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@Ciaran I have made some minor changes, (mainly in word choice) and while I'm sure it would still be acceptable could you check it again?
Just in case I have no plans to make Milo a full cleric, though that will be his main class, I see his limited faith in the Gods from making it harder for him and will probably give him some fighter levels as well. If that messes up someone else's plans let me know and I will change his secondary class.
@Lucius Cypher I think both idea's sound good but believe that going all out pvp is only feasible short term and I don't know how long you want the campaign to be
@Cu Chulainn Sorry about that if I had known about you wanting to play a cleric before I started on the cs I would have picked a different class
@Ciaran Hey could you check if what I have for a CS works so far?

Despite what the link says equipment also includes Common vestments,
5 sticks of incense, mace 1d6,
Scale mail,
Explorer’s Pack ( Includes a backpack, a bedroll,a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it).

While Other proficiency and languages also includes
+2 constitution
+2 strength
Dwarven resilience
Dwarven Armor Training

Features & traits also has
Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor.

War Priest
From 1st level, your god delivers bolts of inspiration to you while you are engaged in battle. When you use the Attack action, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

For some reason despite being visible on my computer those things show up on imgur no matter how often I try
@Ciaran I know that's partly why I picked this game.

My rolls are 7, 14, 12,8,11, and 15

@Ciaran I have no experience with tabletop style rpgs, but this seems interesting
@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword @Heyitsjiwon@kuroku
Hogoblin Zats

The beetle's meat tasted as bad as he imagined, but Zats still ate until he was full. Afterwards he resumed his trek the forest, this time looking for Gina again. Since he still wanted to drag his catch's carcass back to the church later he used his spear to leave marks in the ground to find his way back to it.

After he walked around for a while heard someone yelling for help. He did his best to run in the direction it came from, though the tree's made it hard to run in a straight line. Eventually though he arrived at the scene of the incident and saw some strange female Goblin, not realizing he had seen her in the cave before. Not too interested in helping a total stranger who, as far as he knew, wasn't even of his tribe and might be luring him in a trap, he tried to conceal himself in a bush before she saw him.

@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst @ReusableSword @Kangutso

Without any mp Danny had to trust the others to take care of the rats and keep him from dying, at least seeing them deal with the Goblins gave him some hope they could handle it without too much trouble. Hope that was quickly dashed by a third and unknown Pixie delivering a warning about some kind of giant Slime coming their way before punching one the Dire Rats.

Despite the risk of distracting one of or more of his allies at the worst possible time the Wisp felt he had no choice but tell them he was helpless right now. "I need a mana crystal, I don't have enough MP left to move, let alone fight off these rats and that slime!" He just had to trust that they would be able to help him, and while he hated being helpless and an easy kill he knew he was better off then he would be if he was facing even a single rat without MP on his own.

@Lucius Cypher @Searat

Well you have my interest.
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