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@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst @Kangutso

The level up message surprised Danny more then it should given the other system messages he had gotten. He went over the list of possible skills and wondered what he should invest his skills in. He could improve his Mana Orb or develop Plant Analysis, Mana Strike or Faster. While both mana options sounded good there was also meditate. Despite the lack of evidence he believed there was a good chance it was the skill he needed to recover mana without crystals.

Eventually he decided to go for it, after all he had gained Monster Analysis without any points and judging by the "level" Mana Orb would improve on its own. "Put everything in meditation." He turned to the rest of the group ready to tell them the good news and secretly hoping they were all still first level. "Hey guys guess what, I just leveled up."

@Lucius Cypher What would be the weight of my wolf claw necklace be then?
Never thought about the shield messing that up but it should be fixed now. I also added the component's pouch and the prices, I understand why you would want that. If you do end up calculating my expenses just remember I sold the shield for 5 gp and the staff outlanders get for 2,5 gp and assumed it meant that instead of the more expensive quarterstaff. If there is still anything wrong in how much money I have let me know and I'll fix it.
I think I have everything except the backstory
@Riaxh How did you make so you get extra info on something by hovering over it?
@Lucius Cypher I see where I messed up I remembered proficiency bonus when it said constitution modifier, don't ask me how.
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst @Kangutso

"Try focusing on actively regenerating your Mana or something too! " The lizard had a point, but couldn't know that Danny tried something like that the previous day without any luck. Anyway next time he was out of mana outside of battle with a mana crystal nearby he would try to feed on its ambient energy again. At the moment he touched the crystal she threw at him and drained it to completely recover his mp. He immediately levitated into the air and flew closer to the slime while hopefully not getting into range of it's tentacle whips.

He had an idea on how to better hit it with everything he got, but due it taking time and possibly failing, he never though he would get to try it in battle. He started preparing a Mana Orb and at the same time used Lesser Force to change it's form.

At first he was just gonna try and compress it to as small a size as he could, but he got another idea. Inspired by how easily the tip of the stalagmite pierced the slime he tried to shape the orb into the form of an arrowhead.

@Lucius Cypher Oh yeah it's far from complete, just wanted to make sure I hadn't seriously messed up somewhere. Also if my health is 28 does that mean my proficiency bonus is 6? I wasn't sure if the table meant that it would stick to +2 or go up by 2
@Lucius Cypher This is what so far, could you check if there are any issues?
@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword @Heyitsjiwon@kuroku
Hogoblin Zats

While Zats had no clue as to why Gina would chase after the remaining creature, he naturally followed her in case she got in trouble. Not wanting her to believe he thought she couldn't herself, he stayed behind far enough that he couldn't see either of them.

Instead he used the trail of bloodspatters and footprints to track them, ready to reveal himself the instant he heard something he didn't trust.

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