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19 hrs ago
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24 hrs ago
you mean you've been exiled... that's badass
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24 hrs ago
i wonder how hard it'd be to find a PbP tabletop game because i want to play a PbP tabletop game
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1 day ago
im just doing genocide
1 day ago
your honor i plead nuh-uh


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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>>RP of short single-sentence posts


I see

you're not allowed to bitch about this because the 20 times i have done it they have come out in force to protest

it's like they smell critique
@Exit honestly you sound like you need a break from roleplaying.
<Snipped quote by Odin>
Yeah, it definitely should not be the first thing new users see. Gives the wrong impression, IMO.

It's like advertising a company by putting out adverts that state just how little items they've sold.
Dead-on-arrival. Don't need it. I'd agree to it under the condition that the entire sub-forum was lowered to the bottom of the forum to below all other roleplaying forums so I don't have to look at that eyesore anymore and the other people can work hard to revive a dead sub-forum that is following the footsteps of the other 3 dead-on-arrival sub-forums.
Yeah, to be honest, you guys are just forcing him to respond here as well and I'd really advise against that.

I want to see a flamewar happen as much as the next one but like, just doing my due diligence in becoming an Roleplayerguild Good-Boy™.
>TMW a person has no problem spending forever getting together a characters skills and history and possessions but god forbid they spend more than ten seconds on their characters personality.

So, during this life of honing such "remarkable" skills and surviving their "tragic" backstory they never once developed a personality? None of these things affected them in the slightest and they are a completely clean slate for you to develop in RP? Right.... Yeah, not buying it. That's just lazy. Sorry, not sorry.

There's a 20 paragraph backstory about how my character lost both his parents at an early age, took revenge by learning how to be a perfect assassin and then saved the princess by jumping from a dragon into her tower.

His personality? 'He seems dark and angry but he really is nice and just wants friends.'

@Holy Soldier I said nothing of the sort and I will not let you insult my character. Let it be known and let the records speak that I have been an upstanding and productive member of Roleplayerguild in this thread that has been nothing but courteous, polite and cordial to you, I have used two words and spoken to you respectfully to the best of my ability. I have been a gentleman, and a scholar, a gentlemanly scholar if you will, and I feel you have abused my good will to attempt to victimize yourself into a position of perpetuated victimhood in order to secure the pity of other members of the website known as Roleplayerguild.

I no longer wish to associate with you, your thread or your arguments. They are forfeit and nihil.

“Judges, Odin is not a Guild criminal. With disdain, I reject this verdict.”
@Holy Soldier I have seen no arguments, and any arguments I have seen failed to convince me of the dire need to have this new sub-forum. I have asked a moderator for the estimate of how likely the addition of any new sub-forum was and it was estimated to be low to non-existent.

Nobody has been raging - that may be a misreading of the situation on your side.
Nobody has been trolling - that may have been a misreading of the situation on your end.

Everyone has written disagreements, but were dismissed by you. It seems natural that in their dismissal they dismiss you too. That you choose to write that off as trolling purely because they disagree is an error in your own reasoning, not ours. Following your disability to behave normally and act without dismissing anyone as troll, I will once again request the moderators to lock this thread before it can escalate into a real flamewar. If you want to flame we can do so on discord in private or in my server. Otherwise,

@Ruby @Rilla @Meth Quokka @NuttsnBolts @Sherlock Holmes Please read the thread/last few pages and determine whether or not this thread deserves to keep living - my own assessment is that we've passed the point of redemption for this specific thread.
@Holy Soldier

I actually contributed and deconstructed your arguments but you chose to ignore it. I thought it was because you were afraid of answering my arguments but I suppose you missed them. Quoted here for your convenience.

Sounds like what you want is already offered and, in fact, has been done before in any of the three main sections. I'm not really looking foreword to adding a dead-on-arrival subsection to a forum that already has 3 sections that under-perform on a near permanent basis. I'm going to dismantle your arguments one by one;

<Snipped quote>

I am unsure what you are asking for. Are you asking for 'literal' world-building functions like a map designer in the forum? I venture a guess and say that you're not but the sentence 'being able to design your game right there in the thread' throws me off. Otherwise, I'm really unsure whether this even is an argument - a blank thread is a blank thread, whether it is in world-building forums or in test forums. You can already design it with other players namely through the 0th post (which is not an ideal function but whatever). Anything else can be substituted by careful planning and organization.

A new sub-forum isn't going to help you with any of that.

<Snipped quote>

You can make two character sheet threads or even make a bestiary in the guides section (which has been done before). Point in case. You don't need a new sub-forum. Just fall in line with the masses.

inb4 all of these can be placed in the new sub-forum!

Yes and your bestiary and whatever else can be placed in the guides thread.

As for the fact that it exists on these other forums - that's really cool. You know one forum I used to frequent had a payment system with made-up money that was arbitrarily handed out. Why not add that? Maybe it's because 'more more more' doesn't fit in my forum design philosophy but really, less is more. Not everything needs its own specific sub-forum. You can make due with what we have now, easily.

<Snipped quote>

Put it in a guide. A character thread will be the same no matter whether it was made in this new 'world building' sub-forum or in a character storage thread.

It wouldn't inconvenience me in the way that that stupid 'Expanding Horizons' has inconvenienced me (under the impression that world building forum will be low, low, low in the list of RPG's frontpage) but I have to object to adding more dead-on-arrival forums. I predict if this were to be made it'd follow the same trend as EH - interest in the first week and then a very sudden death with only a trickle of activity after that.

Since you are so open to discussion I will await your reply so we can talk in a civilized manner. Redeem yourself.
@Ruby can we close this as the OP has become increasingly hostile and the thread is just running circles at the moment and is/has already breached the point of hostility
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