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@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst @Kangutso

Skill Gain: Meditate I
By concentrating and calming oneself, increase the regeneration of Magic Power and Stamina. This skill cannot be used in battle. Any distractions in the environment will drastically decrease the effectiveness of this skill. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with other skills.

While Danny was happy that the skill indeed recovered MP, the fact that it was useless in battle was disappointing. Still he decided he could at least tell the others about it. "I just learned meditate, while it can't be used in battle or while using other skills, if you concentrate and calm yourself it increases the speed at which you regain MP and Stamina. So I think it's worth learning."

He thought things over and decided that it couldn't hurt to offer to teach what limited magic skills he had, after all having unusual skills was one of the biggest advantages the former humans had over regular monsters."If you want I can also try and teach both Mana Orb and Lesser Force, just don't expect a lot of examples."

Wow, I completely forgot about this. Anyway I'm sticking around
Honestly Zats doesn't care about what happens to the Orcs, his goal is protecting Gina
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst @Kangutso

While he still hoped his attempt to meditate and pay attention to his surroundings worked Danny trusted the others to keep him safe if anything happened started tuning them out. As a result he didn't notice Ash using the healing stone something that he might otherwise be interested in, especially if a mana recovering one could be created, even without the ability to keep it with him.

Possibly unfortunately for his skill raising attempts rather than clear his head he kept thinking about his other skills, usable or not. He figured that if he could make his mana dart spin or rotate it might penetrate monsters much easier, and also wondered if he should still try his idea to compress Mana Orbs to either make them more powerful or cost less mana, or if meditate meant he should focus on different skills due to him potentially recovering mana.

Eventually he gave up on mastering the skill for the moment and started paying attention to the outside of the world again, just in to hear the albino lizard ask Ash, for some reason, about magic. "Hope you don't mind me butting in, but even if you can use magic you don't want to become so dependent on it that you have no combat skills that don't require mp."

Pretty sure my cs is done
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst @Kangutso

While he had no way of knowing how close meditate was to becoming usable Danny did manage to get Mana Orb to level 2, even though that meant ignoring Ash's sensible warning. As he wondered if he could ever get any combat skills that didn't rely on mana the eyeball eating pixie asked what a gullet was which quickly explained. "Huh, I always thought it was some kinda slang for stomach. English is not my first language though, I am...was Dutch."

He still saw himself as mostly the same person as when he was alive, though he never imagined him killing other sentient creatures or even animals. But on the other hand having all been born in the same cave the group could technically be considered the same nationality.

No problem
@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword @Heyitsjiwon@kuroku
Hogoblin Zats

"I AM GINA, THE APOSTLE OF THE ETERNAL MOTHER AND I DEMAND YOUR SURRENDER! "I SHALL SPARE YOUR LIVES IF YOU CEASE ALL HOSTILITIES WITH MY KIND." Even though Zats only barely heard what Gina was saying he facepalmed as he didn't believe that would work. Not wanting her to get hurt he stopped worrying about her noticing that he was following her and started running.

Before too long her arrived at the cave with the Orc Gina had been fighting dead outside. Hoping he still on time to defuse the situation he walked into the cave holding the Everoak Shield in front and carrying his spear with the tip pointing up. If the Orcs recognized the shield he believed he had a good chance to convince them his crush wasn't lying. Believe me I understand if you don't trust her, but she actually is Shirila's high priestess. Like her I don't want to fight, but if you try to hurt her I will defend her.

@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst @Kangutso

Danny knew all too well he was a large part as to why the group couldn't fight prolonged battles. The pixies were dependent on magic for their most useful skills as well but the could still punch and kick or something when out, he could only attack twice and then he couldn't even move anymore. Not for the first time he wished he had chosen a different monster when presented with the choice.

But that was in the past, right now he could only hope he was right about meditate and try to make it usable as soon as possible. As he was lost in thought again Ash mentioned something knowing about a safe spot. "Right behind you."

When they eventually arrived at the spot the Lizard had been talking about Danny decided that it might be a good idea to try and develop his skills somewhat as he already knew that a good night's rest would recover his mp.

"Don't worry we're not under attack again, I'm just trying to improve Mana Orb." He honestly doubted the others would assume he was firing at some random monster approaching them, but figured it didn't hurt to reassure them. He shot off the two Mana Orbs he was capable off with as little time between them as possible.

When he inevitably crashed to the ground he tried to empty his mind and meditate while hopefully still registering what the others were doing and saying, cause if that last part was impossible then the skill would be useless and even dangerous during combat.

I don't really care, if you make one I will join though
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