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@Lucius Cypher You didn't @mention me in the ic and mentioned searat twice
@Mae@rocketrobie2 Dan already moved to B25
@Mae Can I get a reminder on what Exotic Herbs, Tequilla and Rare Spice do again?

>Dan moves to B25 and stays there

If no one knows who the lantern had and or wants it Dan will take
Milo Korvac

Milo honestly had no idea why he was sent to Sveto just to witness an execution, it's not like Davor was close enough to really be troubled by the so called Whiteheath Witch. Sure having him try and convert people to follow Tempus might make sense but even he would admit he wasn't a great choice for that. He might have spent his entire life in the temple ever since one of the priests found him as a child but he made no secret of the fact that he only followed their teachings out of a sense of duty not faith.

Still at least he would get to see a criminal be brought to justice, so it wasn't a total waste of time. He arrived at the gallows early since due to his size he needed a good spot to see everything. After what seemed way too long Cecilie Lukska was brought and hung, only to turn into someone else upon death. Naturally the transformation caused some small rioting and though he didn't really care he knew he had to try and calm things down before anyone got really hurt. He looked around to see if he could find the biggest troublemakers.

@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst @Kangutso

"Lesser force may in fact be helpful for more menial tasks since I currently lack hands, so if you're offering." Only after Ash took him up on his offer did Danny realize he had no idea of how to teach either of his two known spells. "Fair warning though, while Lesser Force is as far as I know as dexterous as my hands were it doesn't have nearly as much as strength behind it."

He was quite clearly stalling and hoped Ash didn't figure it out. "Let's see I personally use it by just focusing on something and wanting to move it, but I doubt that will work for you since you don't have the skill yet. So maybe try controlling your mana while you imagine an invisible hand moving the object you want moved." His tone of voice easily revealed the lack of confidence behind his words but it was the best example he could come up with.

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword @Heyitsjiwon@kuroku
Hogoblin Zats

Unfortunately for Zats his shield didn't seem to impress the Trolls as much as he had hoped, in fact the completely ignored it. The leader got up and threatened to add them to his necklace. If Gina hadn't been there he would have ran off then and there even though it would mean abandoning the unknown Goblin the Trolls kept caged up.

Zats barely had enough time to register what the stranger was saying about go for the leader's neck before said leader swung his club around. Without thinking he placed his shield in front of Gina and only once it was in place he used Instant armor on himself hoping he was at least in time to protect her.

@Jangel13 Gotcha
@Jangel13 Don't forget Zats is also in the orcs' cave and tried showing of the Everoak shield
@Mae Yes I am
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