Avatar of Dmessenger
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    1. Dmessenger 11 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Hey long time no see RPG, I've been having a busy life and new stuff has happened, how is everyone
9 yrs ago
i'm finally getting a rp off the ground


I have had experience role playing at a old site known as Whookos forum (I was known as Death's messenger and Zeek on there). I've always had a interest in sci fi, movies, video games. For consoles I own a 3DS, 3DS xl, New 3DS xl, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox one, Gamecube, N64, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Pocket. I have a lot of games, from the Zelda, Mario, Smash, Mario kart, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Pokemon, and Monster Hunter.

Pm me if you want to add me on xbox live, PSN, 3DS, and Wii U.

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One of the other hunters got up and walked over and sat across from Alex and said "alright it's my turn to watch." Alex nodded and headed to his tent. when he reached his tent he layed down and for a little while he couldn't sleep. Alex then said "I sure do hope this plan doesn't fail, because this could be the end of us." Then Alex fell asleep.
Alex and his men got their stuff together and then they took turns watching guard on the camp. During Alex's turn he thought about what is going to happen tomorrow. "let's hope that this guy is going to be willing to trust us, or this plan isn't going to work." Alex then began to sharpen his blade as he watched guard.
One of the hunters said "so what's the plan." Alex said "I may not like some of their methods but It may be better for us to help them over giving them up to the King." Another hunter said "but the king would reward us handsomely for them." A different hunter said "but he may arrest us and torture us with them for even talking to them." Alex said "Then it's decided when we go to the meeting tomorrow we are going to give them our full support." The other hunters all gave a shout in agreement.
Alex took the money and returned to the camp with his men. One of the other hunters said "Are you sure we should trust the rebels, they've been known to be as ruthless as the king himself." Alex said " my guess is that they want to use us to get in the castle, since they brought the offer up after I mentioned that we brought slaves to the king." Another hunter said "well what if they betray us." Alex said "Then we help them at little as possible since they probably don't trust us much either." One hunter said "so what are you going to try and offer." Alex said "I have plan that could get them in and out before anyone notices they've gone, though they will have to trust me for it to work"
Alex said "600 shekels silver for all four of them which is cheep." Alex scowled at the comment about selling humans and said "I would like to point out that all elves and humans I sell have S banded on the back of their neck which classifies them as slaves, I do not kidnap humans or elves from the free cities and sell them." Alex then said "Also I'd like to mention that my highest paying client the great King Emery so be wary who you ask me to capture." Alex smiled and said "After all members of your organization have a 200,000 shekels gold reward out for them, but if you give a good price I may be willing to consider your offer." Alex then glanced at the direwolf "and if your friends in the organization have security like that around they won't have to worry about my group, we prefer not to risk our lives for gold."

The cart arrived and the other bounty hunters took out the elves and walked them over next to Feyd, but left the cuffs on them. One hunter handed Alex the key and the others returned to the cart waiting to see the sale go through. Alex then said "alright here are your elves, hand over the gold and you will get the key to release them."
Alex said "I'm a man of my word, If I lied to my clients then I wouldn't have a business." Alex then whistled and a hawk flew down. When the hawk landed on Alex's arm, Alex handed it a medallion and it flew off. "my men shall arrive shortly with the elves." Alex said "In my honest opinion I don't care who buys them and what they do with them, since I've sold both human and elf slaves."
Alex said "well well, I didn't know our group was watched so closely." The wolf growled back at the beast not showing fear. Alex place a hand on the wolf to calm him down. Alex then said "Now I don't know where my men are exactly, but for the right price I will send a message to my men to bring the elves here and hand them over no questions asked."
Alex stopped his horse and looked at his wolf. Then turned around and said "what is it, and make it quick I have some more deals to make." The other bounty hunters returned the branded slaves to their owners. After getting the reward for them they started heading toward the slave traders to sell the ones that can be sold.
Alex was leading the three on the other horse at a slow trot when suddenly the wolf growled. Alex said "I wasn't expecting them to get here so quickly." Alex then quickened the paced to a full gallop. Alex gave a loud whistle to signal to the other hunters that they were going to have company. The other hunters quickly put the other slaves in the cart and they started heading toward the slave traders place.

Alex soon arrived at the town and helped the three young elves off the horse walked them over to a guard and said "return them to their families these three are too young to be sold as slaves." The guard shrugged and took them through the gates. Alex then got back on his horse and went to meet his fellow bounty hunters at the slave traders.
All the other bounty hunters were rounding up the other elves. Alex was returning with the three young ones he could hear them. "count heads, how many" Said one. Another hunter said "we have about 13" "damn it we're missing three" Alex then shouted "correction we have them all" the other hunters gave a cheer. Alex said "check them for brands." The hunters began to check them. "I've got a few with Miric's brand" " there are others with brands for a few slave dealers." Alex checked the kids and the young female elf "these three are not branded" One of the other hunters said "does that mean they were born free." Alex said "no it means that are from the linked town." Alex then said "I will personally escort them back to the town you take them to their owners." Alex then put the young elf and elfs kids on a horse. Alex got back on his horse and began to ride back toward the linked town.
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