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12 hrs ago
you mean you've been exiled... that's badass
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i wonder how hard it'd be to find a PbP tabletop game because i want to play a PbP tabletop game
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im just doing genocide
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your honor i plead nuh-uh


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@MilaM Habbo RP was a looooooooooooong time ago for me. Like.. 2008 or so, in the Mafia RP on habbo Netherlands.
As for the whole 'people on the outside bitching' thing, I'm honestly neutral. If it were any sort of minor thing that prompted it I'd be wholly against it, but forcing your own ideas onto a player and essentially trying to control their character is not an okay thing. People shouldn't just keep quiet about that.

I am going to ignore the first part because all I have to say about that is that the whole example you gave is telltale sign of poor GMing. This discussion isn’t about that and I’ll gladly and wholeheartedly agree that you should be and are always free to leave an RP when you think the RP is mismanaged.

But shit like this happens everyday so my question is what the fuck was different this time for shit to literally blow up into the public sphere of RPG, like lmao, you can’t act like this is something that was handled purely internally within the members of the RP. Shit obviously blew up.

And I think we both know that what went differently was how certain people handled the entire situation - which leads into the next point.

You’re talking about this whole thing as if it is a grave violation of human rights that requires people to SPEAK UP TO STOP THE OPPRESSION OF BAD GM’s AGAINST PLAYERS! when in fact it is nowhere near as certain. Like, I’ll say it again, bad GM’s are EVERYWHERE. There is no need to speak out against them in such a way - there is no need to create some fake awareness in the public eye and certainly not by effectively nailing them to the shame pole (or the English equivalent to that Dutch word, I don’t know what to call it).

Next we’ll be saying wir haben es nicht gewüsst when someone says a GM was oppressing players in an RP we might’ve been in.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Nobody sat behind a monitor thinking 'Oh let me make somebody feel like shit.', at least not that I am aware of. Players reached their boiling point, and instead of it being listened to privately, it was forced to be aired out in the form of a rant.

So Gowi, who I was just informed by a GM was not actually in the RP, was a player according to you, because according to him he caused this?

The plot thickens.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

uh. this is you moments earlier.

<Snipped quote by Odin>

I mean, sure, I may have jumped to conclusions, but I'm also doing what you're asking. Forcing a direct confrontation instead of throwing shade at you subtly.

I kind of find the whole 'don't throw shade at people' thing hilarious because people are going to do that anyway, and it coming from the mouth of RPGuild's most confrontational and consistently hot-watered member doesn't really make the stance gain any favors.

...I debated on whether or not to keep that last part in because it was a bit rude, but I think it proves a point.

You consider that an attack on Raddum’s person when I’ve literally explained why I find what he wrote distasteful? Where is the attack on the person?

If you’re gonna throw shade then at least do it directly instead of, as your comrade put it before, “pussyfooting around it” right? I am not complaining about you confronting me - I sinply think you are wrong, lol. Confront me all you want - it’d probably be a first.
@Odin I mean, you can take this in context all you want but, taking the offending post in question into account

<Snipped quote by Raddum>

having been on the receiving end of one of these situaitons, I just kind of agree with the sentiment in general. Recent conflicts or not, it's still a reasonable thing to bitch about and something I am, in fact, still bitching about. Only prolly in a different context.

can't we all just like, vent without having someone getting on our ass because 'muh morals'? attack the stance, not the person.

Not sure how you came to the conclusion I was attacking Raddum because I don’t think I did. But regardless I find that irrelevant to begin with.

If you want to begin with a rhetoric like this then by all means, but then wasn’t my initial post also just bitching about people in here who throw shade in here (constantly)?

I think I did.

@Aewin having spoken to some people on both sides at this point I can say with 100% confidence that neither of the two sides has the full story. I’ve seen some parts of the conversations (this is RPG and spicy drama gets screenshotted) and I can definitely see where both sides are coming from.

The actual conversation that occurred within the playerbase alongside the GM team is all OK with me because I’m not involved with the RP at that level so whatever goes on there is honestly something I’m not even interested in. I was more so commenting on the practice of people who are not in the RP somehow having an opinion on it and ventilating it here or elsewhere for some reason. I find that highly distasteful, and in this case specifically.

EDIT: especially with a shoddy rhetoric of someone basically going “look i virtually destroyed the rp i wasn’t even in, and made people consider leaving RPG but rly guys i did it for the organic confrontation,” which is straight dogshit reasoning.
I think it comes to a simple decision.

Do you really want to go out of your way to confront some random internet dude and earn nothing from that, or do you prefer to vent off a bit to people that may or may not want to listen to you but are all gathered in a literal "shout your grievances here" room and then follow your routine as normal?

It takes some effort to learn, but burning bridges (or taking the chance for that to happen) hardly is the best way to tackle disagreements.

Because obviously nobody knew what this was about and it was just venting by someone who wasn’t in this RP to begin with and thus had nothing to do witj it? Oh. Thanks for enlightening me. 🤔 You say you’d earn nothing but if people had communicated something could’ve been earned - a better outcome than the one we’ve seen in this case, personal betterment, etc.

I take it you’re of the opinion that (butt)hurt feelings are a better outcome since you prefer petty shade that is too obviously aimed at a specific RP and specific group of GM’s over a good conversation to talk things out - solely because petty shade = better output than confrontation.


@Inkarnate yeah man worked so well that approach lmao xD. The fact that it caused people not involved in the OOC and IC of that RP to not only take note but get involved by posting shit in this thread definitely speaks in a) your favour and b) magic “ORGANIC” confrontation.

By that definition anything can be a confrontation because not doing anything is “dealing with” too. You know better than that. Again, crooked argument.

Beyond that you seem to be operating under the assumption I was talking about you when I was speaking (quite clearly imho) about @Raddums most recent posts in the bitch thread. If that is so then I’m sorry but I really don’t even know what you did. But hey, if the shoe fits dude.

You’re talking utter nonsense in terms of talking about confrontation if you are going to have the “definition of the word” as your leading argument. Nothing beyond that then makes sense anymore.

Either way, take a look at what you’ve caused and “ORGANICALLY” confront the other side of the party and have a good chat with them. I’m sure you’ll continue to believe that this was definitely a positive move (you ARE taking responsibility for causing this “organic” confrontation, I can infer from your post) dude. Good job lmao.
@Inkarnate yeah you are but that is besides the point. No matter how much of a crooked self serving justification for throwing shade you come up with, it will always remain cowardly.

I mean really. “Organic confrontation,” just how many layers of BS are we on currently? You either confront and discuss or you act like a whiny baby and throw shade in a thread. Bonus points if you weren’t even involved like happened just a day ago.

What the fuck even is an organic confrontation. What is different here:

I don’t throw shade and confront you.
I throw shade and “organically” you confront me.

The difference is the 2nd option probably already made the other person buttmad because of shade being thrown. What a crooked argument.
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