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2 hrs ago
Current she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.
3 hrs ago
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23 hrs ago
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1 day ago
you mean you've been exiled... that's badass
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1 day ago
i wonder how hard it'd be to find a PbP tabletop game because i want to play a PbP tabletop game
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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For your clan.




For your character(s).





Welcome to NARUTO: GENERATIONS - a generational RP where we take control of our own clans and their destiny. The concept is unique for the Naruto genre in that you don't control one character - you control an entire clan. In that sense it is comparable to a Nation RP, except you are not supposed to «play-to-win» or play on a significantly large scale. What is further unique to the concept is that we will take control of one character per generation and play out their lives - or shortened versions of the important parts thereof - and their interactions with the other clans.

The RP will take a new method of introducing characters - four players control four clans. Generationally, there will be new characters introduced as the old ones fade out. One 'arc' will consist of multiple 'plots.' The build up will be that of character A, who is plot 1. Character A is used to perform exposition on your clan. When all clans have succesfully established themselves, we enter plot 2. Character A fades to the background (dies, takes a background role or becomes a side character) and character B enters. Character B might be a shinobi god, and will feud and fight other clans. Once we have succesfully entertained ourselves with that, we enter plot 3, where character C will rise and perform diplomacy and convince others to drop the feuds and work together, and they form a village. That concludes arc 1; Sengoku Jidai and leads us to arc 2: electric boogaloo.

The clans will be controlled by four mainstay players, based on invitation from the head GM. Additional side characters can be filled by anyone so long as they are approved by a GM. For example, main player A, B, C, D all make characters and player D finds a need for a side character, in this case a wife to his clan leader. He invites player E to fill that role, and player E can then take that role.

Therefore you will be put in control of a clan, OC or canon, but preferably OC, and be charged to do your best to create an interesting story. Once the generation has been brought to a satisfactory ending, we will move on to the next generation with new characters and new stories to tell. The RP will start in...




The warring clan period.

This is where we start our RP - 4 clans have established themselves among all the other clans in the Land of Fire, quickly growing to be the four dominant clans. This has brought with it several struggles - competition for natural resources, work, and feuding clans. At the starting point of the RP, the four clans will be in neutral terms with each other - though that can change very rapidly within a single post if one clan reaches out to the other. The idea here is to be organic, as the Sengoku Jidai period was focused heavily on warring clans. As such, it is expected that our clans will engage in - scripted and outcome-establish - warfare.

During this period of time, naturally, shinobi-gods will come to rise, giving us reason to establish gigantic battles that may or may not shape the continent. Instead of the statues of Hashirama and Madara, there will be statues of the leaders of the four clans that guard the large waterfall.

As the world is still in its' early phases, a lot of things won't exist yet. The RP will start out without any of the villages existing - it is up to the clans to come together, and create something. Or not. This RP will be based heavily on the four clans and the collaborative effort between them to influence the world behind them. As such the setting is near endless. However, we will do our best to stick to canon where necessary - all five villages will come to exist one way or another. Canon clans will exist, with diminished importance perhaps, but will be around for storytelling purposes.

At the start of the RP, the clans are more or less constantly in conflict, whether that means physical war or not. It is important to remember that at this point in time we are at the height of ninshu, so the characters in the first and second generation will be rather strong. Similarly due to ages of conflict, the leading principle in this time period is that shinobi were born to die - they are humans but also tools of war.




The GM is an asshole.

WATASHI WA KAMI. My word is law. I am 100% okay with you discussing things with me, but when discussing turns into argument, I want you to remember who is the GM and who is not. Sway me with suggestions, not harsh words. Or I'll be equally harsh to you.

This RP is highly collaborative. Discussing and collaborating together is not an option, it is a duty to all those who enter this RP. We intend to capture the dramatic nature of Sengoku Jidai and the periods following that - to create an epic story where everything is connected. Failure to collaborate will mean failure to include yourself into the story. This is not an RP where you can RP in your own corner.

Sengoku Jidai will include some very powerful characters. This is not the theme for the rest of the RP. Prior to every plot, we will discuss what we desire out of said plotline. This means that your character will be shaped entirely by the filling of the plot - sometimes you may play a literal shinobi god whose powers can destroy continents. Sometimes you'll play a genin who can't even beat up a pack of butter. Prepare and be aware.

I'm looking for a high standard of writing. If your clan idea is 'they r the epic god of war xd clan' then I'm not gonna accept it. Think about it - why are they a leading clan, what is their specialty, who are members that are noteworthy?

This RP will likely move slowly. I'm thinking that a post every week or every two weeks from a member is fine, especially if they're leading a clan. Preferably we include longer, better thought out posts and collaborative efforts. Think Naruto exposition, where characters are yelling at each other constantly about why they are using this specific super cool jutsu. I don't want you to just destroy the world. I want you to explain why you're doing it, how you're doing it and above all, I want your character to cry during it because his qt3.14 girlfriend died when he was 10.

@Raddum tbh talking to this guy there is nothing to do but flame him because his 'logical leaps' are more akin to leaps from planet to planet with no coherence in it

you can't rationally argue with something that is impossible to follow but you can certainly make fun of it
When you create a work, you do technically have "copyright" over the image. But you do need to pay to have it realized by the Copyright Office so that you can actually prosecute. Which is why I say I doubt very many people have paid the 35-40$ per photo to have their work truly protected. But that's not really something the forum needs to be looking down the barrel of what few times it does happen. It's much easier to just remove said art.

I don't think it was ever a legal argument as much as it was a common sense/respect argument. Just because you can take something doesn't mean you should.

The real issue is that moderators have conflicting tasks - they need to safeguard RPG's reputation and status while also maintaining the common decency of members. The fact that an artist requesting/demanding the takedown of an image is even considered to be possibly harassment is quite stupid to me, but whatever.

If we have any measure of seriousness about being 'writers' then we should show equal measure of respect for people in the same branch (who, I dare say, do much harder work). Telling them to fuck off is unacceptable in this situation no matter how rude they are about it all.
My opinion if I find it on deviantart, Google (image) search, pinterest, whatever it's 100% public domain. The artist has no right to say where it can or can't be viewed because they made it 100% public.

IMO that's no different than if I decided to whip out my junk in the middle of a public park and got angry that people looked at it.

bitch the starbucks logo is fucking everywhere in the public domain. i wanna see how quick you’d catch a lawsuit if you tried using that logo for your own coffee shop !!!BECAUSE YOURE JUST GIVING STARBUCKS FREE EXPOSURE!!!

here’s another argument: we have disqualified people (and maybe banned) for plagiarism. we evidently take writing, as an art, serious enough to dismiss cheaters. why do we not do the same for art?

if we take ourselves seriously as a writing/art platform then just remove the image. the person doesn’t need to be asked - maybe just informed afterwards.
i see a lot of dumb replies here saying “hur i just admire and i dont pretend its mine”

when you make a cs or use images in a post, simply put, that is your writing and unless you credit it, the use of an image can be misconstrued as it being your image - i know everyone on rpg knows thats not how it is since we’re all art thieves (i’m a proud art thief) but yeah that’s how it is

solution is to just forcibly remove it if someone won’t conply. idk why this has to be a discussion at all
@SleepingSilence yes maybe my english is really bad but again, i dont complain about other peoples' spelling and grammar

you do - and you look like an idiot because of it because you say thing like 'refereed' instead of referred and expect me to take your spelling lesson seriously
@Odin Except my post had no spelling errors and your very posts criticizing me had plenty of errors. (and the idea anyone has never messed up in their writing before, is pants on head retarded.) Stop being so full of it and yourself.

<Snipped quote by Odin>

You also didn't make that sentence correct either, so learn to write before telling me I can't. Thanks.

link me the post and allow me to prove otherwise

also, i know my sentence was incorrect, the difference is i dont complain about people not spellchecking
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