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6 hrs ago
she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.
7 hrs ago
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1 day ago
you mean you've been exiled... that's badass
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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<Snipped quote by Odin>

Art (screenshots at least) is actually a monthly thing on the same site that this thread was based on. It's a valid idea, and something that could also be put to use. Though, I'm personally an advocate of simply introducing things one at a time, to first get people looking at the forum and then interested so that it can be expanded gradually.

I'd be interested in contributing to the development of this section, though that's up to Frizan and the forces above if that's a possibility. If not, hopefully the core ideas at least get put to use.

Consistent problem with previous contests was that they were too literate for the actual playerbase. I am all for super literate contests but when you exclude 95% of the active community you are left with a possible 5% that is probably not even interested. Introducing 'simpler' art like screenshots, art, music, poems, or shortform stories, is a good way of introducing people at least, so I agree with you.

I was just throwing these alternate contests out there as a way of providing future ideas. I suppose the hard part is getting started now (and since it's just Frizan doing this.. it'll be harder).
Hi everyone!

So I'm working on an upcoming game with a CoGM of mine and was looking for a way to better help us share and edit ideas together. I am aware that there exists options for collaboration in real time such as Google Docs and others, all great tools. However what I'm looking for needs more... room? than what Google Docs can really provide.

Enter the "Test Forum" which is a nice place to work on posts and upcoming games alike. However I'd like to suggest a few additions:

(Apologies if someone has already suggested these...)
1. Multiple threads like those found in any typical roleplay.
2. CoGM permissions allowing a second or third person to edit posts.

In this way, the multiple threads can be used to consolidate all chatter regarding the project. Edits and additions can be discussed in the OOC while completed work can go into the IC and be further edited by everyone if needed. Character's Tab can be used to store resources. No need to fix bbcode since all work stays on site.

Can't really think of anything else I wanted to add so that's pretty much it. If this is at all possible then great! If not then it's off to Google Docs with me.


I'm quite sure that the test forum doesn't have 0th post. However, in any rp section, co-GM's can edit the so called 0th post. It's a post that has no user that can be edited by 1 head GM and the two coGM's. I'd like to see your suggestion added but since the administrator of the site is AWOL again I don't think this will be picked up.

Your best bet (if you ABSOLUTELY must have 2 people editing the same post) is maybe to make a shared account.
ppl who refuse to @ me when talking shit are annoying


@ me binch
@ArenaSnow how is babby formed
@Frizan even if you keep it to 1 contest, you'll still need assistant mods to help you judge the contest. Is that something you've brought up to management yet...?
A 24 hour filter could work, but as what Poi said it could be used to spam on a daily basis.

i guess i must've been bleeding in the eye when i saw people advertise their RP 3 times in an hour in the status bar
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by LegendBegins>

How can we know for sure the coding of RPG is as organised as we expect? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


we can be 100% sure it is not organized at all because as has been stated a trillion times before, it was made by mahz from the ground up which means there is no uniform method of organizing the code (or rather, organizing it by blocks). in fact, as far as i know, this has created large problems before because, while this allows the code from mahz to be versatile as hell and for him to add in (virtually (get it? virtual?)) anything he desires within the limitations of his coding capabilities, it also means that if you change something there is a risk of fucking everything coming down crashing.

it's for that reason why most 'simple' things end up being less simple on the guild. a point of frustration for me but i can see the benefits from mahz' side.

again this is to my knowledge and how i've had it explained to me a few times before - whether it is reality or not i couldn't tell, but the code for RPG is open source and you can look at whatever you wanna look at here to confirm it for yourself

i wouldn't count on it being up to date, but yknow, that's a pervasive and ever present problem on RPG. the github is probably interesting to @LegendBegins too so you can see the backend (or one version of it).

<Snipped quote by Grim>

Thank you :) I know that there is currently no way to change the original GM, this is me trying to put yet another request on Mahz's already over-crowded to-do list.

Co GM's can edit the 0th post although that is probably not what you are lookin for as it creates unnecessary work for you.
200 words seems almost a little too narrow to create anything particular. But I like the concept of it.

I mean it's an interesting way to tell as much as possible with as little as possible words.

<Snipped quote by Ellri>

I absolutely agree, and the way I plan to have everything set up is that there are as few rules as possible, and they are all very simple and intuitive.

No whoms't'dv'e on my watch.

I would separate it into 3 sections - small, weekly 200-word stories, bi-weekly or monthly 500-600 word stories and the monthly 'whatever amount of words you feel like' stories.

Additionally, and this is wild, but I'd also like to see art and other forms of creating involved in the latter monthly contest -> music, poetry (although technically you can put that under writing) drawing, digital art, etcetera.
Okay this is probably not the right place, but I don't see a better place to ask a question like this. How does one turn text into links to other sites here on this forum? I realize after all my time here that it still have no idea how to do it lol.

copy paste this:

[url=google.com]This link goes to google.[/url]
Mmm, yes, they say they're adults, don't they.

helo i am 21 i want rite smut ar pee pleas?
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