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Thokk was surprised that anyone would just open the temple doors but he also understood the barbarian's reasoning. After all they would get nowhere just waiting for someone else to go first. Not long after he followed the others in some kind of skeleton appeared, the half-ork was about to draw his blade but it started talking, despite it's words he wasn't sure if he could trust though and as such he paid great attention trying to discover any possible lies.

@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @Kangutso

Happy that his plan to move more stealthily worked Danny dimmed his natural glow as much as he possibly could, and while using any outcroppings of the cavewall for cover made his way to the ceiling. It took longer than he would have liked, both due to his focus and not glowing and the lack of a straight path to the top. .Eventually he made it though and darted to the nearest stalactite.

From there he did his best his best to plot a path that would allow him to both have a good overview of the battle and minimize any changes of being seen. Of course he had never done something like that before and a good deal of his attention was focused on not glowing, so the path he settled on was from from perfect in either aspect.

Yep I'll go with this one, but in green

@Rin@Omega Man I'll pick a color after I see what the others have
@Ciaran I got a 10 for initiative
@Omega Man If there is still room I'm definitely interested in the power rangers rp, and while I don't know much about sailor moon that might be fun too.
@Jangel13 Hey real life comes first and it has to be a lot of work dm'ing this kind of rp

After the other adventures finished the trogs off Thokk relaxed a little thinking they had a while to regroup and discus their next course of action. Almost that exact moment the sound of the other group of humanoids reached him. Given the size and ferociousness of the group along with the storm and and his already sustained injuries the halfork had no intention of facing them in combat, if it could be avoided.

Despite realizing the temple might be very well hold even greater challenges Thokk decided to take his changes and dashed towards the door, but he didn't enter yet. He watched what the others were doing since as reluctant as he was to face the second group of troglodytes he felt it might be more dangerous to go inside the temple on his own.

Also since Thokk moved away without disengaging he takes two attacks of opportunity. Fortunately it’s a 10 and a 12 so they both miss.

If you did intend to disengage, please specify in your hidden log. I’m not going to make assumptions about your own abilities and only recognize what you say, not what you intended.

I didn't even think about disengaging to be honest, I will try to keep it in mind


Surprised by the trogs ferociousness Thokk decided to back down. He moved back fifteen feet and took several breaths to calm down a little, he had underestimated his enemies but at least it was in a situation where his mistake wasn't immediately life threatening. The storm admittedly made a prolonged battle a daunting prospect but neither rushing in nor keeping his abilities hidden was the way to go here.
Eventually his wounds started to hurt less and he prepared his next move

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