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@rush99999 I didn't read the post as carefully as I thought and missed that the trog Thokk was fighting survived
@Lucius Cypher This time Thokk is close enough to be affected by the miasma right? Also do I need to roll to see if he was hit and if not how much damage did he take?
@Riaxh @Lucius Cypher @rush99999@Searat

Thokk had been in enough storms to know that the one approaching would hit them soon and it wouldn't be much to fight in. If he wasn't desperate to become stronger and acquire money he would have simply walked away from the battle and looked for shelter. Instead he chased the trogs, while staying clear of the foul smelling substance leaking out of the dead one. He attacked the first one using half cover he came across.

@Lucius Cypher Is Thokk close enough to the dead trog to be affected by the miasma and if so what roll is needed to resist it and what happens if it's too low?
@Jangel13 Good luck with the next two steps then
@Lucius Cypher

My initiative is 17
@Lucius Cypher Okay that's 8 damage
@Lucius Cypher I rolled twice due to assuming I also have advantage.

18 and 10
@Riaxh @Lucius Cypher @rush99999@Searat

Thokk had barely agreed to help the dragonborn out before someone else attacked the troglodytes. Considering the distance between him and the scavengers he considered using Chromatic Orb or Chill Touch but he didn't trust the two strangers enough to reveal some of his tricks that easily. Instead he drew his blade and dashed towards the carcass ready to the first troglodyte he came across.

@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst @Kangutso

As Ash tried to put his explanation into practice the sounds of the battle made Danny more and more curious to the point that he wanted to see what was going on. On the other hand if he was spotted leaving the camp he would not only endanger himself but the rest of the group as well and he hand no desire to do that.He would have to come with up a way to, if not prevent that entirely from happening, at least decrease the odds as much as possible. The fact that Wisps flew already helped with that but their natural glow was a major hassle.

Thanks to his first week he knew he could flash, so it was possible to control it. All he needed to do was turn it down as much as possible and keep it that way for a prolonged amount of time. Danny first flew down low enough to be absolutely sure the rocks would cover any light he created and started flashing as possible, though instead of making his glow brighter he tried to dim it and keep it that way.

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