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@Riaxh @Lucius Cypher


While Thokk wasn't sure he believed that the person he was following knew he was there. If that was the case then either he didn't want to start any trouble either or he had no interest in someone ready to fight back. Either option was fine with the half-ork. Eventually Throkk and his guide approached a temple, which seemed to be in a much better condition than any of the other buildings they passed on the way.

Unfortunately simply entering seemed to be impossible. While the stench of the decaying creature nearby was almost enough away to drive him a group of scavengers seemed to be drawn to it. "I trust you know how to use that.First them, then the temple. Are you with me?"

Did the stranger really think Thokk was crazy or stupid enough to come here unless he could defend himself? If the half-ork thought he could handle both the dragon born and the scavengers he might have shown what he was capable off, but this was not the time. "I am, for now."
@Lucius Cypher Do we have to roll initiative or something before the battle?
>Dan moves to B28 and stays there
@Mae If it's just one dt yes, if it's one dt per roll no
@Mae Is that minus 2 movement or risk falling through the ice thing still in effect?

>Dan scavenges

@Ciaran I ended up rolling 10 and 0, so I'm glad the highest one counts
Milo Korvac

This was just great while Milo was caught in the stampede, and unable to see over or through the larger humans, it was likely that some criminals used the chaos to their advantage. He had to seriously resist the urge to draw his mace and just scare of the angry and concerned civilians. He restrained himself though and aside from minor retaliations whenever someone accidentally kicked or elbowed him in the face let the crowd push him around. One plus was that at least it wasn't boring as the temple.

Eventually though he reached his limits and cast Thaumaturgy and yelled as loud as he could.
"Calm down, people. This solves nothing!"

During his wanderings Thokk had heard of Norn and the dangers that resided there and while for most of his journey he had been smart enough to avoid those dangers, now they were the very reason he came there. If he wanted to save and protect his surviving tribe members from the Shadow Trashers he needed strength, power and riches.

"I still think you're crazy, just like all the others who go to this hell willingly." "You might be right Captain, you might be right." With that the half-orc exited the ship and set foot on the beach. When he noticed he wasn't the only living creatureout there he placed a hand on his sword but didn't draw it. Not bothering to be stealthy but also not saying anything he followed the dragonborn at such a distance that it was unlikely he would be mistaken for trying to attack.
>Dan stays where he is
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