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18 hrs ago
Current i'm trynna see some TOES
1 like
20 hrs ago
how u post
22 hrs ago
"cause its funny and you arent supposed to be funny but its also insufferable you have more brain rot than my gen alpha nephew" thanks fledermaus. i'm going to alter the trajectory of your life.
1 day ago
1 day ago
she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Nytem4re I reported you to the moderators. Enjoy your ban, sicko.
Interested. PM me?
@SleepingSilence If you were serious about Ellri's spelling mistake, but also serious about having others point out your errors, I could go through your last post and make it more readable. There's a lot of things in here that don't add up.
But yes, if I personally read that. I'd roll my eyes. A personal pet peeve that people shouldn't be picky. If they can't even put the basic effort of spell checking their interest check.

Still can't really see the correlation therein. Someone makes a spelling error or grammatical error and that instantly disqualifies them from having certain demands or preferences. Gotcha. Perhaps reflect on yourself. There are more things you can fix about your own writing than you can find in theirs.
<Snipped quote by Ellri>

My problem with that is, it's a bad joke if that's a non-serious thing. Otherwise, they're basically making every decision for the other player and they might as well just write a story themselves at that point...Screw what gender you demand, if the character I'm playing is also fully dictated by someone else, this is no longer a collab and now you're just being forced to write half of their fiction commission.


Also you should never demand selection/be selective if you can't proof read. Good rule of thumb.


Don't see how these two integers (selectivity vs. proof reading) are correlated. Explain.

To give an example of what we could have asked for in such:
We desire a straight female player with brown og sandy blonde hair of average build of above 22 but below 30 years of age who is not neurotypical, but instead has a diagnosis like Asperger's Syndrome or something else within the autism spectrum. Intelligence must be high (at least in the top two percentile fraction and she may not currently be pregnant with an artifically engineered embryo created by a genetics research lab dealing in illegal experiments. She must be willing to become part of such experiments, though. She must be willing be asked play a male half-giant, half-orc barbarian obsessed with the decapitation of halflings. Not that the RP will concern such, but she must be willing to play that.

Is that an appropriate request, or does that anger several people here? Even if you do not agree with it, would you accept someone having such desires, even if they do not match your own?

@Syn @Savato @Seraphicide @Reflection @ZeroXposure Allow your eyes to gaze upon the sheet and let me know what you think of the clan. Characters I am interested in playing will be either Itami or Jūyōna.

received a reply from only 2 gm's so can u guys get back to me pls

Konohagakure no Sato | Chunin-going-on-Jonin | Edgelord Supreme

TIME: Present | LOCATION: Sunagakure | INTERACTION: Shizuka Ichimi, @Syn; Kamui Uzumaki @Spanner; Date Watare, Akuno Kuin @Queentze; Ishi Kakumei, @Write; Chis @BladeX

Whereas Shizuka had worked himself up, going as far as to feel competitive with Sakana, the fish-boy himself could only manage to feel indifferent and apathetic towards him once they started moving. Not because he didn't care, but because they had a mission to fulfill. Sakana had rivals that were far more capable than the boy himself, so there was no point competing with this person who had only shown himself to be a nobody so far.

Sakana crouched down and touched the roof of the building they were on, squatting there while he overwatched the situation. When they were perched atop a building, apparently still hidden from the two S rank criminals rampaging in the village, Shizuka asked if he could take the lead. Sakana could only shrug - their fight earlier hadn't exactly quelled his common sense, and he was more than happy to 'give over' command. As far as Sakana was concerned they were both in command to begin with, so Shizuka could've just as easily just taken point. But, he was right. He knew the village better than Sakana. That alone was worth something. But it wasn't exactly telling of his skills. So, he shrugged at the boys' suggestion as well. Shizuka revealed he had a kekkei genkai, which only made Sakana dislike him even more, but now wasn't the time. “The best would be for me to end up near the water,” Sakana noted, like a true fish-boy. “I have a technique that draws water from the area. If I can draw from the water there, I can basically end the fight in one swipe. If we get lucky.”

Date further added something about the smoke, causing Sakana to twist his head momentarily to observe it. “Best would be to use that smoke for cover. But if that's a sensory technique, we'd just shoot ourselves in the foot.” It was true, and as far as Sakana was aware, there was no way to know whether the smoke would be sensory or not. Then Kamui started explaining the situation in a sort of sitrep. Sakana nodded as he began to get an increasing understanding of the situation. So, the clones were causing smoke, meaning that there was probably something to do with that. It also meant that if they took down one clone, the others would probably instantly know that there were others in the area. That'd hardly be surprising, but given Sunagakure's exodus of skilled ninja, it seemed like most of them were evacuating at the moment, and the only one fighting was the Kazekage.

“We can split up, kill the clones quickly before they know we're there, but once the clones are dead, they'll know we are here,” he said, providing an astute and.. well, accurate assessment of the situation but no solvable solution to it. He seemed to be deep in thought, his eyes flashing left and right over the landscape in front of them. He seemed to almost be assessing every single point of entry, combat location, and possible ways to kill the clones, but the smoke made things incredibly hard for him to assess, and so did the limited knowledge of the opponents they had. They just knew that one of them used.. smoke. Tsk, he sissed, drawing in air through his teeth again. “Alright. We'll just have to fight according to instinct and adapt as the situation changes. But if that doesn't work, I can also run in and slit my throat to activate the seal on my chest. If that becomes a realistic solution to the mission, you need to stay away. Unless I need one of you to restrain the enemy to ensure he gets caught in the seal. In that case, Shizuka, you'll need to sacrifice your life to complete our mission. You're the next highest ranking shinobi here, so that means the duty falls to you. Understood?”

It was most certainly a gruesome message to communicate - telling Shizuka he had to give up his life to tie down the enemy and ensure Sakana could capture him in the suicide-seal. But it was the stark reality of the mission. Sakana didn't wait for an answer either, nodding immediately and standing up from his squatting position, pulling out the double knives from their sheaths. “Ikuze!” he shouted, alerting everyone that they were taking off. It seemed Sakana had agreed to Shizuka's proposal to lead them through the village.

He'd let himself fall forwards off the building, freefalling down to the streets where he'd land with a thud, almost striking a movie-esque pose. Once the rest of the team had landed, he'd let Shizuka take charge, though he'd speed up and force Shizuka to maintain a high tempo just in case the enemies were becoming aware of the Konoha shinobi's positions.

Once they got closer to the center, Sakana seemed to alter the plan only slightly. “Date, Kamui, go right and start taking down those clones. Sorry, but it's your duty as chunin to perform supportive tasks while we go head to head with the real one. Once you're done, observe and wait for an opening to help. Kamui, stay away from the fights, and be prepared to jump in when we need healing. Understood? Okay, go!” He'd said all of that while they were still running, thus not wasting a single moment. After that, he and Shizuka would continue on their way.
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