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Right and do we just roll for stats or is there a point buy system?
If we go the party route what would be a good easy to play class that fills a need?
Milo was definitely born in the Bulwark mountain range but raised in a temple in Davor
What classes will you guys be?
@Lusus Naturae You didn't set the sheet to public so only you can see it

@Ciaran Is my CS acceptable now?
@Ciaran Doesn't that mean I can still write three spells in the spells list? Other than that yeah I get it
@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword @Heyitsjiwon@kuroku
Hogoblin Zats

When the unknown Goblin mentioned one of his friends being in danger Zats knew he would go out, even if it was a trap. Without saying anything he ran out of the bushes and saw Gina fighting a strange humanoid creature. Wanting to help her he rushed in her direction but before he got close enough to be of any assistance some bizarre figure covered in wood and wielding a sword rammed his shoulder into her opponent. Despite knowing full well her safety was more important he still felt a little bad about losing the chance to be a hero.

It was at that point that he realized that if the other female Goblin talked about him wanting to sneak away he would look really bad. Not that there was anything he could do to prevent her from talking, so if she did he would just have to live with it.

While he was pondering all that the Trolls figuring they couldn't win ran off without him needing to do anything. Usually he would consider that a good thing but at the moment he was more concerned about Gina's possible reaction if she heard about him not wanting ton get involved.

@Jangel13 At the time you asked Zats realized he came across a Goblin he believed to be a total stranger and tried to sneak away from a potential trap by hiding in the bushes. No idea what he will be doing when you read this, cause I haven't read all the new posts yet.
[@Ciara] I read somewhere that for spells it was level plus proficiency bonus but fixed and the ideal was literally the one suggested for neutralen acolytes in the phb, though frankly I only had it because I couldn't think of something better

Anyway does this work better?
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