who was set to marry another Daimyo's son the next day. She was never released and is presumed dead. After that, he escaped the known continents and went east, to the steppes. Here he founded his village in recent years, but nobody quite knows what happened between then and now.

Konohagakure no Sato | Jonin | Edgelord Supreme

TIME: Hokage's funeral | LOCATION: Konohagakure, funeral site | INTERACTION: Kamui Uzumaki, @Spanner

The grand reveal was, well, quite a reveal. The Uragiri clan could not quite figure out what to make of this. First of all, to keep this a secret for so long was unimaginable. The lengths they must have gone to keep this secret was unthinkable. How many people must've died for this secret? It was a question that the clan, all together, were sure they'd never receive an answer to. Feelings of dread over the loss of the hokage turned into confusion and anger at the betrayal of the twins. Ginsho had been a good man, but to keep this from them? And for what purpose? It seemed like such a useless endeavor.

When the people who had successfully become jonin were announced, the mixture of emotions was only made worse. To feel anger? Pride? Sadness? Just what to make of this? Sakana himself was unbothered, watching the events unfold. It was fate, playing it's game. Nothing he could've helped. It was the same fate that carried him to his position as Jonin.

In the corner of his eyes, Sakana saw his teammate that helped him considerably during the exams - well, discounting the fact that he sealed Sakana without his knowledge. It was Kamui Uzumaki, who sadly hadn't made it to jonin. The criteria seemed to be stacked against him, but it didn't matter. He was more than capable, and if Sakana could put together a team at will, he would be sure to take in the young Uzumaki.

The new, young jonin, aged merely 16 years old, would approach the Uzumaki and stand next to him, not saying anything until the full spectacle had been concluded. “Theatrical,” he added to it all, not glancing at Kamui, simply looking forward with those piercing black eyes. “I expect we'll work together again. You were a great help during the exam, and I could use the expertise of the Uzumaki clan as a whole later on, when I need to re-seal the seal on my chest. For now, however, is there anything I can assist you with?”
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