Steampunk or Cyberpunk decisions, decisions.
5 yrs ago
I've written and published two books before my 30th birthday, I'm happy but I should have started sooner.
5 yrs ago
I stopped RPing for nearly a year because I've been self publishing novels, but maybe I should jump back in again.
6 yrs ago
Stan Lee was able to create superheroes on the pages for us as kids, so we could find the superheroes in ourselves as adults.
6 yrs ago
A local hairdresser was arrested for prostitution last night. I'm shocked. I was a customer of hers for years, and I didn't even know she was a hairdresser.
Just as a heads up, Dread has already made a character from Roh so I would ask that the remaining regions for characters be from Alvion, Ispar or Naveroth